Second, the current status of research on the creative theory for documentary at home and abroad.
Chen Weijun, producer of Wuhan TV Station, he has being engaging in documentary production for a long time.
In the eyes of the professional documentary producer, DV is just one type of screening tools of them all.
Aesthetics is the essential characteristic of television documentary, and the norm for its creation and criticism.
In the course of shooting and editing, I strongly felt how important life experience is for documentary production.
Zhang Weijie started his career as a documentary artist in the 1990s and has been recording changes in the lives of the Chinese people for over a decade from his humble and sincere perspective.
This essay applies a case study method to discuss the types of commentary in documentary, their features, functions and values in the creation of documentary.
我正在给Canongate 和BBC 分别创作一本书和电视纪录片,名字叫做《烧尽商标》(Bonfire ofthe Brands)。
I am writing a book/TV documentary for Canongate an d the BBC called Bonfire of the Brands.
Fresh idea and new landscape would be offered by research taken documentaries as texts in terms of Narratology, both to documentary workers and to their audience.
The bottleneck of creating and marketing a documentary at present stems from a misunderstanding of the meaning of the documentary.
And during the shoot, the point is to get as much material as possible. It's in the editing that a documentary takes place.
The documentary shows its particular in the late idea , that its first element is the truth , and it is valued by recording what has happened in the past that can never occurred again .
But in the documentary itself, there is a constant creative idea that USES the real images to reflect the life and record history.
The self-view of the object being shot, which was put forward after the value of documentary films being expounded in this article, was consistent with authors creative intentions to a certain extent.
CG technology will become increasingly widely used in the documentary's creation.
Televised documentary derives from movies, the early homiletic works became a tool for framer to realize their propaganda purpose.
This paper tries to study documentary of our country with the morphology theory. As an important kind of film and television arts, the documentary is created with original video materials.
In addition, on the anthropological research perspective, I interpret the anthropology documentary on its own characteristics and value and the creative concept.
From the creative groups, creative way to the appearing of the text, the natural civil features of the DV make the DV documentary show Out the pluralistic, popular characteristics.
Popular with it, lots of documentary film imitate and copy the fixed technique regardless, causing the creation of documentary film present a picture of miscellaneousness.
Popular with it, lots of documentary film imitate and copy the fixed technique regardless, causing the creation of documentary film present a picture of miscellaneousness.