That leaves Credit Suisse and JPMorgan Chase to take the grand prizes.
Mr Dougan says that Credit Suisse will have a “first mover advantage”.
The two airlines were raised to “outperform” from “neutral” at Credit Suisse.
Swisss bank Credit Suisse has said its economic benefits will include the easier movement of goods and increased tourism.
According to Credit Suisse there was a brief period of outperformance in the protected shares as short-sellers reduced their positions.
The activist group says new information from Swiss bank Credit Suisse and Forbes magazine shows that fewer people hold more of the wealth.
Trading revenue slumped 41 percent to 2.54 billion francs, also missing analysts' forecast for about 3 billion francs.
瑞士信贷银行(Credit Suisse)股价下跌,此前改行公布利润和营业收入均低于分析师预期。
Credit Suisse limited gains after the Swiss bank posted profit and trading revenue that missed analysts' estimates.
The move triggered a short rally, but it did not solve the fundamental problem: Credit Suisse last week said that bad debt could be as much as 60% of bank equity.
而且与那些真正的对冲投资者们相比,他们的仓位无论如何都常会显得矮小,瑞士信贷银行的Kamal Naqvi说道。
And their positions are in any case regularly dwarfed by those of supposedly genuine hedgers, says Kamal Naqvi of Credit Suisse.
European universal Banks such as UBS, Credit Suisse and Deutsche bank, constrained by the lack of opportunities in their overbanked home markets, have also muscled into the American big league.
While the indictment did not name the bank in question, people briefed on the matter identified it as Credit Suisse, and a spokesman for the bank acknowledged its involvement.
The Swiss bank also said it now expects to make a small quarterly profit rather than the loss it had predicted when the scandal broke, mostly because of credit gains on its financial liabilities.
Analysts at Credit Suisse reckon European Banks' profits in 2012 could fall by 37% because of proposed regulation.
But Mr Grospoints out that, though Switzerland’s bank assets are large incomparison with GDP, the country also is a big internationalcreditor—foreigners owe it far more than it owes them.
Analysis by Credit Suisse, an investment bank, predicts that all but the shakiest European Banks will meet these requirements by 2012.
But these costs typically represent only a tenth of a printed book's retail price, estimates Credit Suisse, an investment bank.
But three large investment Banks the Banker mentioned last year for their high proportion of market-risk-weighted assets - UBS, Deutsche bank and Credit Suisse - are also on this list.
Those of other banks that emerged relatively unscathed, such as JPMorgan and Credit Suisse, convened much less often.
The death of Paul Calello has robbed Wall Street of a strong and popular leader. The Bostonian steered Credit Suisse's investment bank deftly through the crisis.
Elsewhere in Europe, the Swiss National bank is agitating to share oversight of Credit Suisse and UBS, Switzerland's two biggest Banks, with the country's banking supervisor.
Credit Suisse's announcement signals that losses are spreading to even Banks that until now have mostly avoided massive write-downs tied to U.S. mortgage loans.
Of the two giant conglomerates, Credit Suisse is in rude health and maintains its investment bank is helping to boost its private bank’s margins.
It follows similar moves from Credit Suisse and Royal Bank of Scotland.
More than $290 billion worth of mortgage securities were sold to Deutsche Bank, a German lender. Credit Suisse, a Swiss bank, got more than $287 billion in mortgage bonds.
The foreign banks, mainly Swedish, that own most of the financial system seem largely untouched by the credit crunch elsewhere in the world.
The foreign banks, mainly Swedish, that own most of the financial system seem largely untouched by the credit crunch elsewhere in the world.