• 基础上,建立自顶向下底向上相结合目标市场营销决策系统

    Based on these, the objective marketing decision system is designed to aid the procedure of segmentation and objective market selection.


  • 文章利用定性定量相结合方法给出目标市场营销决策系统的设计思想决策过程

    This paper discusses the guideline and decision procedure of objective marketing decision system using qualitative and quantitative methods.


  • 报告选择THEBODYSHOP客观分析潜在新的国际市场讨论目标市场营销计划

    The report chooses the BODY SHOP as objective to analyze its potential new international market and discusses the marketing plan for the target market.


  • 在线广告整体营销策略一部分任何市场营销活动将会品牌价值市场营销目标上得到回报,不管是线上还是线下的。

    Online advertising is part of the overall marketing strategy. Any marketing activity will pay into the brand value or marketing goal, no matter if online or offline.


  • 毫无疑问如果市场营销中有独特元素的话,你的目标客户来说,你的产品令人难忘,有竞争力更加特别

    There's no question that an element of uniqueness in your marketing can make your business more memorable, competitive, and special to your target audience.


  • 我们提出了一种新的市场营销策略,我们要针对新的目标群体:那些30多岁,用苹果笔记本绿色生活,关心健康状况的消费者

    We propose a new marketing strategy and target: the 30-something, health conscious consumer who probably owns an Apple laptop and is trying to livegreen”.


  • 划分过程确定目标选择针对划分定位每个划分设计适当市场营销组合不同

    The process of segmentation is distinct from targeting (choosing which segments to address) and positioning (designing an appropriate marketing mix for each segment).


  • 如果能够查看这些更改请求它们目标日期当前状态市场营销主管就确保每个更改请求预期的方式移动必要采取措施

    Being able to see these change requests, their target dates, and their current state, helps her to ensure that each change request is moving along as expected, and take action if necessary.


  • 市场营销组合”指一系列可控战术性市场营销工具它们共同作用,达到公司目标。它们产品价格促销地点

    A "marketing Mix" is the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that work together to achieve company's objectives, they are: product, price, promotion and place.


  • 一旦一个目标市场选中,组织就可以针对这个市场开发市场营销战略了。

    Once a target market is chosen, the organization can develop its marketing strategy to target this market.


  • 每一天都不同包括处理创新性的事务、达成财务目标市场营销销售以及面对形形色色的客户

    Every day is different, from dealing with creative elements, to financial challenges, marketing and sales, and customers of every type.


  • 典型的CRM目的为了提高提供客户服务质量,利用客户联系方式进行目标市场营销

    Typical CRM goals are to improve services provided to customers, and to use customer contact information for targeted marketing.


  • 市场营销公关部门目标却是根据国家区域建立的。

    Marketing and PR departments and objectives are set up nationally or regionally.


  • 去年Twitter启动了一项商业目标,目的是使用Twitter作为社会媒体市场营销工具组织公司进行案例分析。

    Last year, Twitter launched a business destination which includes case studies of organizations and companies that have used Twitter as a social media and marketing tool.


  • 根据年度市场营销计划检查评估有效销售活动作出必要调整从而达到超越我们目标

    To review and evaluate the effectiveness of selling activities and adjust as necessary to achieve or exceed the objectives as outlined in the Annual Marketing Plan.


  • 酒店市场营销实施,是酒店实现战略目标致力于营销战略计划变为具体营销措施过程

    Hotel marketing implementation, refer to the hotel to achieve strategic objectives and is committed to the process of marketing strategies and plans into concrete marketing measures.


  • 目标消费者行为认知理解市场营销活动基础

    Perception and understanding of the target consumers' behavior is the basis of marketing.


  • 煤炭市场营销活动中,企业逐渐发现许多经过精心策划市场营销组合计划在实施过程中困难重重难以达到预期目标

    In coal marketing operations, enterprises gradually find out it is very difficult to realize many elaborately planned marketing schemes and hard to reach the target expected.


  • 市场营销就是通过市场交换活动,引导商品劳务流向顾客满足顾客需求,实现企业目标综合性商务活动过程。

    The marketing concept is a philosophy. It makes the customer, and the satisfaction of his or her needs, the focal point of all business activities.


  • 通过市场细分可以反映出不同消费者需求差异性类似性从而企业市场营销活动过程中认识市场选择目标顾客提供依据。

    It is reflected the otherness and homophyly of different consumers demand by market segmentation, which can redound to enterprise understand market and choose goal consumer in market activity.


  • 河北省田径市场营销初期目标市场定位比赛市场、田径用品市场、竞技培训市场

    In the early period of the market of track and field in he Bei Province, the objective market should orientate to the market of match, equipments and training.


  • 市场营销原理运用技术影响目标接受拒绝修改和使用,放弃个人组织作为整体社会利益行为

    The use of marketing principles and techniques to influence a target audience to voluntarily accept, reject, modify, or abandon behaviour for the benefit of individuals, groups, or society as a whole.


  • 主要目标也是为了借助技术实现企业领导人科学决策市场营销调研等等

    Its main objective is to use technology to achieve business leaders in science policy-making, marketing research, and so on.


  • 论述目前煤炭企业市场营销存在问题提出煤炭企业只有采取有效营销策略,才能实现企业的制定目标

    Discusses the existing problems of market bussiness of coal enterprise at present, points out coal enterprise won't realize aim unless adopt effective market bussiness tactics.


  • 市场细分,不仅有利于理财产品选择目标市场制定市场营销策略还可以为理财产品发掘市场机会,开拓市场更能够有效地提高银行经济效益

    Market segmentation will help financing product choose target market and settle marketing strategy, develop new market for financing product, and improve economic benefits of the bank better.


  • 自己市场营销工作确立目标同时需要一个明确时间规划

    For their own marketing work to establish a target, at the same time, also need to have a clear temporal planning.


  • 同时针对目标市场现实需求潜在需求,提出攀钢市场产品价格市场营销组合策略

    Meanwhile, the paper suggests the marketing-mix strategies which contain market, products, price, and so on, to meet the demands of present and latent target markets.


  • 如果用户发现某个产品不仅帮助实现最终目标而且带领人生目标靠近,那么这个产品一定会彻底地赢得该用户,而这是任何市场营销手段所不及的。

    A product that the user discovers will take him closer to his life goals, and not just his end goals, will win him over more decisively than any marketing campaign.


  • 正确市场竞争战略企业成功实现市场营销目标关键

    Competition in the market strategy is the key to business success to achieve their marketing goals.


  • 正确市场竞争战略企业成功实现市场营销目标关键

    Competition in the market strategy is the key to business success to achieve their marketing goals.


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