"Did you know we have our own CSI [Crime Scene Investigation] team?" asks the website of Ontario's government, citing an American television show.
Vilain and his team envision the test becoming a forensic tool in crime-scene investigations.
So we would be delighted to offer her a part in our CSI film set in France.
Whatever the case may be, the fact remains that CSI is the most watched show in the world.
Crime scene IU and SID show up about the same time for PE, prints, and pics.
CSI also became the first series in decades to really take advantage of its Las Vegas setting.
So researchers in Israel have developed a rapid test -using a CSI tool.
CSI is short for Crime Scene Investigation and was a huge hit when it hit the airwaves back at the start of the millennium.
This technique might help in crime scene investigations—recovered saliva could tell the age of a perpetrator.
You've seen it on TV. Crime scene investigators show up at what might be a murder scene. There are blood spatters-but no body.
The crime scene investigations bureau is comprised of three sections-investigations forensic imaging and fingerprint identification. classifications include both sworn and civilian personnel.
The Crime Scene Investigations Bureau is comprised of three sections - Investigations, Forensic Imaging, and Fingerprint Identification. Classifications include both sworn and civilian personnel.
But since we started the show, I've fallen in love with science and I love the way crime Scene Investigators are able to figure out what's going on, how to solve these crimes.
We see it all the time on shows like Bones and CSI. Skeletal remains can yield all sorts of clues—gender, age, past physical traumas.
《犯罪现场调查:迈阿密》(‘CSI: Miami’)将于5月24播出的一集中,演员们正尝试解开杀手的线索。
The cast of 'CSI: Miami' tries to unravel a killer's clues on an episode airing May 24.
There are 61 photos were taken of Jackson's body before and during the procedure - way more than you see taken by examiners on CSI or NCIS.
For years, Asian broadcasters have been relying on such U. S. imports as the 'CSI' dramas and that old standby 'Baywatch' to fill out their programming schedules.
Carol Mendolson, a producer of the U. S. TV crime show CSI, said she was preparing to make a two-hour CSI TV movie set in Paris, the Daily Telegraph reported.
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: The series that kicked off the procedural boom is such a part of our landscape now that it’s easy to forget how trippy its innovations seemed in 2000.
A CSI might establish a "safe area" just beyond the crime scene where investigators can rest and discuss issues without worrying about destroying evidence.
Note-taking at a crime scene is not as straightforward as it may seem. A CSI's training includes the art of scientific observation .
Note-taking at a crime scene is not as straightforward as it may seem. A CSI's training includes the art of scientific observation .