• 用户进行测试邀请家人朋友参加测试,你可以邀请网络新手参与测试。

    Also, user test it: ask family and friends if they can complete certain tasks. Do include digital neophytes.


  • 是的注意许多论坛成员开始关心网络新手回答问题分析事情——同时还做得非常

    Well, yes I noticed that a lot of forum members were starting to take care of newbies and answer questions and analyze things - and doing a darn good job of it, too!


  • 网络新手经历:服务器(运行基于Redmond操作系统)DVD驱动器Eject按钮立即弹出。

    The newbie states that when he pushes the eject button on the DVD drive of a server running a certain Redmond-based operating system, it will eject immediately.


  • 遗憾的是对于每个新手游戏程序员来说网络很难找到一文章能提供方面完整信息

    But unfortunately for every new game programmer, there aren’t any good articles on the internet who provide the proper information on this topic.


  • GUI显示大量功能命令行标识其目标用户是GIS专家尝试创建网络地图新手

    The GUI struggled to keep up with the large number of features and command-line flags, aimed at GIS experts, rather than at novices trying to create maps for the Web.


  • 为了建立个能够让知识专家新手传递以及鼓励个人成长学习型组织需要建立一个社交网络

    To create a learning organization where knowledge is passed from experts to newcomers and where personal growth is encouraged, you need to create a social learning network.


  • 但是如今网络空间中,无数网络用户需要国际实时信息,优质的翻译专家已经新手代替。

    Yet in today's cyberspace where zillions of users thirst for instant international information, graceful gurus have been uprooted by green-hand translators.


  • 如果互联网赚钱谋生网络工作新手,但毫无头绪,那么我们同样教你如何开始网络赚钱

    We've also shown how you could get started with making money online if you are new to web working, want to make a living from the Internet, and have no clue.


  • 许多非洲国家新手业务提供商不能网络运营商直接接触而是必须通过中间人达到目的,比如,通过中间人从网络运营商那里分配一小串号码

    In many African countries providers of new mobile services cannot deal with network operators directly, but must use intermediaries to get, for instance, a short code for customers to dial.


  • 随着数字作品网络传播,数字水印技术作为版权保护新手显得更为重要

    Since the digital works was spread extensively via Internet, the digital watermark technology became especially important as a way of copyright protection.


  • 所以项目是否真实可靠对于懂行便知,这些项目无非就是一个网络知识点包装天花乱坠来忽悠入门新手

    So an item is true for the knowledgeable and reliable Bianzhi a look at these projects is nothing more than to point a network of knowledge of the hype, packaging Hu You just entry to the novice.


  • 植物病理学多媒体实验室建设计算机辅助教学系统开发网络课程建设等实验教学提供方法新手段,收到良好的教学效果。

    Construction of multimedia experiment system, development of the computer assistant instruction (CAI) and phytopathology course in network provide the new method to experiment teaching.


  • 虚拟学习社区个以网络媒介,将专家学者新手共同组成一个互动积极的场所

    A virtual learning community composed by experts, scholars and new learners is a place where learners are likely to use the medium of the Internet to learn interactively.


  • 随着计算机信息技术迅猛发展网络远程教学多媒体课件等成为英语教学

    With the rapid development of computer science and information technology Web-based distance education and multimedia-based teaching will be new methods in English teaching.


  • 另一个原因网络用户即使是新手,对网络欺诈也越来越警惕

    Another reason is that Web users, even newbies, have become increasingly scam-savvy.


  • 为了SEO新手网络创业直观了解想让大家一些弯路我们总结分享我们网络创业流程建议

    In order for SEO beginners start on the network have a intuitive understanding, but also want you to take some detours less, we summarize and share business processes of our proposed network.


  • 即使是熟练新手僵尸网络显然一个强有力的攻击武器

    Even in unskilled hands, it should be obvious that botnets are a loaded and powerful weapon.


  • 即使是熟练新手僵尸网络显然一个强有力的攻击武器

    Even in unskilled hands, it should be obvious that botnets are a loaded and powerful weapon.


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