New thyroid cancer cases are likely to be reported in the coming decades.
Residents of the U. S. do not need to take iodine pills to prevent radiation-induced thyroid cancer.
Residents of the U.S. do not need to take iodine pills to prevent radiation-induced thyroid cancer.
Since then, thousands of kids have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and an almost 20-mile area around the plant remains off-limits.
But the hospital involved had no isolation rooms for thyroid cancer patients.
Most cancers of the thyroid gland can be treated if found early.
Some experts believe iodine can help head off long-term effects ofradiation exposure, including thyroid cancer.
Objective To study the clinical characteristics, surgical treatment and prognosis of thyroid carcinoma in children.
Objective To investigate clinical characteristics, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of thyroid carcinoma in childhood.
The absence of demonstrated increases in cancer risk - apart from thyroid cancer - is not proof that no increase has occurred.
Objective To discuss the clinical value of diagnosis for thyroid carcinoma based on detection of CEA level.
There is no clear consensus on the management strategy for skull base metastasis from differentiated thyroid carcinoma.
The study found that moderate drinking decreased the risk of thyroid cancer, renal cell cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
To determine the value of thyroglobulin detection for diagnosis and monitoring of thyroid carcinoma.
如果释放贝塔射线的碘- 131被吸收的话,能够破坏dna,并引发甲状腺癌。
If iodine-131, which emits beta particles, is taken up, this can damage DNA and cause thyroid cancer.
If breathed in or swallowed, it will concentrate in the thyroid gland and increase the risk of thyroid cancer.
Fortunately, like most thyroid cancer patients, she needed only a single dose of radiation to get rid of the cancer.
这里面,最麻烦的是碘- 131,它被吸入后能被甲状腺吸收,引起甲状腺癌和白血病。
Of these, the most troubling is iodine-131, which can be absorbed by the thyroid when inhaled, causing thyroid cancer and leukemia.
To explore the clinical relationship between nodular goiter and coexistent thyroid cancer and their diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
Many radiation experts doubt that radioactive thyroid patients represent a public health problem.“We're talking about really small doses,” said Dr.
The only proven radiobiological effect has been an increase in thyroid cancer in those who were young at the time of the accident.
Thyroid cancer is very amenable to treatment and although 30% of patients may suffer a relapse, only 1% May eventually die of their disease.
It is expected that the increased incidence of thyroid cancer from Chernobyl will continue for many years, although the long-term magnitude of the risk is difficult to quantify.
Thyroid cancer was found in 41 percent of patients over 65, compared with 22 percent among younger patients, the researchers found.
There appears to be little difference in the type or clinical outcome of radiation-induced thyroid cancer when compared with age-matched controls.
The US findings, such as contact and disruption of thyroid capsule, were evaluated to predict the extrathyroidal extension of thyroid carcinoma.
In the Chernobyl nuclear accident of 1986, the biggest health effect was cases of thyroid cancer, especially in children living near the nuclear plant in Ukraine.
This week, Japanese doctors began examining three hundred sixty thousand children in Fukushima Prefecture. The goal is to learn the extent to which radiation may increase their risk of thyroid cancer.
This week, Japanese doctors began examining three hundred sixty thousand children in Fukushima Prefecture. The goal is to learn the extent to which radiation may increase their risk of thyroid cancer.