• 本文介绍玻璃钢管及其快速补漏技术油田应用

    The papers introduces the application of FRP pipes and fast repairing techniques in oilfields.


  • 终端产品玻璃钢压力容器格栅化工贮罐

    The end products are FRP pipes, pressure vessels, gratings, chemical storage tanks and so on.


  • 本文介绍了高压玻璃钢特性我国油田的应用情况

    This paper introduces the characteristics of high pressure FRP pipes and its application in the oil field.


  • 针对油田特点介绍了油田中低压玻璃钢设计方法。

    Based on the speciality of oil field, the design rule of low and medium pressure FRP pipes used in this field is introduced in this article.


  • 本文简述了长江口水域实施大口径玻璃钢管水下安装施工工艺

    This paper introduces the construction technology of underwater installation of large-caliber GRP pipe in the Yangtze Estuary Area.


  • 港口液体化工品转运应用玻璃钢管取得较好的社会效益经济效益。

    A good social and economical benefit can be achieved to apply glass fibre reinforced plastic Pipe in the transfer of liquid chemical product at harbour.


  • 罐体连接采用由壬玻璃钢管具有安装便捷、美观、密封可靠优点;

    The tank bodys are connected by pneumatic tyre unions and glass steel tubes, so they have the advantages of fine-looking, installation easily, reliable seel, and so on.


  • 随着玻璃钢广泛应用玻璃钢线施工维修抢修工程越来越多。

    Along with the extensive application of the FRP pipe, the engineering of the FRP pipe that construction, maintain, rush to repair would be more and more.


  • HCH- 201用于制造离心浇铸成型玻璃钢结构一般玻璃制品

    HCH-201 for the manufacture of centrifugal casting forming the glass pipe structure layer and the general FRP products.


  • 玻璃钢管使用注意维护避免接触金属尖锐撞击产生划痕裂纹

    Care should be taken when using reinforced plastic pipes and tanks, and avoid coming into contact with sharp objects or shocks such that scratches or cracks are produced.


  • 据此设计玻璃钢圆锥梯形螺纹成功应用类似设计,具有较强的指导作用。

    It is believed that the successful use of the designed wound pipes and the taper trapezium threads can certainly direct the similar design.


  • 本文分析了纤维缠绕玻璃钢渗漏原因,提出提高玻璃钢管防渗能力的对策。

    The seepage of filament wound FRP Pipe is analyzed and the way to improve the capability a gainst seepage of FRP Pipe is presented.


  • 阐述玻璃钢管五常市供水管道工程中的应用效果,指出了玻璃钢管特性及其施工要点。

    The paper introduces the fibreglass pipeline application of water supply conduit engineering in Wuchang city, poses the characteristic and construction method of the fiberglass pipeline.


  • 192不饱和聚酯树脂为缠绕工艺成型玻璃钢贮罐制品专门开发邻苯型树脂。

    HCH-192 unsaturated polyster resin moding process is winding glass pipe and tank products specifically developes a type of benzene resin.


  • 玻璃钢管工程寿命管路工程设计重要参数,是影响技术—经济竞争能力关键因素之一

    Service life of fiberglass pipeline is an important parameter and the critical factor affecting the technical and economic competitiveness.


  • 通过分析表明建筑工程推广使用玻璃钢玻璃门窗产品可为国家节约大量能源。

    The analysis shows that spreading and popularizing of glass fiber reinforced plastics pipelines, doors & windows and other products in building engineerin.


  • 玻璃钢系统铺设选用合理安装措施设置膨胀接头,也保证管线长期安全使用

    The long-term safe usage can be kept without expanding joint in the FRP pipe system if rational assemble measures are selected.


  • 结果表明方法精度、使用简单适用于一切玻璃钢、贮罐、容器在线自动化检测

    Results show that it is of high precision and simple operation and applicable for automatic on-line wall thickness testing of various fiberglass pipelines and vessels.


  • 用本发明所述方法制作温厚玻璃钢管不会出现分层现象具有良好的力学性质隔热性能

    The low temperature thick-wall GRP pipe of the present invention has no delamination, and has excellent mechanical property and heat isolating performance.


  • 新的形势下我国玻璃钢研制方面取得了较大进步,各油田玻璃钢管道的需求日益增加。

    Under the new situation, Our country has achieved greater progress about research and manufacture of FRT pipe, and there is increasing demand in many fields.


  • 玻璃钢容器强度腐蚀性、可成型性、耐老化性、安装维修方便性等方面均优于管道及容器。

    FRP pipes and containers are superior to steel or iron pipes and containers in strength, corrosion resistance, shape, anti-aging, ease of installation and maintenance.


  • 玻璃钢容器强度腐蚀性、成型性耐老化性安装维修方便性方面均优于管道及容器。

    Glass pipes and containers than in strength, corrosion resistance, and can shaping, anti-aging, ease of installation maintenance and so superior to steel, iron pipes and containers.


  • 随着玻璃钢容器生产技术不断完善玻璃钢容器广泛用于石油化工冶金给排水行业中

    With the glass pipe and container production technologies improve, glass pipes and containers have been widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, water supply and drainage, and other industries.


  • 通过玻璃钢管钢管铸铁混凝土主要性能比较,进一步阐明了该管道经济技术优势广阔发展前景

    By comparing main properties of pipe with FWRPM, FRP pipe, steel pipe, Cast iron pipe and reinforce concrete make know technical economic superiority of FWRPM pipe and its broad developing prospects.


  • 本文主要介绍玻璃钢系统所用三通、弯头管件样板制作方法及有关的设计计算,以提高玻璃钢管件的生产效率

    This paper mainly introduces designing and manufacturing methods of templates for FRP pipe fittings such as tees, elbows used in FRP pipe system for sake of enhancing production efficiency.


  • 针对海滩淤泥段地基持力差、腐蚀性特点,青岛棘洪滩水库-黄岛引水工程海滩淤泥段引水管线采用DN1200玻璃钢管

    In view of the little underpinning and strong corrosiveness of the seaside silt, DN1200 GPRMP was used in the seaside part of Qingdao Jihongtan Reservoir Huangdao Water Supply Project.


  • 本文介绍了油田高压玻璃钢管管件研制过程,并重点论述了高压玻璃钢管管件特性以及地面油田推广使用重要意义

    This paper introduces research process of High Pressure FRP Pipe (HPFP). The Characteristics of HPFP and fittings, and the Significance of application in the ground oilfield are also summarized.


  • 201不饱和聚酯树脂专门离心浇铸成型玻璃钢(HOBAS)设计结构树脂,是粘度中等反应性的邻苯型树脂。

    HCH-201 unsaturated polyester resin is designed for centrifugal casting molding glass pipe (HOBAS pipe) design of the structure layer resin is a low viscosity, medium reactivity of o-benzene resin.


  • 201不饱和聚酯树脂专门离心浇铸成型玻璃钢(HOBAS)设计结构树脂,是粘度中等反应性的邻苯型树脂。

    HCH-201 unsaturated polyester resin is designed for centrifugal casting molding glass pipe (HOBAS pipe) design of the structure layer resin is a low viscosity, medium reactivity of o-benzene resin.


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