• 条细细亮亮的水印爬过粗糙水泥窗台

    A thin, glistening thread of moisture ran along the rough concrete sill.


  • 随着年龄增长的头发逐渐粗糙

    Her hair gradually coarsened as she grew older.


  • 原始社会粗糙石器猎取野兽

    Primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements.


  • 男孩坐在靠着树,在粗糙的木

    A boy was sitting under a tree, with his back against it, playing on a rough wooden pipe.


  • 粗糙草地更近些的地方,长满了闪闪发光的褐色长

    Nearer the rough grass, with its long, brownish stalks all agleam, was full of light.


  • 事发威舍正在机场朋友路上说:“粗糙鳞片很大。”

    "It was rough, with big scales," said Swisher, who was on her way to pick up her friend at the airport when it happened.


  • 事发威舍正在机场朋友路上说:“粗糙鳞片很大。”

    "It was rough, with big scales,'' said Swisher, who was on her way to pick up her friend at the airport when it happened.


  • 相比之下,干燥土壤沙质多孔的,粗糙质地允许了水分迅速流失

    By contrast, dry soils are sandy and porous, their coarse textures permitting water to drain rapidly.


  • 但是橡树叶子又大反射力较强会产生参差不齐的声波所谓的“粗糙回声”。

    But an oak which has fewer but bigger leaves with stronger reflections, produces a jagged wave form, or what we called a rough echo.


  • 印象派画家倾向于把颜料涂得很厚重而且喜欢用笔触很粗画笔,所以画布纹理粗糙

    Impressionist painters tended to apply paint really thickly, and in big brush strokes, so the texture of the canvas was rough.


  • 这些蝙蝠能够区分两种声音,不仅仅通过树木回声而是通过任何平滑粗糙的回声。

    These bats can distinguish between the two, and not just with trees, but with any echo that comes in a smooth or rough shape.


  • 然而一个神圣和平之地可能粗糙的,人类明显需求不是动物明显的避难所需求。

    A sacred place of peace, however, crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter which is a distinctly animal need.


  • 我们可能会认为早期艺术作品粗糙的,西班牙法国南部洞穴壁画表现出了出众技巧

    We might expect that early artistic efforts would be crude, but the cave paintings of Spain and southern France show a marked degree of skill.


  • 虽然它们大部分鳞片已经消失但金枪鱼鲭鱼头部附近仍保留着粗糙鳞片,称为甲。

    Although most of their scales have been lost, tunas and mackerels retain a patch of coarse scales near the head called the corselet.


  • 他们会在清理粉刺软化粗糙皮肤牙齿闪闪发光时候,选择柠檬小苏打酸奶等日常用品。

    They turn to household staples like lemons, baking soda or yogurt when it's time to clear skin of acne, soften rough patches or keep teeth sparkling.


  • 纳德·施莱辛格哈佛大学学者发展迅速烘焙咖啡连锁店AuBong Pain首席执行官他表示很多“再设计”粗糙

    Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much "re-engineering" has been crude.


  • 肌肤容易受刺激粗糙敏感

    Skin is easily irritated, chapped, chafed, and sensitized.


  • 羊毛织物粗糙扎人了皮肤很不舒服。

    Wool is so scratchy that it irritates the skin.


  • 那些手指粗糙不平,有着又又弯的使人想起动物爪子指甲

    The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws.


  • 们可以把一块粗糙的石头变成钻石。

    We can turn a rough stone into a diamond.


  • 些探测器可以在岩石和各种粗糙的地面上行驶。

    These rovers can drive over rocks and all kinds of rough ground.


  • 些琴粗糙、简单又廉价,琴弦的数量从两根到六根不等。

    They were rough, simple and cheap with different numbers of strings, from two to even six.


  • 得直往后缩后背胳膊粗糙的树皮伤。

    Recoiling in pain, I'd scrape my back or arms on the scaly tree bark.


  • 看着自行车上飞落,粗糙人行道上英尺

    I watched her fly off of her bike and skid several feet along the harsh pavement.


  • 猎人蹑手蹑脚地进入间里屋打开一个冰箱,拿出物品粗糙冰冻熊掌

    The hunter pads into a back room pop, open a freezer and reveal the goods: four gnarled and frozen paws.


  • 然后随着炽热阳光和滂沱的大雨交替出现黑色岩石粗糙而贫瘠表面开始慢慢软化

    Then, as blazing sunshine alternated with drenching rains, the harsh, barren surfaces of the black rocks slowly began to soften.


  • 今天坐在帐篷,脸上早已没有了妆容头发干枯,自己矮人有着鳄鱼般粗糙皮肤

    Today I sit outside my tent, makeup long gone and hair fried, with feet like a hobbit, the skin of an alligator.


  • 天狼星摔倒好像了很长时间:向后摔倒,通过拱门粗糙的帘子时,身体蜷成了一个优美的拱形。

    It seemed to take Sirius an age to fall: his body curved in a graceful arc as he sank backward through the ragged veil hanging from the arch.


  • 不快地想起了斯特里塔姆桑尼希尔学校那里粗糙柏油路学校的角落里闲逛,幻想野生动植物

    This reminds me unpleasantly of Sunnyhill School in Streatham, with its harsh tarmac, where I used to hang about in corners fantasising about wildlife.


  • 施雷格线纹理上更粗糙

    The Schreger lines are coarser in texture.


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