• 一定程度上意味着男人希望女人只待在家里,”23岁的北京助理编辑聪聪(音译)

    "It kind of implies that men still want to keep women in the house," said Wang Congcong, a 23-year-old assistant editor in Beijing.


  • 如果女人累了,孩子生火就是龙生的那好多好多的孩子。

    And if the woman wearied, there would be her children to light the fire, the many children she would bear to Wang Lung.


  • 我们这些毁灭了,从前待实本西宏一样,把有人烟,连女人孩子,尽都毁灭。

    And we utterly destroyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city.


  • 李尔罗密欧俄狄甫斯,忒瑞西阿斯,他戏剧中走出,他女人是,罗莎琳德埃及艳后,而不会黑影夫人

    He is Lear, Romeo, Oedipus, Tiresias; he has stepped out of a play and even the woman he loves is Rosalind, Cleopatra, never the Dark Lady.


  • 其他几个女人游泳时候,30岁(音译),坐在大连东方休斯顿酒店地下湖边

    Wang Rui, 30, sits beside the pool underneath the Dalian Oriental Houston Hotel as several women swim laps.


  • 所看见女人就是管辖地上大城。

    And the woman that you saw is the great city that has dominion over the Kings of the earth.


  • 接下来就要冬小麦了。龙套犁地,女人身后锄头平整犁沟里的土坷垃。

    Then there were the fields to plant for winter wheat again, and when he had yoked the ox and ploughed the land the woman followed behind with her hoe and broke the clods in the furrows.


  • 约翰得知代表这个女人坐于座山只角代表十个

    John is told the seven heads symbolize the seven mountains on which the woman sits and the ten horns symbolize ten Kings.


  • 无论怎样精彩人生至少可以反映是个简单女人

    No matter what, I think Faye Wong's colorful life at least reflects that she is not a simple woman.


  • 我们这些毁灭了从前实本西宏一样,把有人烟,连女人孩子,尽都。

    We completely destroyed them, as we had done with Sihon king of Heshbon, destroying every city — men, women and children.


  • 姥爷身边舌头根子,姥爷老是爱理不理的,小红这样女人怎么梅家还要。 。

    Three chiam too again in May grandpa side chewing a tongue have root, mei grandpa always to her the cold shoulder, she said WangXiaoGong such woman how may home even marry ah.


  • 当演员李准基韩国最多人次观看电影<男人>中﹐饰演一个拥有女人气质的宫廷弄臣成为全国心跳

    Actor Lee Joon-ki became the nation's heartthrob when he played an effeminate court jester in the country's most viewed film of all time, "The King and the Clown".


  • 中国现在繁荣了”开封外城镇一个娜的农村女人,“我们几十年时间,我们赶上美国甚至超越。”

    "China is booming now, " said Wang Ruina, a young peasant woman on the outskirts of town. "Give us a few decades and we'll catch up with the U. S. , even pass it.


  • 韩寒谈论的文章中提到非常赞赏这个如果家人女人,他是不会放过朔的。

    Han Han, in his article about Wang Shuo had mentioned that he appreciate this person very much, if Wang Shuo injury his family or robbed her girlfriend, he would not let go of Wang Shuo.


  • 韩寒谈论的文章中提到非常赞赏这个如果家人女人,他是不会放过朔的。

    Han Han, in his article about Wang Shuo had mentioned that he appreciate this person very much, if Wang Shuo injury his family or robbed her girlfriend, he would not let go of Wang Shuo.


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