• 文学欣赏特殊精神活动达到的是一种精神升华的境界。

    Appreciation of literal works is a special spiritual activity leading to a realm of spiritual distillation.


  • 通过这些步骤我们精神得以升华觉醒,我们努力这些信条传达他人应用于我们生活中的一切事物

    Having a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.


  • 意义-不管是通过教堂或者精神升华,或者是通过那些带来激情或者事物找到意义。

    Meaning. It's often useful to find meaning, either through a church or spiritual way, or through those we love in life or through the things we're passionate about.


  • 死后,他的灵魂进入另一个世界那个精神里,在物质世界里形成的灵魂成为审判以及升华基础

    When a human dies, the soul passes into the next world, where its spiritual development in the physical world becomes a basis for judgment and advancement in the spiritual world.


  • 了解爱情往往因为爱情的升华坚强他们向上意志进取精神

    Those who know love will always be strong because of the sublimation of love and their upward will and enterprising spirit.


  • 了解爱情往往会因为爱情的升华坚强了他们向上意志进取精神

    Understand the love of people tend to love because of the sublimation of their upward and strong willed and enterprising spirit.


  • 全心全意相信一件事的时候,会发生什么信念激起热情热情爆发激情。激情点燃我们灵魂升华我们的精神

    What happens when you believe something with all your heart?Belief fuels enthusiasm, and enthusiasm explodes into passion. It fires our souls and lifts our spirits.


  • 工作生活我们追求知识挣脱我,纯洁精神净化灵魂升华自己

    We pursue knowledge to throw off our old selves, to purify our spirits and souls, and to sublime ourselves in our work and life.


  • 科学通过技术所开创物质精神世界升华成的高级文明形式。

    Science is a kind of senior civilized which is sublimed from the substance and spirit worlds created by science and technology.


  • 科学教育需要艺术教育提炼升华同时极大地影响人类精神产品生产。

    Art education needs the refinement and distillation of science education, and meanwhile affects the mental production of human greatly.


  • 志愿者奉献自己的时间才干而不期待物质回报,特殊使命感使志愿者的精神得到升华

    By giving their time and skills without expectation of material reward, volunteers themselves are uplifted by a singular sense of purpose.


  • 作为精神慰藉超越乌托邦式“自然”人生理想体验自由审美情感本质暗通,遂升华为一飞鱼跃”诗学境界

    As a kind of spiritual consolation and transcendence, this Utopia realm of life is interlinked with the aesthetic feeling essence of experiencing freedom and thus is sublimated to the poetic realm.


  • 体育教育过程终身体育学习本,启发潜在学习能力综合素质,进而使人的精神不断升华人格不断完善。

    The process of physical education should be tapped the potential ability to learn and the synthesis qualities, focusing on its life-long learning, promoting spiritual and moral perfection.


  • 插图作品具象意象、从视觉展现精神境界的拓展统一过程,就是“韵”的生发升华过程。

    The process, which from objectivity to abstraction, from the visual exhibition to the spiritual display, is the road to spirit that appears, grows and flowers.


  • 一经正义基本价值目标本身转化法律正义,法规格精神品格便也因之而升华

    Once the law takes the justice as the basic value target, it changes into legal justice itself, the specification and spirit character of law also raise to a higher level.


  • 武德精神充满个性魅力价值观念文化观念、思维模式行为模式奥林匹克精神升华提供契机

    Takenori spirit will be full of personality with its attractive values, cultural values, thinking patterns and behavioral patterns for the Olympic spirit to provide an opportunity to sublimate.


  • 交通文化建设行业精神文明建设重要组成部分,是行业精神文明建设拓展升华

    Traffic culture construction is the ideological infrastructure of an important part of spiritual civilization is the industry's expansion and sublimation.


  • 中国板凳概念卵石内在精神结合运用传达中国人独有的生活体验行为,是中国人朴素行为的升华

    The pebbles intrinsic spirit and the Chinese backless stool concept's utilization convey one kind of life experience which the Chinese Unique behavior, Chinese simple behavior sublimation.


  • 具体地关怀升华策略性升华教育精神的内涵就是爱智统一

    Specifically speaking, the sublimation of care is love, the sublimation of tactics is wisdom, and educational spirit is just the unification of love and wisdom.


  • 精神回报情感升华需要将情感教育智力投资教育结合,要设计多种情感互动的形式才能达到教育的目标

    The elevation of spirit is hence to work together with intelligence investment education, and achieves the teaching goal by mutual emotional reactions.


  • 现实还是这种精神需求人们需求的标准提高整个民族文化提高,势必人们审美标准的尺度上升华

    But the reality is that more people demand of spiritual demand, and the standard of national culture, improving people's aesthetic standard in the scales have a sublimation.


  • 透过所创造人生精神文明瑰丽结晶指引人类走入他神秘的内心世界从而不断得到人生的升华

    Through his create life spiritual civilization, leading the magnificent crystallization human into his mysterious inner world, so as to constantly get distillation of life.


  • 美学逻辑上升华这些神话传说所包含的深层意识,反映先民精神活动追求自然界协调、和谐的意愿

    This is an aesthetic distillation of the innermost meaning embedded in these myths, and reflected the primitive people's wish to be in harmony with the nature world.


  • 留学北美”,不仅去留学,而是精神上的升华啊。

    It is not only "Follow me to Study in North America", but the sublimation is improving in the spirit.


  • 现代公园绿地建设而言景观设计不仅为了获得视觉审美效果需要升华精神审美内涵。

    Landscape design in the modern park construction is not only for obtaining visual aesthetic effects, but also for inspiring spiritual aesthetic connotations.


  • 如果没有美德作为坚实基础世上所有优雅高贵艺术形式无法挽救一个,更不可能使人的精神得以升华

    Without a solid sterling basis of individual goodness, all the grace, elegance, and art in the world would fail to save or to elevate a people.


  • 如果没有美德作为坚实基础世上所有优雅高贵艺术形式无法挽救一个,更不可能使人的精神得以升华

    Without a solid sterling basis of individual goodness, all the grace, elegance, and art in the world would fail to save or to elevate a people.


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