• 觉得真正赞成这些变动

    It strikes me that nobody is really in favour of the changes.


  • 意思并未真正别人理解。

    Your meaning didn't really get across.


  • 工业化国家破坏环境真正元凶

    Industrialized nations are the real environmental villains.


  • 摆出一并不真正在乎的样子。

    She sort of pretends that she doesn't really care.


  • 是个学者真正博学

    He is a scholar, a genuinely learned man.


  • 真正后果只有几年之后才能知道

    The true consequences will only be known several years hence.


  • 曾经说过我并不真正喜欢现代音乐

    I had mentioned that I didn't really like contemporary music.


  • 真正高质量插图包括进去值得的。

    It is worthwhile to include really high-quality illustrations.


  • 实现真正政治变革前景似乎暗淡许多。

    Prospects for effecting real political change seemed to have taken a major step backwards.


  • 旅游真正能使人开阔眼界,认识其他文化

    Travelling really opens your eyes to other cultures.


  • 医院员工深表歉意,不能真正补偿

    The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn't really compensate.


  • 苏联扩张主义认为是种真正威胁

    Soviet expansionism was considered a real threat.


  • 我们找到真正问题所在高兴的。

    I think he's going to be pleased that we identified the real problems.


  • 真正篷布手工切割缝制而成的。

    The mainsails are hand-cut and sewn from real sailcloth.


  • 现在外面新的发行物中,觉得哪些真正呢?

    Of the new releases that are out there now, which do you think are really good?


  • 从来没有真正赞同动物权利保护者目标

    He has never really sympathized with the aims of Animal Rights activists.


  • 真正可鄙这些选人对暴乱所持缄默态度。

    What was truly despicable was the deafening silence maintained by the candidates concerning the riots.


  • 一个真正风险有些再也负担不起保险费

    There is a real danger that some people will no longer be able to afford insurance.


  • 留给某人一大笔遗产就可以真正改变他的生活

    You could make a real difference to someone's life by leaving them a generous legacy.


  • 报纸这些结果作为全球变暖并未真正发生证据

    Newspapers seized on the results as proof that global warming wasn't really happening.


  • 他们设法张普通桌子真正古董推销出去。

    They were trying to palm the table off as a genuine antique.


  • 就是真正开始唠叨时候说她还闭嘴

    That was when she really started running off at the mouth. I'll bet she hasn't shut up yet.


  • 拉尔夫那时正在尽情享受多年来第一次真正假期

    Ralph was luxuriating in the first real holiday he'd had in years.


  • 500参加问卷调查真正代表所有民众吗?

    Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly representative of the population as a whole?


  • 身处象牙塔里,他们并不真正懂得毒品犯罪多么有害

    They don't really, in their ivory towers, understand how pernicious drug crime is.


  • 去年赢利更多是因为财务手法而不是真正增长

    Last year's profits were more the result of financial sleight of hand than genuine growth.


  • 有不少精彩进球一位真正观众兴奋的球员。

    He gets spectacular goals and is a real crowd-pleaser.


  • 政府没有真正充分考虑一旦战争结束打算什么

    The administration has not really thought through what it plans to do once the fighting stops.


  • 就是了!真正食物而不是那种罐装的垃圾食品。

    This is more like it! Real foodnot that canned muck.


  • 就是了!真正食物而不是那种罐装的垃圾食品。

    This is more like it! Real foodnot that canned muck.


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