• 原因很多人们称作事实信息结果错误

    Reason: Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate.


  • 如同通用近期多灾多难历史上其他时期一样,那个秋天希望结果错误

    But, as at other times in GM's recent troubled history, the promise of that autumn turned out to be false.


  • 而言之,根据巴贝同事地球物理学评论快报最新解释卫星照片分析结果错误

    In short, as Barber and his colleagues explain in a recent paper in Geophysical Review Letters, the analysis of what the satellites were seeing was wrong.


  • 因此如果提交一项错误查询Zappos可能也会展示错误结果会向我表明为什么结果错误的帮助指出更好搜索

    So, if I submit the wrong query, Zappos might show me the wrong results, but it also shows me why the results are wrong and helps me figure out a better search.


  • 结果请求无法定向其他服务器上,不会产生安全性错误

    As a result, your requests aren't able to be redirected to another server without generating a security error.


  • 最终结果测试每天运行很多团队能够更快发现集成错误——通常几个小时之内

    The end result is that tests are run many times a day and your team is able to catch integration errors more quicklynormally within a few hours.


  • 如果错误选择预计结果较小的,那么我们应该根据我们现在知道的内容制定最佳决策继续前进。

    If the projected consequences of the wrong choice are minor, we should make the best decision based on what we know now and move on.


  • 正如我们反复看到的一样,不能预测了解程序行为导致的一种可以轻松预测到的结果——错误不断软件

    As we've seen time and again, the inability to predict and understand a program's behavior has easily predictable consequencesbuggy software.


  • 结果即使存在释放后立即覆盖,并且指向不同预期值,也很难识别出新值错误值。

    The consequence is that, even if memory is overwritten immediately on freeing and the new pointed value differs from the expected one, the new value might be hard to recognize as erroneous.


  • 然而不幸,很可能出现的结果是,欧盟的那些人对错误目标乱扫一气,忽略了更深层次的问题

    Unfortunately, the likelihood is that they will take potshots at the wrong targets and ignore deeper problems.


  • 使用BOGUS调用simplequote,以验证获得结果是invalidstocksymbol错误

    Invoke simple quote with BOGUS and verify that you get back an invalid stock symbol error.


  • 我们所有人都知道托马斯·爱迪生这样,我们知道多少错误甚至错误,我们还知道最终结果成为了我们现在知道的托马斯·爱迪生。

    We all know people such as Thomas Edison, and we know how many times made mistake even big mistakes and we also know what the final result was: he became that Thomas Edison that we now know.


  • 结果SimpleD b检索相同UUID因此可以在这里进行检查看看返回评论字段所希望(如果则说明出现了错误)。

    The result is the retrieval of the same UUID back from SimpleDB, so you could check here to see if the resulting comment field is the one you wanted (otherwise something went wrong).


  • 如果变量valNone那么(not val)的结果true就会显示错误消息

    If the value of the variable val is None, then the result of (not val) will be true, and the error message will be displayed.


  • 这种情况结果错误理解参考架构每个职责

    The consequences of this are an incorrect understanding of the responsibilities of each layer in the reference architecture. This in turn manifests itself in.


  • 然而过去岁月自然依然在其不完美方式中继续前进,结果尽管许多错误,却依然创下了持续的奇迹

    Over the years, however, nature keeps going on in her imperfect way and the result, in spite of her many mistakes, is a continuing miracle.


  • 结果是大多数共享软件作者都犯了同样错误销售他们产品可都得到太少了!

    As a result, most shareware authors make the same mistake: they sell their product for far too little.


  • 这样说:“并不认为这些结果可靠,他们所选取样本量太少,这样很容易得出错误的结论。”

    "I didn't believe this stuff. Most of the studies were based on small Numbers and the findings could easily be spurious," he said.


  • 希望评价证明令人惊讶错误仍然努力地看到替代的结果是什么

    I hope to be proven astoundingly wrong in my assessment, but I'm struggling to see alternative outcomes.


  • 使用不适当统计方法过分夸大问题结果一种常见错误

    Using inappropriate statistical methods and overstating the implications of the results is a common error.


  • 法庭进行事实调查结果被告广告错误善意的,欺骗公众为目的的。

    The court made factual findings that defendant's mistake regarding the advertisement was made in good faith and was not intended to deceive the public.


  • 结果了个数学错误马上就要发表(收回)文章的时候,错误发现了。

    "It turned out he had made a mathematical error that was only discovered just before he was going publish" the retraction.


  • 运行较高IRQL结果系统逐渐服务分页错误作用

    One consequence of running at elevated IRQL is that the system becomes incapable of servicing page faults.


  • 结果是可以成为文件探针甚至可以错误信息回复得到文件拷贝

    Result: you may be able to probe for files, perhaps even get a copy of it in the error response.


  • 结果是可以成为文件探针甚至可以错误信息回复得到文件拷贝

    Result: you may be able to probe for files, perhaps even get a copy of it in the error response.


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