• 手很笨拙,无法解开这个

    His clumsy fingers couldn't untie the knot.


  • 身着白色燕尾服,配上黑色蝴蝶领带,看起来非常漂亮

    He is looking pretty spiffy in a white tux and black bow-tie.


  • 这个时候,人们蝴蝶代替奖章

    At this time, a bowknot was adopted to be worn in lieu of the medal.


  • 首先顾名思义,凤面积广大设计类似"中国 ",涵盖内涵艺术意味。

    Firstly, just as the name implies, Fengming Lake is a very vast lake, which is designed artistically with the meaning and shape of "The Chinese Knot".


  • 奇异反物质捆扎实验物理学已经揭示了我们世界一些幽灵般的方面

    From bizarre antimatter to experiments that tie light up in knots, physics has revealed some spooky sides of our world.


  • 认出了他身体,他的头上打着一个陌生的头发,他的脖颈,他宽阔的后背有力的胳膊

    I also recognized the body, the head with the hair gathered in an unfamiliar knot, the neck, the broad back, and the strong arms.


  • 椒盐实际上被认为来自德语单词bretzel”,指一种在烘烤一个加盐的薄面包卷。

    Pretzel is indeed thought to come from a German word "bretzel" described as a kind of thin bread roll twisted into a knot and salted before baking.


  • 他们洛杉矶县政府大楼

    They were married at the Los Angeles County Courthouse.


  • 窗帘最后配上蝴蝶显出女性的柔美。

    The bows will give a feminine finish to the curtains.


  • 彬彬有礼致谢辞作

    She closed with a gracious speech of thanks.


  • 这些植物之后被授粉,使其成熟籽。

    These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed.


  • 这本段对夏威夷冗长描述

    The book ends on a lengthy description of Hawaii.


  • 一直寻求和声节奏和起来的方法

    I had been looking for ways to combine harmonic and rhythmic structures.


  • 双方本周提交查尔斯·基丁债券欺诈案辩陈词。

    Both sides presented closing arguments this week in the securities fraud trial of Charles Keating.


  • 的果实对你身体有益。

    Trees provide fruits that are good for you.


  • 家户户的前门都点缀着红色的中国和灯笼。

    On the front gate of each household is dotted with red Chinese knots and lanterns.


  • 然中国的销量下降了很多,但我仍然有信心摆脱疫情带来的困境。

    Though the sales of Chinese knots have dropped a lot, I'm still confident that I can get out of the trouble brought by the outbreak.


  • 些你断定选择了比你队伍更长的队伍的人已经完账并到了停车场了。

    People who you swear got in other lines long after you are already checked out and off to the parking lot.


  • 设计了一款独特的中国,以表达对那些几个月前支援武汉的医护人员的感激之情。

    She designed a special Chinese knot to express her thanks to the medics who were sent to support Wuhan several months ago.


  • 列为非物质文化遗产的中国制作技艺的继承人柳成为了一名直播节目主持人。

    Lyu, an inheritor (继承人) of the art of making Chinese knots, which is listed as an intangible (非物质) cultural heritage, became a livestreaming host.


  • 凭借一根彩绳和坚定的信念,让中国传统艺术在网络世界熠熠生辉,帮助更多人了解中国文化。

    She is using a length of colored string and determination to keep this traditional art of Chinese knots alive online and help more people understand the culture.


  • 上十点,穿着中国的传统服装——旗袍,吕敏在自己的工作室开始了直播,和许多手工爱好者分享制作中国的技艺。

    Dressed in a qipao, a traditional Chinese dress, Lyu started the livestreaming session from her workshop at 10 in the morning, sharing the art of making Chinese knots with many handicraft (手工艺) lovers.


  • 使疫情在中国已经基本得到控制,对于许多人来说,面对面的交流仍然不能实现。这种情况下,她认为直播课程可以满足更多中国爱好者学习这种手工艺的需求。

    As face-to-face interaction is still impractical for many, even as the outbreak has been largely brought under control in China, she thinks livestreaming classes can meet more Chinese knot lovers' needs to learn the handicraft.


  • 不要搅动牛奶直到

    Don't stir the milk until it creams.


  • 如果正在操办自己的宴会,可以比较搭的丝带蝴蝶花束

    If you're making your own bouquet, wrap your flowers in a matching ribbon or bow.


  • 之所以如此是因为某种力量鞭策——正如鞭策的茧子一般。

    I may be so because there is some kind of power that spurs mejust as the silkworm is spurred to make its cocoons.


  • 喜欢洗澡,喜欢穿衣服,喜欢左耳蝴蝶尽管蝴蝶戴在小猪身上好看

    She loved to have baths, wearing clothes, and wearing a bow on her left ear, even though a bowknot doesn't look pretty on pigs.


  • 最初记忆一张临时搭建床上醒来鼻子嘴巴鼻涕,身上盖着芦苇毯子

    My first memory is of awakening in a makeshift bed, dried snot caked in my nose and mouth, under a blanket of reeds.


  • 随着时间的推移,压力增加,再加上上方重新冻融水冰原颗粒成为相互的大晶体蓝色冰川

    With additional time, pressure, and refrozen meltwater from above, the small firn granules become larger, interlocked crystals of blue glacial ice.


  • 如果目标改善思维建议选择合身可能助长焦躁情绪衣服因此要避免使用蝴蝶领带不必要的配饰

    If your goal is to improve your thinking, she recommends picking clothes that fit well and are unlikely to encourage restlessness, so, avoid bows, ties and unnecessary accessories.


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