• 憨态可掬圣诞白叟、雪橇麋鹿白色雪花以及节日彩灯的装饰,餐厅处处布满了浓烈的节日气息

    Charmingly Santa Claus, sleigh elk, white snow and holiday lights make Manhattan café full of festival atmosphere. Please come & join us with your friends & family to celebrate together.


  • 在这画作,画家用白色笔触抽象地表现雪花

    The piece consists of white brushstrokes as abstract representations of snowflakes.


  • 就在美国南部周六遭遇罕见的“白色圣诞节”,暴风雪东部挺进,致使许多沿海城市飘起了雪花

    After the southern United States was hit with a rare "White Christmas" on Saturday, the snowstorms plowed to the northeast, where the major coastal cities were engulfed in blowing snow.


  • 睡梦中白色雪地里,有小刀一样吹过,雪花飞舞拍打

    Sleep, he walked in a piece of white snow, like wind, wind like a knife flying snowflakes, slapping his face.


  • 校园到处白色唯有松树还是那么苍翠雪花飘落树上起来好像朵朵白云。

    Campus is full of white, only the pine tree is still so green, snow to pile up in the tree, as if the clouds.


  • 彩色雪花白色冬天红色圣诞暖色季节宁静时刻衷心圣诞快乐

    Color of the snow, winter white, red Christmas, warm season, in this quiet moment, and sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas!


  • 遥远记忆将要逝去雪花便铺天盖地到处弥漫千年的相思化作白色无字纸片,带来永不褪色誓言

    When the distant memory that will be passing away, snowflakes will be overwhelming, pervasive, the thousands of Acacia into a white non-word paper, bringing the oath never fade.


  • 可以说,雪花清楚白色浮雕又把印刷出来了。

    The snow reprints it, as it were, in clear white type alto - relievo.


  • 雪花越来越我们越来越高兴白色萤火虫似乎露出了胜利喜悦我们怀抱

    Snow more and more, we become more and more happy, the white fireflies also seems to be out of the joy of the victory, pouncing on our arms.


  • 渐渐地雪花开始出现不断加大挥舞力度终于中午时分酣畅舞动起来整个世界沉浸白色欢乐之中

    Gradually, the snow began, and continue to increase the intensity of wave finally Hearty noon to dance together, the whole white world immersed in joy.


  • 天空中,白色雪花飘然落下好像在与北风——强大的旋律翩翩起舞。

    In the sky, it is still floating in the white snow falls, it seems to be with the north wind - that a strong cold melody in the dance.


  • 彩色雪花白色冬天红色圣诞暖色季节这个雪花纷飞的日子希望祝福驱走窗外严寒

    Color of snow, the white winter, red Christmas, warm color of the season, in the day of the snow, I hope my blessing can drive away the cold out of the window.


  • 只见天地之间白茫茫雪花纷纷扬扬天上飘落下来四周起了白色帐篷大地立刻变得银装素裹

    I saw a piece of white between heaven and earth, the snow swirl of float down from the sky, like pull up white tent, around the earth immediately become white.


  • 有时变成了小小的固体下去人们冰雹”,到了冬天,我变成了白色雪花,人们就叫我“雪”。

    Sometimes I turned the young solid to fall down, the people called me "the hail". In winter, I turned the white snowflake, and the people called me "the snow".


  • 天空望去只见朵大朵的雪花漫天横飞,大地了一白色地毯上去软绵绵的。

    I looked into the sky, I saw large large snowflakes all over the sky flying, like the earth spread a layer of white carpet, walk to soft.


  • 寒假,天空阴云密布,不一会儿白色雪花悄悄地了下来。

    One day in winter holidays, it was cloudy. After a while, white snowflakes began to fall quietly.


  • 冬天到了雪花飞舞到处都一片白色景象我们打雪仗,堆雪人

    Winter arrived; the snowflake danced in the air, everywhere was in the white picture. We had snow fight and made snowman.


  • 彩色雪花白色冬天红色圣诞暖色季节宁静时刻衷心圣诞快乐

    Color of snow, the white winter, red Christmas, warm color of the season, in this quiet moment, sincerely wish you a merry Christmas!


  • 精致透明水晶雪花悬挂白色丝带上,并配有银色调金属吊牌

    This elegant and seasonal clear crystal snowflake comes with a silver-tone metal tag and white satin ribbon.


  • 洁白雪花飘落白色围巾上很美。

    That the spotlessly white snowflakes fall down onto the white scarf looks so beautiful.


  • 雪花学校带来了无数快乐雪花精灵们为了明年春天,就大地妈妈了一白色棉被。 。

    Snow brought countless happy to schools, snow elves in order to let more beautiful next spring, to the earth mother with a layer of silver on the shop of the quilt.


  • 雪花学校带来了无数快乐雪花精灵们为了明年春天,就大地妈妈了一白色棉被。 。

    Snow brought countless happy to schools, snow elves in order to let more beautiful next spring, to the earth mother with a layer of silver on the shop of the quilt.


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