• 除了候鸟还有哪种动物移居习性

    Besides migratory birds, what other animals have the habit of migrating?


  • 澳大利亚百万富翁移居首选目的地

    Australia is the top destination for millionaires on the move.


  • 出生伦敦在纽约长大。你是什么时候移居

    You were born in London, but you grew up in New York City. When did you move over there?


  • 移居比例为1.6%,只及1999年至2000年的一半

    The share moving across state borders, at 1.6%, was half that in 1999-2000.


  • 有些实验不道德不能窝里狮子抓来,却为了研究顶级食肉动物移居影响

    Many experiments are unethical: you can't take a lion from its home simply to study the effects of top-predator removal.


  • 他们印度阿萨姆东北部可疑分离主义者叛徒时候,移居工人击毙。

    A group of migrant workers were gunned down as they slept by suspected separatist rebels in India's northeast Assam State.


  • 这种增长通过常见乘数加速过程扩展这些新近作为殖民地开拓者移居经济部门的其余部分。

    This growth spread to the rest of the economy of these newly settled lands through the familiar accelerator multiplier process.


  • 他们发现一个群落什么样语言很大程度上取决于男人进驻无论这些移居垦荒农民还是军事入侵者

    They found that what language is spoken by a community largely depends on the arrival of men, whether through the migration of pioneering farmers or military invasion.


  • 我们观察性研究提示这种方法有助于移居1感染的2级伤口鉴别预测溃疡结局促进充分的抗生素运用

    Our observational study suggests that it might help distinguish colonized grade 1 from infected grade 2 wounds, predict ulcer outcome and contribute to a more adequate use of antibiotics.


  • 统计,四分之一家庭移居经历。虽说科技进步机票价格在降低,但是那种异域的文化心理给人的影响还是很强烈的。

    It is reported that one in four families has experienced recent emigration and despite technological advances and cheaper flights, the cultural and psychological impact is hitting hard.


  • 一向个追求理想的人,因此可以理解为什么她拿到社会学学位拒绝接受为她提供待遇丰厚的工作一些移居难民以及收入低下的人一起干活。

    She has always been an idealist. So you can understand why she turned down a good job offer to work among refugee immigrants and low-income groups after she got her degree in social studies.


  • 我们家族叔父这一支移居到了加拿大

    My uncle's branch of the family emigrated to Canada.


  • 移居国外后,他们关系开始出现问题了。

    The relationship started to go wrong when they moved abroad.


  • 多年移居西班牙最终还是受到法律制裁

    The law caught up with him years later when he had moved to Spain.


  • 移居西班牙,似乎是想一种节奏较慢生活

    He has moved to Spain, seemingly to enjoy a slower style of life.


  • 只有难民符合移居国外的条件。

    Only refugees are eligible for resettlement abroad.


  • 1990年移居美国1967年巴尔的摩的儿子一起住。

    He moved to the United States in 1990 to live with his son, who had been resident in Baltimore since 1967.


  • 随着世界一些地区变得不适合居住上百万人们试图移居适合居住地区

    As parts of the world become uninhabitable, millions of people will try to migrate to more hospitable areas.


  • 此外还有其他移民为了寻找新的家园物质上的成功更好生活移居西部

    In addition, there were other immigrants who migrated west in search of new homes, material success, and better lives.


  • 大多数非洲城市居民生活贫民窟里移居到城市的人们的生活状况往往并不他们农村多少

    Most urban Africans live in slums; migrants are often not much better off than they were in the countryside.


  • 今天农场工人虽然大部分仍旧出生墨西哥,但是可能定居不是移居,更有可能是已婚单身

    Today's farm laborers, while still predominantly born in Mexico, are more likely to be settled rather than migrating and more likely to be married than single.


  • 农村城市移居已经成为一种普遍现象因为年轻人追求更好繁荣生活

    Migration from rural areas to urban cities has become a common phenomenon as the youth want to seek a better and more prosperous life.


  • 理论是随着船只使用人们沿着海平面下降暴露大陆架逐渐移居未冻结成冰的区域

    He theorized that with the use of watercraft, people gradually colonized unglaciated refuges and areas along the continental shelf exposed by the lower sea level.


  • 到了年底已经掌握了移居国家富含元音语言意识其实可以芬兰学校学习

    By the end of the year, he had conquered his adopted country's vowel-rich language and arrived at the realization that he could, in fact, learn in Finland's Schools.


  • 由于第一代移居北美部分日本能够直接租用购买农田其他人联合起来组成了农业公司,因此经济取得有限发展

    A limited amount of economic progress was made as some Issei were able to rent or buy farmland directly, while others joined together to form farming corporations.


  • 农村城市移居已经成为一种普遍现象因为年轻人追求富裕生活

    Migration from rural areas to urban cities has become a common phenomenon as the youth want to seek a more prosperous life.


  • 至少作为一个实验那些移居国外著名非裔美国作家职业生涯中都出现无论是白人为主要人物小说还是“无种族”的小说。

    Either the novel with White ethnic main characters or the "raceless" novel appears, at least as an experiment, in the careers of the best-known expatriate African American writers.


  • 至少作为一个实验那些移居国外著名非裔美国作家职业生涯中都出现无论是白人为主要人物小说还是“无种族”的小说。

    Either the novel with White ethnic main characters or the "raceless" novel appears, at least as an experiment, in the careers of the best-known expatriate African American writers.


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