• 科学适当犯罪心理教学方法提高学科教学质量关键

    Scientific, proper teaching method of crime psychology is the key to improve the teaching quality of this subject.


  • 网络一种病态心理成瘾疾病,青少年犯罪心理影响

    Network addiction is a prevalent disease, which has great influences to juvenile delinquency and psychology.


  • 应用心理领域例子有:犯罪心理学、人类工程学产业与组织心理学。

    Examples of applied areas of psychology include forensic psychology, ergonomics and industrial-organizational psychology.


  • 心理很多分支包括实验心理学,医学心理学,犯罪心理等等

    Psychology has a lot of branch, including experimental psychology, medical psychology, crime psychology and so on!


  • 原因一个系统不同性质,不同作用具体因素聚合效应形成了不同的犯罪心理原因

    Reason is a system, in which different criminal psychological reasons are formed by the mixture effect of specific facts of different nature and different function.


  • 本文通过对张君犯罪心理剖析指出特别注意一种社会人格障碍导致的犯罪现象

    By analyzing the criminal psychology of Zhang Jun, the author points out that we should pay very close attention to the criminal phenomena touched off by the character against society.


  • 网络道德缺失青少年犯罪影响:诱发青少年犯罪心理形成使青少年犯罪形态发生新的变化

    The influences which morals lacking of network are including, bring out the youngsters criminal psychology's form, make the youngsters' criminal mode change.


  • 犯罪心理告诉我们任何人违法犯罪活动都一定心理因素支配完成,大学生例外

    Criminal psychology tells us all illegal crimes are conducted under the domination of certain psychological factors, and the university students are not exceptional.


  • 所有动物中,只有人类残忍的。他们唯一将快乐建立在制造痛苦之上动物。《犯罪心理》。

    Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.


  • 犯罪心理测试系统构建主要包括测试主题确定、测试结构构建、测试结论综合推导等核心内容。

    The system construction of crime psychological test mainly includes the decision of test subject, the building of test construction, and the synthetical derivation of test conclusion.


  • 为了透彻地认识青少年犯罪心理更好预防青少年犯罪本文从理论上分析了犯罪心理形成

    In order to know the criminal psychology of juvenile more thoroughly with the aim of better prevention of juvenile crime, this article has analyzed the formation of crime psychology theoretically.


  • 托尼女孩的不忠行为感到愤怒雄心勃勃的犯罪心理刺激下,他参加朋友马里奥的团伙。

    Tony Stephanois, just out of prison and angry at his girl Mado s infidelity, decides to join his pals Jo and Mario in an ambitious crime.


  • 可能一个受害者如何体会犯罪所受惩罚,或许你会问,罪责,如何体会这种惩罚,我犯罪心理很感兴趣。

    Now the 2 possible questions you may ask, ok, you may ask how does the victim of a wrong experience the punishment of the perpetrator or you may ask how does the guilty experience this punishment.


  • 研究犯罪心理根本目的为了揭示犯罪原因进行犯罪预测预防控制狭义和广义之并不妨碍这一目的的实现

    The fundamental purpose of studying criminal psychology is to reveal the causes of crime, predict, prevent and control the crimes, which is realized regardless of the disputes.


  • 比较剖析国内外关于流动人口犯罪各种理论犯罪心理学和犯罪社会学角度提出自己对流动人口犯罪原因的看法

    It discusses and analyses the theory of floating population crime at home and broad, and puts forward his own opinion from the view of sociology of crime and physiologic of crime.


  • 侦查工作中,研究应用犯罪心理痕迹分析犯罪分子的犯罪动机、实施犯罪活动过程以及刻画犯罪分子均大有裨益。

    In investigating work, it is helpful to search and apply criminal psychological track for analyzing the criminal's motive and the process of crime committing and "picturing..."


  • 人们工作和生活步入网络技术时代,网络技术成为犯罪心理形成新的归因犯罪心理研究迎接着网络技术的挑战。

    At a time when people have got into the world of network, network tech has become the new cause of the formation of criminal psychology. The study of criminal psychology is facing the cha...


  • 犯罪心理学家海伦·赫德森得太出色了别人看来毫无线索情况下分析出杀人凶手活动规律作案手法甚至一个目标

    Criminal psychologist Helen Hudson dry too well: in others, the case seems to have no clue that she can analyze the activities of the law of the murderer, the modus operandi and even the next target.


  • 网易娱乐那么警察印象最深刻的是《神探》,你扮演位为了痴迷于办案最后付出生命的“疯子”,一个对于犯罪心理有着敏锐直觉天才

    Do you play: netease entertainment of so many police, I most impressive ton, you are addicted to playing a case of "mad last give life", a crime psychology has super sharp instincts of genius.


  • 网易娱乐那么警察印象最深刻的是《神探》,你扮演位为了痴迷于办案最后付出生命的“疯子”,一个对于犯罪心理有着敏锐直觉天才

    Do you play: netease entertainment of so many police, I most impressive ton, you are addicted to playing a case of "mad last give life", a crime psychology has super sharp instincts of genius.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定