• 今天我们你介绍电影女演员.韦斯特,她同时还是一位作家制片人商人

    Today we tell about film actress Mae West. She was also a writer, producer and businesswoman.


  • 同时桑德拉·布洛克获得了“欢迎电影演员”奖,约翰尼·德普摘得“最受欢迎戏剧电影演员”奖桂冠。

    Meanwhile, Sandra Bullock took home "Favorite Movie Actress, " and Johnny Depp was crowned "Favorite Dramatic Movie Actor.


  • 1998年,一个年轻电影演员之所以闻名是因为汤姆·克鲁斯妻子一点帮助她迈出了在百老汇舞台上一步,并且立刻转化为她眼花缭乱的生活的一部分。

    In 1998 a movie actress who was most famous for being the wife of Tom Cruise took her first step onto a Broadway stage and was instantly transformed into her own dazzling woman.


  • 无论什么时候,只要著名演员在一起演绎一部“题材电影”,那毫无疑问里面准是一堆多愁善感故事。

    Whenever famous actresses get together to make a "woman's film" you can bet on an overload of sentimental mush.


  • 1953年,这位女演员身穿黑色比基尼高跟鞋电影《不之河》片场

    The actress posed for the shot on set of the River Of No Return in 1953, wearing a black bikini and one high heel.


  • 电影女演员来说机会有限

    Film is a business with limited opportunities for actresses.


  • 《巴黎野玫瑰》一部法国女演员翠丝·达勒主演电影

    Betty Blue is a movie starring French actress Beatrice Dalle.


  • 喜欢类型电影——惊悚片黑色喜剧谋杀故事——他喜欢女演员

    He liked genre films - thrillers, dark comedies, murder stories - and he liked actresses.


  • 或许从没听说过蒂莎·法这位女演员除了1979年出演过恐怖电影《僵尸》之外就没什么特别值得一提的,可能听说过姐姐米娅·法罗。

    And you may have never heard of Tisa Farrow, an actress of no particular note beyond her work in the 1979 horror film Zombie, but odds are you've heard of her sister Mia.


  • 去年哈利波特》系列电影中扮演赫敏·格兰杰女演员艾玛·沃森,她们家16世纪有个先人就是因为施行巫术被判刑的。

    Last year, actress Emma Watson, who plays teen witch Hermione Granger in the "Harry Potter" movies, is related to a 16th century woman accused of witchcraft.


  • 新泽西电影公司选用大家熟知演员,还降低该片的票房预算,真是个奇迹

    It's a wonder why New Jersey Films didn't opt to try this as a low budget film showcasing an actress not as well known.


  • 酷爱一部黑白电影中学女演员姿态

    It was one of those actressy gestures she'd copied from the classic black-and-white movies to which she was addicted.


  • Horvitz对记者我们希望演员回来但是我们电影剪辑使用权,我们仍然可以评出最佳演员演员所有奖项。”

    "We want [the actors] to come back," Horvitz told reporters. "But we have access to the clips from the films, and we can still name best actor, best actress, all of them."


  • 这位三十五岁的女演员原本预计将花上左右的时间萨拉热窝实地取景,不过根据电影公司最新的说法,一安排被迫缩减到了天的时间。

    The 35-year-old actress originally planned to spend 10 days shooting in Sarajevo, but has decided to limit filming there to only three or four days, her producer Edin Sarkic announced today.


  • 除了电影以外,这位获得奥斯卡奖的演员因为银屏外的戏剧性经历而广为人知,这其中包括结婚8,其中次是演员理查德·伯顿结婚。

    In addition to her work in film, the Oscar-winning actress was also well known for her off-screen drama, including being married eight times, twice to actor Richard Burton.


  • 2004年伊梅达•斯丹顿凭借VeraDrake《天使薇拉卓克》片中出色演技获得BAFTA(英国电影电视艺术学会)最佳演员的称号。

    In 2004 she won a number of awards for playing the leading role in the film Vera Drake, including a BAFTA (British Academy of film and Television Arts) for best actress.


  • 古墓丽影系列电影《古墓丽影2:生命之源》中,好莱坞女演员安吉利娜·朱丽88摩天大楼顶部跳下,降落在海港

    Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie parachuted over the harbor from the top of the 88-floor skyscraper in Tomb Raider film "the Cradle of Life".


  • 这个女演员超级时髦打扮出席自己电影其实没那么喜欢》的首映式

    The actress attended the premiere of her new film he's Just Not That Into You in this super chic look straight off the Balmain runway.


  • 这个说法最初英国爱情小说家剧作家艾琳娜·格林提出的,形容1927年好莱坞无声电影It》中演员克莱拉•鲍的时候用了这个

    The term was coined by English romance novelist and screenwriter Elinor Glyn to describe actress Clara Bow as she appeared in the 1927 Hollywood silent film it. Glyn described the term thus.


  • 美丽而富有才华,同龄人中少见的镇定自若,这位24岁的女演员歌手1941年来到好莱坞迅速成为第一位非裔电影明星

    Gorgeous, gifted and preternaturally poised, the 24-year-old actress-singer came to Hollywood in 1941 and quickly became the first African-American movie star.


  • 一部电影首映式上,这位歌手女演员因为记者推挤而怒不可遏,也因为对娱乐记者的尖刻讽刺而大出其名。

    Known for being a little harsh with gossip-peddling "infotainment" journalists, the singer and actress hit the roof after she was jostled by reporters at a movie premiere.


  • 由于拍摄成本过于高昂,这部电影商业上注定是失败至少导演敢起用位天后级女演员出演动作片,这种胆识值得肯定。

    Plagued by on-set accidents, Aeon Flux fizzled commercially, but at least the filmmakers took a stab at casting an A-list actress smack in the middle of the action.


  • 报道,好莱坞女演员娜塔莉·波特曼一部电影扮演新版白雪公主。

    Hollywood actress Natalie Portman reportedly wants to play an edgy Snow White in an upcoming film.


  • 报道,好莱坞女演员娜塔莉·波特曼一部电影扮演新版白雪公主。

    Hollywood actress Natalie Portman reportedly wants to play an edgy Snow White in an upcoming film.


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