米糠油产品符合国家标准(GB9850.4- 1999),谷维素、维生素e、植物甾醇、生物柴油等产品的含量均达到90%以上。
Rice bran is in accordance with national standard GB9850.4-1999, and the content of oryzanol, vitamin e, phytosterin and biologic diesel oil is above 90 percent.
米糠油产品符合国家标准(GB9850.4- 1999),谷维素、维生素e、植物甾醇、生物柴油等产品的含量均达到90%以上。
Rice bran is in accordance with national standard GB9850.4-1999, and the content of oryzanol, vitamin e, phytosterin and biologic diesel oil is above 90 percent.