• 和加利•格兰特《育奇谭》中联袂出演男女主角

    She starred opposite Cary Grant in 'Bringing up Baby'.


  • 片中的男女主角相距千里之外,有着不同文化

    This story deals with two such people living thousands of miles away, in two different continents, in two different cultures.


  • 最佳男女主角,最佳男女配角提名名单中的20位演员全部白人

    All 20 nominees in the best acting or supporting acting categories are white.


  • 不是浪漫,男女主角在一起原因他们朋友做媒撮合他们。

    It's not a romantic story, the hero and heroine with together it is because they friends are matchmaker to want to be they with together.


  • 男女主角曾经被别人称为数学天才拳击手和得了不治之症富家小姐。

    He is a mathematic genius boxer while she is a daughter of a rich family who has an incurable disease.


  • 情节咱们似乎电影经常见识过,谎言终被戳穿男女主角也大多以假乱真收场。

    It seems like we've seen a lot of the same plots in many of the popular movies, and in the end lies are always exposed for what they are and things do get very real for those involved.


  • 段48的片花中里,汽车展览馆,而男女主角的好感一开始就非常明显

    The 48-second clip shows the three characters in a car museum with the chemistry between them evident almost from the first second.


  • 另外,片中男女主角霍格华兹魔法学校萌发浪漫爱情,预计某位主演将在本集去世

    There's also budding romance at Hogwarts school for wizards and the expected death of a main character.


  • 可惜电影删掉了一段还有很多其他的也删了,其实书里男女主角很多对话都还蛮有趣

    Pity that they had to skip that part and so many other parts. There actually were lots of interesting dialogues between Edward and Bella.


  • 音画不同步男女主角瀑布顶上时,欧文克莱尔身后她说话,不过嘴巴没有

    Audio problem: When they are standing at the top of the waterfall Owen talks to Clare from behind and his mouth isn't moving.


  • 担任该片男女主角法国演员班华-马殊麦尔依莎贝荷拔分别获得最佳演员和最佳演员奖。

    The film also took home awards for best male and female acting given to France's Benoit Maginel and Isabelle Huppert, respectively.


  • 10年前重量级灾难泰坦尼克号男女主角莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥凯特·温斯莱特重聚银幕

    Titanic stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are to reunite on the big screen, 10 years after the blockbuster disaster movie.


  • 许多评论以不同角度探讨海明威白象似的山丘中的意涵,评论大多谈及文中男女主角、场景、与暗喻。

    The varieties of interpretations of Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants" arouse different angles of analyzing the story.


  • 温德汉姆作品中的另一个观念许多现代电影中成为了公式:平凡男女主角英雄斗篷,做出不平凡的英勇之举。

    And Wyndham's writing expounds an idea that is the template for many a modern film - the ordinary man, and ordinary woman, who have to take on a heroic mantle.


  • 其中第一吸血鬼库伦家族,包括紧紧相拥的男女主角罗伯特·帕丁森扮演爱德华以及克里斯琴·斯图亚特扮演贝拉

    The first shows the Cullen family including Edward - who is played by Robert Pattinson - and Kristen Stewart's Bella.


  • 赫尔姆斯博士说:“这些爱情剧中都有‘命定因素,影片中的男女主角‘心有灵犀’。如果相信这些东西,等于是自寻烦恼。”

    ‘There’s a notion of destiny and couples in romantic comedies immediately understand each other,’ said Dr Holmes. ‘If you think that’s how things are, you are setting yourself up to be disappointed.


  • 新娘马芬只7个月大西施犬,新郎米则是一只两岁半大的卷毛比熊犬。这个星期,它们成为英国狗狗婚礼男女主角

    Muffin the bride, a seven-month-old Shih Tzu, and Timmy the groom, a two-and-a-half-year-old Bichon Frize, will this week take part in the UK's first dog wedding.


  • 大部分因素可能银幕上增加了大量男女主角之间浪漫情节分别西亚拉贝以及梅根福克斯饰演而他们第一只是陌生的两个人。

    Much of that was due to the on-screen romance for the characters played by Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox, who were relative unknowns when the first movie came out.


  • 最后一类图片包括休•格兰特玛汀•麦古基主演的电影《真至上》最后一幕一张图片,张图片上男女主角一同出现学校舞台上

    The last category included one of the final scenes from Love Actually, starring Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon, where the pair appear on a school stage together.


  • 最后一类图片包括休•格兰特玛汀•麦古基主演的电影《真至上》最后一幕一张图片,张图片上男女主角一同出现学校舞台上

    The last category included one of the final scenes from Love Actually, starring Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon, where the pair appear on a school stage together.


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