• 机器发现结合科学哲学科学人工智能认知心理学科学创造力进行研究领域

    Machine Discovery is a domain of scientific creativity research which combines the studies of philosophy of science, history of science, Artificial Intelligence and cognitive psychology.


  • 科学表现强烈好奇心,”根据欧洲研究委员会2007年的一份关于科学创造力报告。

    "Scientists exhibit a heightened level of curiosity," reads a 2007 report on scientific creativity for the European Research Council.


  • 然而非凡创造力超越既定界限想法应用艺术时会产生误导即使可能科学有效

    However, the idea that extraordinary creativity transcends established limits is misleading when it is applied to the arts, even though it may be valid for the sciences.


  • 第一威胁商业创造力我们灭绝危险教育系统,向下去世科学数学以及对于基础学科越来越狭隘

    The first threat to business creativity is our endangered education system, with its downward trends in science and math, and its increasingly narrow focus on basic subjects.


  • 有些科学方法可以提高创造力解决问题能力

    These are scientific ways to boost your creativity and problem solving skills.


  • 我们大脑程序极其复杂我们或许可以人类的文学艺术科学技术上的创造力这个 角度思维下定义

    Ourprogramis so much more enormously complex, though, that we might like to definethinkingin terms of our creativity in literature, art, science and technology.


  • 身处异乡激发出人的创造力,这种想法已经得到大众心理学的肯定,而科学也证实这个观点

    The idea that living abroad spurs creativity has been in the popular psyche for eons -and now science backs up the idea.


  • 乔·弗格斯教授ProfessorJoe Forgas)澳大利亚科学杂志(AustralianScience Magazine)表示,尽管心情舒畅孕育创造力,但是忧郁培养注意力缜密思维

    While cheerfulness fosters creativity, gloominess breeds attentiveness and careful thinking, Professor Joe Forgas told Australian Science Magazine.


  • 科学彭加勒的一项有关《创造力》的研究。

    Poincare's Research Into creativity.


  • 斯塔斯写道:“我们招聘尽可能聪明富有创造力的新人,破解计算机科学各种艰巨挑战。”

    "We'll hire as many smart, creative people as we can to tackle some of the toughest challenges in computer science, " Eustace wrote.


  • 理论计算机科学领域里真正英雄解决某些悬而未决科学问题勇气创造力是人们学习的楷模。

    He is truly a heroic figure in theoretical computer science and a role model for his courage and creativity in addressing some of the deepest unsolved problems in science.


  • 我们知道如果我们有正确规则激励机制,我们使我们最好科学工程师的和企业家发挥他们的创造力建立一个更美好世界

    We know that if we put the right rules and incentives in place, we will unleash the creative power of our best scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to build a better world.


  • 为了检验我们创造力真实看法科学要求学生怎样使机场旅客身上取得更多收入这件事出主意

    To examine what we really think about creativity, scientists asked students to present ideas for how airlines can get more revenue from their passengers.


  • 能否成为一个科学两个关键因素探求未知事物好奇心解决问题的创造力

    Two vital ingredients seem to be necessary to make a scientist: the curiosity to seek out mysteries and the creativity to solve them.


  • 非常欣赏科学家们创造力,他们能测试八哥乐观悲观,测试灌丛草甸田鼠情景记忆,测试老鼠欢乐

    I really enjoy the ingenuity of scientists testing optimism and pessimism in starlings, episodic memory in scrub jays and meadow voles, joy in rats.


  • 这个意义上来说为数众多科学离开印度确实损害的该国的创造力

    In that sense, having many scientists leave India does harm innovation there.


  • 不再担心自己不能适应传统计算机科学专业因为爱上科技创造力它所带来挑战

    I stopped worrying that I didn't fit the traditional computer science major profile because I fell in love with the creativity and challenge of technology.


  • 无论在过去还是当今中国科学技术艺术革新方面都展示了巨大创造力

    There is enormous creativity to be found in Chinese scientific, technological and artistic innovations past and present.


  • 大多数受人尊敬科学家们都是在保持客观性的同时,发挥创造力直觉冒险精神。

    Most respected scientists blend objectivity with creativity, instinct and risk taking.


  • 科学视角观之我们看到资源人类创造力才是手头上最有价值的东西。

    From a scientific perspective, we see that resources and human ingenuity are the most valuable issues at hand.


  • 科学创造力巴里研讨会

    Science, Mind, And Creativity: The Bari Symposium.


  • 知识科学已经产生研究成果知识转化理论、知识系统化方法知识创造力开发方法。

    Knowledge science has been producing results such as knowledge conversion theory, knowledge systematizing methods, and methods for the development of creativity.


  • 创业教育科学研究一样,都具有一个非常重要特征需要激发不是破坏人创造力想象力

    The fact is that the education of the entrepreneur like that of scientist-engaged research has one indispensable feature: the need to stimulate and certainly not to destroy creativity and imagination.


  • 科幻小说作为文学样式广泛传播具有十分重要科学思想价值,它繁荣程度体现一个国家的民族想象力创造力的发达程度。

    As one kind of literary style, the science fiction plays an important role in spreading science and valuable ideas. The level of its prosperity shows the level of national imagination and creativity.


  • 我们企图翻译变成科学……大多数成就创造力翻译家很少用得着、或者根本用不着翻译理论。

    We should not attempt to make a science out of translatingmost successful and creative translators have little or no use of for translation.


  • 事实上本周发表认知科学研究表明提高左右交流水平时,创造力也随之提高

    In fact, a study published this week in the journal Brain and Cognition shows that when you boost the level of communication between the right and left hemispheres your creativity increases.


  • 气候酷派如何帮助学校兼有创造力的和可测算的科学方法传授气候变化相关知识?

    How can it help your school to teach climate change in a measurable, scientific yet creative manner?


  • 我们科学教育方面工作根本任务提高思想道德标准,及其整个国家科学文化水平创造力

    The fundamental task of our work in science and education is to raise the ideological and ethical standards, the scientific and cultural level of the entire nation and creativity.


  • 我们科学教育方面工作根本任务提高思想道德标准,及其整个国家科学文化水平创造力

    The fundamental task of our work in science and education is to raise the ideological and ethical standards, the scientific and cultural level of the entire nation and creativity.


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