The first China's international seminar on media education will certainly bring about the rise and promotion of China's media education research and practice.
If you have all this information before you conduct a portal workshop, then you are ahead of the game.
That's the conclusion of the researchers who got together last week in London at the conference on Climate Forcing of Geological and Geomorphological Hazards.
The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program, an initiative implemented by the United Nations Development Program, is hosting a regional workshop in Beijing.
Debuting at the Rational Software Developer Conference in June!
The seminar comes after Pang called on about 1, 000 students to sign their names on two banners splayed with vows rejecting male-female off-campus cohabitation in late April.
A relatively new conference to the scene, the Jazoon conference opened in Zurich (Switzerland) in 2007.
The institute holds an annual conference called the Singularity Summit. (Kurzweil co-founded that too.)
You may not understand the discussions at first, because they may seem too technical, but you will pick up more than you know, and eventually you’ll be giving the seminar yourself.
WHO is convening a workshop on housing, health and climate change, bringing together experts and actors in health, building and housing at national and international levels.
The campaign includes leaflets, flyers, a "fanzine" and workshops for the young in which they receive instruction on self-pleasuring techniques along with advice on contraception and self-respect.
One deliciously high leverage activity I realized in my business is doing webinars.
这项研究将提交给在芝加哥星期六召开的“2011年关于动脉硬化、血栓形成与血管生物学科学研讨会”, 本研讨会隶属于美国心脏协会。
The study was to be presented Saturday at the American Heart Association's Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 2011 Scientific Sessions in Chicago.
He demanded better accountability from top officers and military contractors. He started an urgently needed discussion on burden-sharing in NATO.
My first agile conference, XP2001, was held in Sardinia with a couple of hundred attendants.
HotOS is in its 24th year — it started as the Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems in 1987.
简介:十二月的第一个星期在马萨诸塞州的波士顿召开了一年一度的 IDEAllianceXML研讨会。
Summary: The annual IDEAlliance XML conference took place the first week in December in Boston MA.
Further more, international advanced IL and life-long learning conference held in Alexandria, 2005 take IL as the core competence of life-long learning.
Aptly named "Mega Rust 2011," a conference presented early next month by the American Society of Naval Engineers will be the seventh annual event of its sort devoted to confronting the scourge.
Last week for the first time after practice script, in Gyeonggi-do held 2 days 1 nights seminar.
At the end of 2004, Ms. Fu as a Headteacher was recommended by the UK Chinese Embassy again to attend the World's Chinese Education Conference in Guangzhou.
Based on the introduction of the first and the second session of forest culture seminar, this paper makes a review on the third session of forest culture seminar in 2009.
The symposium for the purpose of the procedural and substantive legislation of rehabilitation-through-labor is actually the first symposium on rehabilitation-through-labor.
Wells was presenting the findings ahead of the project's annual scientific conference, bringing together representatives from 11 regional teams to discuss their work in Sydney.
Wells was presenting the findings ahead of the project's annual scientific conference, bringing together representatives from 11 regional teams to discuss their work in Sydney.