• 毋须担心因为旅客返家的这片刻,NASA其合作者正在为了能在机场附近创造宁静夜空(白日)的科学与技术而奋斗着。

    Fear not, because even while travelers are heading home, NASA continues working with others in industry and academia on technologies that will create a more silent night (and day) around airports.


  • 对于个人来说,看到创造性的尖端科学被应用这种主要影响贫穷人口疾病几乎做出决定争取根除疟疾一样令我感到振奋

    For me, seeing creative, cutting-edge science applied to a disease that mainly affects the poor is almost as uplifting as the decision to aim for eradication.


  • 讨论很大部分涉及科学前沿一些进展其中一些有趣令人兴奋想法创造以及现实本质相关。

    Much of the discussion involves new advances at the frontiers of science, some of which have led to interesting and exciting ideas about God, creation, and the nature of reality.


  • 创造日本国立先进工业科学技术部

    Created by: Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and technology.


  • 创造性地提出木材诱发变色全新概念我国木材科学技术学科开创了一个新的研究方向

    A new conception about the induced discoloration in wood is launched, and it presents a new researching direction of wood science and technology in China.


  • 但是并不耍把一切科学发现读归因于能力耐心科学发现常常创造想象力紧密相关

    But ability and patience do not account for all scientific discoveries, which often have much to do with creative imagination.


  • 我们希望能够结合基础知识工程科学原理创造应用,并且藉此让科技进步

    We seek to advance technology and science by combining basic knowledge with the innovative application of engineering and scientific principles.


  • 分形艺术科学艺术家合作创造人类艺术奇迹

    Fractal art is a mankind art miracle which created by the scientist cooperating with artist.


  • 爱因斯坦科学历程可以看出,休闲科学创造活动存在着较密切关系

    Basing on Albert Einsteins research experience, there exists a close relation between leisure and scientific creation.


  • 科学视觉化融合所产生力量我们创造这些影像

    There is such power in bringing science and visualization together, that we can create images like this.


  • 园林景观综合科学艺术创造过程方面、各环节密不可分

    The landscape architecture is a composite art creation, and all aspects and links of the process inseparable.


  • 科学艺术人类文明两大形态也是人类宇宙不断探索创造性地加以认识的结果

    Science and Arts are the two forms of civilization in human society, and also the result from constant exploration and creative recognition towards universe.


  • 一次会议上科学讨论了帮助因梦魇犯罪受害者有关方法科学家们研究了梦想创造病人们的以及孩子们的梦。

    At one meeting scientists talked about ways to help victims of crime who have nightmares. Scientists have also studied dreams and creativity, dreams of sick people and dreams of children.


  • 比如科学可以培育不育雄性蚊子创造正确音调和谐之音野生雄性蚊子竞争从而减少蚊子数量

    For example, scientists could breed sterile male mosquitoes able to create the right tones and harmonies to compete with wild males and thereby reduce mosquito populations.


  • 事实上本周发表认知科学研究表明提高左右交流水平时,创造也随之提高

    In fact, a study published this week in the journal Brain and Cognition shows that when you boost the level of communication between the right and left hemispheres your creativity increases.


  • 本文认为由于方以智努力学贯中西,所以学术创造中,较好地实现了中国传统科学精神西方近代科学精神的融会贯通。

    The text thinks that, Fang Yizhi had carried out Chinese traditional science spirit and western modern science spirit to integrate more in his academic creation.


  • 大脑图像建构再现能力可以通过科学方法训练提高直觉能力创造能力提高具有重要意义。

    The formation of portray in human brain and the function of reproduction can be trained and enhanced by scientific means, which is of great use to the improvement of sensitivity and creativity.


  • 租界社会国际性文化认同科学技术高度优势创造条件。

    Thirdly, internationalization and cultural identification of concession made it have advantage in the development of science and technology.


  • 我们认为,创造思维本质上艺术思维科学思维碰撞升华灵感思维。

    It is pointed out that fundamentally creative thinking is inspiration thinking which is the integration of artistic and scientific thinking after collision and distillation.


  • 科幻小说作为文学样式广泛传播具有十分重要科学思想价值,它繁荣程度体现一个国家的民族想象力创造的发达程度。

    As one kind of literary style, the science fiction plays an important role in spreading science and valuable ideas. The level of its prosperity shows the level of national imagination and creativity.


  • 那种自动化许多科学工程师希望多功能可移动自主性创造物大不相同

    But that kind of automation is a far cry from the versatile, mobile, autonomous creations that so many scientists and engineers have hoped for.


  • 科学家们相信在137亿年前宇宙诞生有等量物质反物质创造出来

    Scientists believe that when the Universe originated, about 13.7 billion years ago, equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created.


  • 彧图凭借科学有效分析定位方法丰富的视觉创造力,通过以下服务一起创造深入人心的崭新品牌形象

    We are recognized for our capability of strategy positioning and visual expression skills. We would like to work with you to create a brand-new brand image for the people.


  • 科技节通过举办科普大篷车、科学实验展示比赛、钱江大桥模型设计等系列活动,青少年朋友搭建起一个学习实践、展示、创造的大舞台

    The 2007 Zhejiang Hangzhou Scientific and Technological Fair for Students of Primary and Middle Schools opened on Saturday, providing youth with a stage to learn and practice scientific fantasy.


  • 由国际知名设计师科学携手创造20真实比例恐龙,栩栩如生,当中包括远古时代的霸主-暴龙!

    Internationally renowned designers have worked with scientists to create 20 life-size dinosaurs, including the terror of the ancient terrain, Tyrannosaurus-rex!


  • 由国际知名设计师科学携手创造20真实比例恐龙,栩栩如生,当中包括远古时代的霸主-暴龙!

    Internationally renowned designers have worked with scientists to create 20 life-size dinosaurs, including the terror of the ancient terrain, Tyrannosaurus-rex!


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