• 这个实验使用气味唤起人们童年记忆

    The experiment uses smells to jog people's memories about their childhoods.


  • 纳博科夫沙俄童年记忆想象关心一些基础语言

    Nabokov's childhood in tsarist Russia provides some foundation for his interest in memory, imagination, and language.


  • 回到有着童年记忆加州罗迪运用独特的技术酿造葡萄酒。

    He retuned to his childhood roots in historic Lodi, California to craft wines using his signature techniques.


  • 童年记忆还是一个女孩的时候,我十分喜欢西海公园

    A Memory Of My Childhood When I was a young girl, I liked going to the Xihai Park very much.


  • 实际上最喜欢童年记忆就是家人地下室龙卷风过去

    Actually, some of my fondest memories of my childhood were of spending time with my family in the basement waiting for the tornados to pass.


  • 那些照片深深地击中了提醒童年记忆无法忍受过去

    Those some pictures are deeply hitting her heart, reminded her childhood memories that unbearable of the past.


  • 甜甜宝贝,我们一生能做第一件事你一个完整的童年记忆

    My dear baby Amy, the first thing we do for you is, give you a perfect childhood memory


  • 一些美食八零后的童年记忆坚称黑莓秋季水果,八月十分少见

    Many older foraging books, and my childhood memories of the 1980's, insist that blackberries are an autumnal fruit rarely seen before the end of August.


  • 苏童的“香椿树系列组以作家童年记忆为主要表现对象的小说

    Su Tongs "Xiang Chenshu Street Series" is a novel representing the writers childhood memories.


  • 同时作家倾向采用儿童视角表现童年记忆也是童年情结文本体现

    Meanwhile, the writer inclines to adopt children's perspective to display the memory of childhood, which is a kind of complex reflects in childhood.


  • 面貌淘气体态宽胖小人物童年记忆再现也是对民族文化的一种诠释。

    The naughty face and doll-like body of his ceramic figures are representation of childhood memory and folk culture.


  • 分享了我们太多的童年记忆游戏以及关于房子房主的想象力的房子消失了。

    We had Shared so many memories from childhood, playing games and acting out imaginary situations about this house and owner, but it was gone.


  • 直到今天仍然保留一些现在它们当成中国历史一部分,当然也是童年记忆的一部分。

    Till this day I still have some of them left, now they would be considered part of history for China and part of my childhood history as well.


  • 尽管我们不想毁了快乐童年记忆这些卡通片似乎并非看起来那样天真无邪

    Not to ruin your happy childhood memories, but cartoons may not be so innocent as they appear to be.


  • 八岁时候,博格林获得了第一次驾驶卡丁车经验非常美好童年记忆

    At the age of eight I had my first go-kart experience on the Nurburgring - great childhood memories.


  • 看到作为童年记忆必不可少老房子一个个消失开始重新认真思考这些建筑价值

    Seeing the buildings that formed an integral part of his childhood memories disappear one after another, Liao started to seriously rethink the value of the old structures.


  • 母亲,把我举到船舷栏杆外面,让我新世界微风里晃荡,情景成为了最初童年记忆

    My mother held me over the 4 railing of the ship and this became my earliest childhood memory, my mother swinging me in the breezes of a new world.


  • 设计里融入一些童年记忆痕迹,让居住者忆起童年时光,也是体现居住区园林景观人性化设计表现。

    It can recall the childhood for the residents and also show the humanized design in the residential landscape to leave some traces of childhood memories in the design.


  • 那个世界里展开了一段冒险逃生最终逃跑出去使自己童年成年融合找回了自己珍贵童年记忆

    She escapes from an adventure in the world. Finally, she succeeds running out of it to made her childhood combined with her manhood. And gets back her precious memory of childhood.


  • 每次梦中惊醒,都童年记忆碎片中,每次梦都颜色场景总是灰暗的,就象小时黑白电视

    Every time awakened from a dream, are fragments of childhood memories, but not every dream with color, the scene is always dark, as she watched the black and white TV.


  • 随着成长父亲讲述的故事童年记忆占据越来越重要的地位,甚至超过了我的玩具娃娃彩色画册

    As I grew up, Dad's stories seemed to belong more and more to my childhood, put away with my dolls and coloring books.


  • 保姆总是抱怨那些楼梯太陡峭,还给这些楼梯取了名字叫“木头”。 这个词语在乔治童年记忆是一个带着魔力的词语。

    She used to grumble at their steepness and call them "The Wooden Mountains" one of the magic phrases of his childhood.


  • 小册子8张: 分别纳入暖色系的图片飞机稻穗少女12星座铁路花朵新娘”为元素,是童年记忆

    Pages booklet: including warm colour pictures, the main elements are "paper plane, grains, girl, constellation, railway, flower and bride", they represent the childhood memories.


  • 其中部分属于装点空间小型家具(迷你凳等)经过长年的使用可以成为陪伴儿童共同生活、经历成长童年记忆

    Some of them are small joinery decorating the space. If they are used for a long time, they can accompany children and experience their childhood.


  • 源自导演朱塞佩·托纳托雷童年记忆西西里男孩手中的一盏神奇灯笼温暖光照亮了一片贫瘠石地上的生命财富

    Born of director Giuseppe Tornatore's childhood memories, this is a magic lantern in a Sicilian boy's hand, its warm light shed on the riches of life in a poor, stone-built land.


  • Verghese先生出生于父母分别来自衣索比亚印度家庭。来自于一个外来童年记忆小说插上神话神奇现实翅膀的展翅高飞了。

    It is from the exotic highlands of childhood memory-mr Verghese was born in Ethiopia of Indian parents-that the novel launches itself, plumaged in myth and magical realism.


  • 目标创造连贯安全环境我的家庭,我的发挥巨大的梧桐树房子旁边的一个山涧自己的童年记忆想法

    Towards my aim of creating a coherent and safe environment for my family, I drew ideas from my own childhood memories of playing under huge plane trees in a house next to a mountain stream.


  • 有趣的一些研究显示白种美国儿童童年记忆韩国儿童

    It is interesting to note that some studies show Caucasian American children have earlier childhood memories than Korean children do.


  • 有趣的一些研究显示白种美国儿童童年记忆韩国儿童

    It is interesting to note that some studies show Caucasian American children have earlier childhood memories than Korean children do.


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