• 股权结构理论产权理论委托代理理论不完全契约理论相关利益者理论

    The theory of ownership structure has the theory of property Rights, the theory of principal - agent, the theory of incomplete contract and the theory of The interests of those who are related.


  • 本文接受相关利益者理论基本思想基础上,公司实际控制权结构角度上市公司治理模式选择问题进行研究

    The purpose of this paper is to study the choice of corporate governance models for listed firms from the perspective of the structure of real control of the firms based on the theory of stakeholders.


  • 依据利益相关理论公司法确立股东债权人利益衡平保护体系

    According to the benefits related theories, Company Law should establish the system of even protection in benefits of shareholder and creditor.


  • 1963年美国斯坦福大学一个研究小组首先提出利益相关理论

    The United States in 1963, a Stanford University Group first proposed the theory of stakeholders.


  • 利益相关理论会计信息生成机制导向转换提供了相应理论支持,即会计信息生成机制供给导向需求导向转换。

    The theory of stakeholder provides corresponding theoretical supports for changing the generation mechanism of accounting information from supply-orientation to demand-orientation.


  • 第二主要介绍利益相关理论相关内容

    The second part the related content that has introduced theory of benefit relative mainly.


  • 公司社会责任与利益相关理论影响建立股东至上、股东主权基础上的传统公司治理理论受到广泛抨击

    The old -fashioned corporate governance structure that was based on the shareholder-orientated system has been widely criticized under the influence of the theory of corporate social responsibility.


  • 企业所有权安排两种不同理论流派:“股东至上”理论利益相关理论

    Arrangement of ownership has two kinds school of theories: the shareholder uppermost theory and stakeholder theory.


  • 利益相关理论强调公司不仅仅追求股东利益最大化应当关注其他利益相关利益;

    Stakeholder theory emphasizes that the corporation should not only pursue the maximum of the stakeholders' benefit, but also pay attention to the stakeholders' benefit.


  • 但是公司治理结构构建过程中,应该考虑利益相关作用。由此产生的利益相关理论也使公司治理结构理论得到了升华。

    But in the construction of the corporate governance, the functions of the respective interest-related parties theory has enhanced the further development of the corporate governance theory.


  • 理论指导,对旅游目的地网络营销涉及到利益相关进行了较为详细分析

    Under the guidelines of stakeholder theory, the paper analyzes in comparatively detail the stakeholders involved in tourism destination's network marketing.


  • 同时进一步根源分析了股东至上理论利益相关理论总体差异

    At the same time it further analyzes overall difference of the shareholder supreme theory and the stakeholder theory from the root.


  • 华南虎事件,利用利益相关理论分析照门事件中的六大利益相关者,探究他们事件中各自利益

    Taking South China Tiger event as the example, this paper analyzes six stakeholders in South China Tiger event with the stakeholder theory, and probes into their respective benefit in this event.


  • 利益相关理论对以股东至上主义理念的挑战,近年来理论研究实证检验方面取得很大进展。

    The stakeholder theory is a challenge to the shareholder conciliarism and now has achieved great progress both in theoretic and empirical research.


  • 企业社会利益相关企业社会责任理论陌生

    The theory of social responsibilities of enterprises is still strange to the enterprises and the stakeholders of enterprises .


  • 利益相关理论强调公司不但追求股东利益最大化应当关注其他利益相关的利益。

    The stakeholder theory emphasizes that a corporation should not only seek maximal benefits for its stockholders, but also pay attention to the benefit of other stakeholders.


  • 本文结合权益资本成本理论人力资本产权理论,通过对现行收益分配模式进行分析,提出了利益相关者逻辑下收益分配模式。

    This article analyzes the current income distribution model and get the model of stakeholders participating based on equity capital cost theory and human capital property theory.


  • 智力资本化提出反映了公司治理理论股东治理利益相关者共同治理的转变

    The reference of intellectual capitalization reflects a theoretical change from shareholder governance to stakeholder co-governance.


  • 本文基于不完全契约理论研究股东—利益相关博弈并购方股东财富效应影响

    This paper USES contract economics to investigate the impact of shareholder-stakeholder game on the shareholder wealth effect in merger and acquisition.


  • 本文在澄清企业社会责任企业公民的含义及其内在联系的基础,利用利益相关理论指出作为企业公民自觉承担社会责任获得新的竞争力

    U-sing the stakeholders theory, it points out that exerting the corporate citizenship and consciously taking on the social responsibilities will enable the companies to develop a new competency.


  • 理论重点强调企业应当最大限度地增进股东利益以外其他所有利益,“利益相关者”承担责任。

    It emphasizes the business should maximize all the party's benefit but the shareholders', and the business is responsible for all the benefit relevant parties.


  • 利用利益相关理论分析我国农村医疗机构病种定额付费中的各方利益者

    The stakeholders in quota payment of specific diseases model in Chinese rural medical institutions have been analyzed in this paper through the stakeholder Theory.


  • 公司利益相关者论”自传入我国后,我国公司治理理论产生较大影响,有学者基础提出了“公司多边治理概念,用以重塑我国公司治理结构

    Based on "the theory of stakeholder ownership", some scholars put forward the concept of "multilateral management of corporations" to reconstruct our framework of corporate governance.


  • 因此按利益相关理论建立财务披露监管机制改造公司治理结构关键

    Thus, the monitoring mechanism of financial disclosure based on the stakeholder theory is the key to transformation of the corporate governance structure.


  • 有关公司治理理论很多具体来说可以归纳为交易成本理论代理理论利益相关理论

    There are many theories on corporate governance, which can be classified into three categories: transaction cost theory, agency theory and stakeholder theory.


  • 公司治理理论股东治理扩展利益相关共同治理。

    The corporate governance theory extends from shareholders 'governance to stakeholders 'common governance.


  • 利益相关理论调查企业社会表现CSP企业财务绩效之间关系提供了一个框架

    Stakeholder theory provides a framework for investigating the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance.


  • 企业契约理论所有权贡献参与分配收益原则人力资本日益重要性是利益相关者参与公司治理理论基础

    Theoretical foundation: enterprise bond theory, new viewpoint of proprietary rights, principle of allocation according to contribution, the importance of human capital.


  • 第三本文利益相关理论企业社会责任理论相结合,提出基于利益相关视角社会责任管理方法

    Third, the paper will be with the stakeholder theory of corporate social responsibility theory, based on the proposed stakeholders perspective of social responsibility management methods.


  • 第三本文利益相关理论企业社会责任理论相结合,提出基于利益相关视角社会责任管理方法

    Third, the paper will be with the stakeholder theory of corporate social responsibility theory, based on the proposed stakeholders perspective of social responsibility management methods.


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