• 那个合唱不错讲故事挺有意思尤其喜欢那个穿牛仔裤的女孩表演

    Well, the group singing was good, and the story-telling was also interesting. And I especially liked the poem recited by that girl in jeans.


  • 不同方式别致时尚穿牛仔裤牛仔布,可能需要检查穿牛仔裤的5个窍门如何知道如何风格

    There are different ways to stay chic and stylish in wearing denim or jeans, you might want to check 5 Tips on how to wear jeans to know how to style it.


  • 人家告诉穿牛仔裤时候,你穿西装看起来很沉闷;人家告诉你要穿西装,你穿短裤凉鞋会让你不被重视。

    Wearing a suit when you're told jeans are the norm can make you seem stuffy; wearing shorts and sandals when everyone else is wearing suits makes you look oblivious.


  • 大家都穿休闲装短裤、或褪色牛仔裤、或宽松运动衫

    Everyone dressed informally in shorts or faded jeans, and baggy sweatshirts.


  • 穿打补丁的夹克褪了色牛仔裤参加婚礼一般周末修剪自家花园草坪时才穿这些衣服。

    The man arrived for the ceremony with patched jackets and faded jeans that the average person would save for mowing the lawn in his garden at the weekend.


  • 去年穿牛仔裤已经太短了。

    The jeans she wore last year are already too short.


  • 勃现在长高了很多,他去年穿牛仔裤已经太短了。

    Bob is much taller now, the jeans he wore last year are too short.


  • 艾米丽上车的时候穿牛仔裤一个轻薄的背心。

    Emily got into the car wearing jeans and a skimpy tanktop.


  • 程序员通常还是穿干净整洁牛仔裤是什么公司

    Programmers can usually still wear clean and neat jeans, but it does depend on the company.


  • 穿T恤牛仔裤朋友现场心想应该只是一场,等我到那里控制住

    Dressed in only a T-shirt and jeans, I borrowed my friend's car and drove to the site, thinking it was a small fire that would be contained by the time I got there.


  • 说:Pete通常穿牛仔裤汗衫但是昨晚你简直不得打扮得帅极了,因为倾心已久的那位金发小姐终于同意他出去约会了。

    3Pete usually wears jeans and a T-shirt. But last night it was hard to recognize him -- he was dressed to kill because he finally got a date with that blond he's admired for so long.


  • 好莱坞管理人士一样对冲基金业的老板经常是办公室里穿随意的(虽然他们穿Seven牛仔裤鳄鱼(Lacostes)休闲装并不比某些套装便宜)。

    Like Hollywood executives, hedge-fund chieftains are often the most casually dressed guys in the room (though their Seven jeans and untucked Lacostes cost as much as some suits).


  • 我们穿同样牛仔裤短裤(制服一样),还是各种不同文化品位?

    Will we all wear the same kind of jeans or pants (like a uniform) or will each culture be different?


  • 准备穿牛仔裤去上班时候,得先考虑一下工作环境,该穿什么合适。如果你是银行家或者律师,那么只怕休闲星期五这天穿着西装

    Before you slip on a pair of weekday jeans, consider your workplace and what is appropriate-if you are a banker or a lawyer, you might be limited to twill trousers even on Casual Friday!


  • 相对于西装笔挺,喜欢穿舒服牛仔裤(他现在就穿件很普通的蓝色外套)。

    He looked as if he would be more comfortable in jeans and work boots than pinstripes and wingtips (he was wearing an off-the-rack blue suit).


  • 想象一下一个雅典公民,上穿T恤衫穿牛仔裤温暖地中海夜幕下,坐在罗德·阿提库剧院欣赏美妙的音乐会

    Imagine you are a citizen of Athens, enjoying a warm Mediterranean night in the Theater of Herodes Atticus. You are wearing jeans and a T-shirt, listening to a great concert.


  • 虽然可能工作并不要求一直穿职业套装但是即使穿牛仔裤T恤也穿睡衣更有工作的感觉。

    Depending on your line of work you may not need to wear full business attire, but even jeans and a T-shirt will make you feel ready to work more than wearing your pajamas.


  • 可以在家一直穿最爱乞丐装,但是在公共场合你必须有一条合身没有人为刻意制造的缺陷深蓝色牛仔裤

    You can always wear your old, torn favorites around the house, but make sure that you have a nice pair of well-fitting dark blue jeans with no overly stylized flaws to wear outside.


  • 中等个头,身材粗壮,穿牛仔裤白色T恤衫。T恤衫绷得紧紧的,因为胳膊粗壮,脖子粗粗的,肚子也是鼓鼓的。

    He was a heavy man of medium height, dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt, which bulged with the bulk of his huge arms, neck, and gut.


  • 细小叶子重现雅各布脸部头发的形状和颜色,而且奇怪身上穿衣服枪杀穿的是一样牛仔裤和一件礼服衬衫衣袖了起来

    The tiny leaves had re-created every curve and nuance of Jacob's face and hair, and oddly, the body wore the same clothes it had when she killed him: jeans and a dress shirt, rolled up at the sleeves.


  • 扬诺夫斯克州杜马议员根纳季•布达表示,“公务员穿牛仔裤上班不是什么大不了的问题,只要影响工作

    A parliamentary lawmaker in Ulyanovsk named Gennady Budarin said, "Wearing jeans is not a big deal if it does no harm to work.


  • 然而所有衣服都可以迷你装、牛仔裤宽松的女短衫平底芭蕾搭配著穿

    Nevertheless everything can be combined with a mini, jeans, blouses or flat ballerina shoes.


  • 假如还有别的选择,绝不会再当煤矿工人的。”身着一件牛仔裤,脚穿一双白球鞋,外套一件棕色人造革夹克,留有脏兮兮的指甲小王如是说。

    "Given a choice, I would never work in a mine," says Wang dressed in a pair of old jeans, white tennis shoes and a brown artificial leather jacket, dirt clogging his long fingernails.


  • 穿牛仔裤年轻人轻松的氛围如何保持这种文化氛围?

    It's a bunch of young people who were wearing blue jeans It's very informal. How do you keep that going?


  • 第一穿的时候,自我感觉有点讲究过头了,有点太过造作了,但如今就随意穿T恤牛仔裤,并不太刻意追求该如何搭配。

    The first time I wore it I felt a little too overdressed, a bit too try-hard, but now I throw it on with a T-shirt and jeans and don’t give it a second thought.


  • 穿牛仔裤上班那就穿休闲一样舒适仔裤。

    They might be jeans, but they should still fit like a pair of casual trousers if you expect to wear them to work.


  • 穿牛仔裤上班那就穿休闲一样舒适仔裤。

    They might be jeans, but they should still fit like a pair of casual trousers if you expect to wear them to work.


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