• 非正规就业成了缓解就业压力一条现实途径

    A realistic way to reduce the employment pressure is informal employment.


  • 构建产品业绩核算体系解决部门业绩核算现实途径

    Setting up the system of products performance accounting is the true way to solve such problem.


  • 提出实现地勘队伍管理属地化经营企业化现实途径

    It also points out the channel of fulfilling localized management and running as enterprise in geological prospecting units.


  • 强调燃煤磁流体发电大幅度提高利用效率一条现实途径

    Thus, MHD generation is a practical way of raising the efficiency of utilization of coal.


  • 农民进城务工经商工业反哺农业城市文明辐射农村现实途径

    Farmers' doing business and seeking jobs in cities is a practical way to rely on industry to boost agriculture and extend urban civilization to rural areas.


  • 现代社会背景下重构中国传统节日文化提出现实途径

    Finally it finds a good road to reconstruct the culture of Chinese traditional festivals in the background of modern society.


  • 第四部分探索提出国有商业银行建立股份公司制治理结构现实途径

    The fourth part has exploited and presented the realistic way for state-owned business bank to establish governing structure in stock-joint company.


  • 基础上阐明孟德斯鸠中国文化(尤其是法律文化)独特发现这种发现的现实途径

    Montesquieu stated on the basis of Chinese culture in particular to the unique legal culture and found that such a realistic way.


  • 达到这个目标唯一现实途径就是事情做到极致,再将我们不能覆盖话题相关站点链接上来。

    The only way to realistically achieve that goal is to do one thing really well, and link to other sites for those issues that we don't cover.


  • 中方一直主张和谈解决叙利亚问题唯一现实途径有关各方共同努力保持和谈势头

    But the Chinese side always believes that peace talks are the only way out for the Syrian issue, and maintains that all parties concerned should make joint efforts to sustain the momentum.


  • 根据实证研究结论提出完善组织管理意见,寻求能够引导组织员工提升工作满意度现实途径

    According to the empirical research findings, the paper would help to improve the organizational management and find a realistic way to enhance employees' job satisfaction on the basis of guiding.


  • 同时,作为澳大利亚最大也是慎重的)援助穷国捐款人之一,喜欢事情变得简单使命就是现实途径帮助穷人中的最穷者”。

    And as one of Australia's biggest (and most discreet) donors of aid to poor countries, he also likes to keep things simple: his mission is to help the "poorest of the poor" in practical ways.


  • 心理健康专家说:虽然很有趣甚至是诱惑——可以找回久违爱情友谊途径——但社交网络还是无法替代现实世界。

    While fun, even alluring - a way to connect with long-lost loves and friends - social networks are no replacement for the real thing, say mental health experts.


  • 我会更多尝试因为清醒是个探索交替现实有趣途径

    I think I'll try doing that more often, since lucid dreams are a very exciting way to explore alternate realities.


  • 应该坦诚地承认一些分歧存在现实共同决心寻求缩小分歧的途径

    It should acknowledge frankly the reality of some disagreements as well as register a Shared determination to seek ways of narrowing the ranges of such disagreements.


  • 对于AnthonyKaren周游海地多年摄影师来说,伏都教一个迷人题材而且——某种现实意义上——是获得假期途径

    For photographer Anthony Karen, who has traveled extensively in Haiti over the years, Vodou is at once a fascinating subject andin a very real sense — the gateway to his vocation.


  • 现实拥有诸多债务时,那么从根本上来说唯一有效偿债途径就是贬值货币

    The fact is when you've got that much debt... The only effective way of repaying that debt is basically devaluing your currency. '.


  • 好象天鹅》并不是唯一能够看见娇小女性途径现实生活中这样的途径到处是,电视上,在网络中,在各种新闻媒介里。

    It's not as if "Black Swan" provides a unique opportunity to see images of thin women; they are available all over television, the Web, and on every newsstand.


  • 而且英航需要寻求条实现增长新的途径,寄希望西斯罗机场的第三跑道显得不太现实

    And BA needs a new avenue for growth now that a third runway at Heathrow looks unlikely.


  • 现实社会关系总和出发把握本质把握人的本质的途径方法但不是人的本质本身

    To grasp human nature from the sum total of realistic social relations is the way and method to grasp away of human nature instead of human nature itself.


  • 现实状况现在我们更多关注都集中自己身上,总是不停忙碌着实现自我取得成功寻求有效途径

    A more realistic situation is that we now focus more on their own, always busy for the realization of self, to achieve success in the search for effective way.


  • 目前形成对国家社会公益有效保护最为现实合理途径

    It is the most pragamatic and rational way to protect national and social public welfare effectively at present.


  • 参考现实摄入途径用途,而并不包括已知原料药用途是不会接受的。

    Reference to unrealistic routes of administration or uses not pertaining to the known use of the substance will not be accepted.


  • 因而,从理论上其进行阐释我国行政审判实践统一的行政程序法的制定提供现实途径及方法,有必要

    Hence, it's enormously necessary to illustrate in theory and provide some practical approaches for China's administrative trial practice and making of a unified administrative procedure law.


  • 提供了途径构成现实可行委托义务而不用限制性绳索未来套上枷锁

    It offers a way to make a viable commitment in the present without restrictive tentacles to shackle the future.


  • 打破传统文学戏剧温柔生活一个非常现实途径

    He broke away from the genteel tradition of literature and dramatized the life in a very realistic way.


  • 打破传统文学戏剧温柔生活一个非常现实途径

    He broke away from the genteel tradition of literature and dramatized the life in a very realistic way.


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