• 牛角面包味道应该浓郁的黄油味,并带有天然奶制品甜味

    The flavor of a croissant should be intensely buttery with a natural dairy sweetness.


  • 加工过食物比如蓬松牛角面包虽然热量很高,但可能根本不会使体重增加很多

    The processed food such as a fluffy and light croissant may not register as much extra scale weight at all even though it's very high in calories.


  • 直到1770年,这种糕点牛角面包的名字流传开来。

    It was not until 1770 that the pastry came to be known as the croissant.


  • 这里早晨提供牛角面包咖啡,接下来强效提神的mojito鸡尾酒。

    Croissants and coffee are on offer in the morning, and potent mojitos later on.


  • (虽然早餐这些其实也是可以的)。意大利喜欢拿着杯卡布·奇诺搭配牛角面包走边

    (Although there's nothing wrong with having them for breakfast you know) an Italian likes to eat on the run with a cappuccino and croissant.


  • 当然生活牛角面包Pellegrino啤酒有时候担心父母家门

    Of course, my life isn’t all croissants and Pellegrino. Sometimes I’m concerned my parents are trying to push me out the door.


  • 据报道说,这家快餐店计划随后几个推出牛角面包热狗一类的食物,打算在平壤再一家分店

    It plans to add croissants and hot dogs to its menu in the coming months but with Korean names, and will open another branch in the capital soon, according to the newspaper.


  • 切片了的牛角面包迷你奶油蛋卷加入小块优质巧克力,然后放到烤炉里面去烘烤。

    Slip a few tablets of good chocolate into a sliced croissant or mini brioche and warm in the oven.


  • 牛角面包这种广受欢迎糕点成薄片的发酵面团进行烘烤制成或者是纯面团,或者配上馅料装饰配料通常巧克力

    The croissant is a widely known and enjoyed kind of pastry made from leavened laminated dough and baked plain or with some sort of filling or topping, most commonly chocolate.


  • croissant这个英语新月”,新月形是这种普遍形状不过做成其他形状牛角面包

    The word itself is translated as "crescent" into English, which is the shape most typically associated with this flaky pastry, although it can be found in other forms as well.


  • 这里有无数法式蛋糕店,可以品尝切成薄片牛角面包轻如空气的马卡龙,或者在塞纳河左岸的户外品尝一瓶波尔多葡萄酒。

    Sample flaky croissants and light-as-air macarons from any of the countless patisseries, or sip a bottle ofBordeaux while picnicking along the Left Bank of the River Seine.


  • 佩泊里奇农场不得不为自己的产品辩护,其产品标准经理CarolJohnson:“任何一家牛角面包黄油用料都会占到四分之一。”

    Pepperidge Farm defends its product: "Anybody's croissant is made up of about one-fourth butter," says product Standards Manager Carol Johnson.


  • 这种糕点巴黎维也纳一样受到欢迎从此巴黎面包就一直这种糕点,而全世界面包师都是从巴黎学会了制作牛角面包的方法。

    The pastry proved as popular in Paris as it had in Vienna and Parisian bakers have been making it ever since as have bakers around the world who learned it from the Parisians.


  • 基本理念就是人们想要看到食物制作过程,尤其是那种有趣的重复工作,而大规模的烘焙属于此类。看过制作牛角面包的过程吗?

    The basic idea is that people like watching their food being made, particularly when it's the kind of mesmerizing, repetitive work that mass-baking can be. Have you seen croissants beings made?


  • 如果健康食物,有可能会吃掉,这会使你更重。处理过的食物,例如蓬松,轻牛角面包重量并不大,虽然它们含有较高的热量。

    If you ate the more healthful food you might take in a couple of pounds of actual food that would actually make you seem heavier if you weighed yourself after eating it.


  • 问题这些土耳其人对西欧进攻发生在公元十七世纪末期我们手头的资料里,牛角面包第一次提及的日期比那晚了将近170多年

    Trouble is that these Turkish attacks happened back around the end of the 1600s and the first reference we have to the pastries doesn't come until something like 170 years later.


  • 它们还供应多种出炉面包牛角许多店也午餐和晚餐提供熟食三明治肉馅卷饼、炸饺子等一应俱全

    Paderias also offer a wide assortment of fresh-baked bread and croissants and many have deli fare for lunch and dinner, from sandwiches to empanadas to pastels.


  • 意大利原装进口专用于丹麦面包起酥类产品各式牛角包。

    Imported from Italy special for Danish bread, pastry and croissant.


  • 感谢慷慨捐助我们窝窝头今天菜单是牛角面包

    Thanks to your gracious donation, instead of the usual day-old donuts, today we ate croissants!


  • 又或是烘焙的香气——走进一家面包,那暖暖的牛角包一般的香气扑面而来

    You know, how 'bout the bakery air, when you walk into a bakery and you get that warm front of, like, croissants in your face.


  • 又或是烘焙的香气——走进一家面包,那暖暖的牛角包一般的香气扑面而来

    You know, how 'bout the bakery air, when you walk into a bakery and you get that warm front of, like, croissants in your face.


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