THE trading scandal that has rocked UBS, Switzerland’s biggest and most error-prone bank, has just cost it its chief executive.
THE trading scandal that has rocked UBS, Switzerland's biggest and most error-prone bank, has just cost it its chief executive.
According to Rene Kleyweg of UBS, a Swiss bank, Vale has yet to prove that it can operate as a diversified miner.
Switzerland's bankers association issued a statement in support of UBS 'agreement with the United States.
得出的答案是:其小型银行将占市值的8- 13%,而瑞银集团和瑞士瑞信银行所占的份额则微不足道。7月24日,瑞士瑞信银行公布了恰当的结果并也在进行招聘。
Answer: 8-13% of their market capitalisation for the smaller Banks, but very little for UBS or Credit Suisse (which on July 24th reported decent results and is also hiring staff).
Analysts at Credit Suisse reckon European Banks' profits in 2012 could fall by 37% because of proposed regulation.
Barclays Plc, Deutsche Bank AG, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Credit Suisse Group AG, Morgan Stanley and Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc are managing today’s sale, the person said.
Of the two giant conglomerates, Credit Suisse is in rude health and maintains its investment bank is helping to boost its private bank’s margins.
MADRID (MarketWatch) - European stock markets dropped on Tuesday after Swiss banking giant UBS AG disappointed with its results and steelmaker ArcelorMittal issued a cautious outlook.
Banks that have seen reputations sullied (UBS, say) will keep losing clients to those whose image has been burnished by the crisis (Credit Suisse).
Analysts at Citigroup reckon that "offshore" assets now account for only 15% or so of the money that is looked after by UBS and Credit Suisse, Switzerland's two biggest Banks.
THIS is the opportunity of a lifetime to hire more private bankers, says Alex Widmer, chief executive of bank Julius Baer, part of Switzerland's third-biggest banking group.
UBS tumbled 5.3 percent after Switzerland's biggest bank reported a quarter-on-quarter drop in revenue from fixed income, currencies and commodities.
In January 2008 the site released stolen documents from Julius Baer, a Swiss bank, including bank records of about 1,600 clients with accounts at a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands.
Within a few weeks some $40 billion was poured into distressed Western lenders, among them Citigroup, UBS, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch.
尽管次级抵押贷款损失的相关冲减额最高,但瑞士银行的股票今年以来仅下跌了14%左右,而花旗集团和美林(Merrill Lynch)分别下跌了38%和33%。
Despite taking the biggest subprime write-downs, UBS's stock is only down about 14% on the year. That compares with drops of 38% and 33% at Citigroup and Merrill Lynch, respectively.
A lot of risk wasn't dispersed, as we now know. It ended up in Banks like Citigroup and UBS.
Credit Suisse's rival, UBS, can hardly forget the risk-management failure of its predecessor, Union Bank of Switzerland.
Swiss UBS is one of those banks that have been the hardest hit in the sub-prime lending crisis that had originated out of US.
The Swiss bank, which derived nearly 80 per cent of fees from M&A, is followed by Citigroup and Citic.
He has been Group Head of Risk Education for UBS since late 2006 and teaches a full suite of specialist classes in the Risk Management area.
瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse GroupAG)、花旗集团及瑞士银行(UBS AG)负责此次发行事宜。
Credit Suisse group AG, Citigroup and UBS AG are in charge of the sale.
瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse GroupAG)、花旗集团及瑞士银行(UBS AG)负责此次发行事宜。
Credit Suisse group AG, Citigroup and UBS AG are in charge of the sale.