• 然后36日,他们靠近南极洲罗斯海海岸线一个可以上岸地方

    Then, on 6 March, they approached the coastline of Antarctica's Ross Sea, looking for a place to land.


  • 罗斯海南极海岸线里一个相对较海湾,位于新西兰南部

    The Ross Sea is a relatively shallow bay in the Antarctic coastline and due south from New Zealand.


  • 随着南极北隅海冰消退,生活罗斯海阿德利企鹅背井离乡向着南方的极点靠近。

    As the sea ice at the northern fringe of Antarctica retreats, researchers expect that Adélie penguins living in the Ross Sea will be forced to shift their range farther south toward the pole.


  • 500年后工程师马克·罗斯海姆依照大师的手稿制造出了确实能行动的小型版本的机械骑士。

    Five hundred years later, engineer Mark Rosheim used the master's schematics to build a working miniaturized version.


  • 南半球每个春季夏季太阳升起24小时照耀在南极洲天空上时,罗斯海也焕发生命

    Every southern spring and summer, after the Sun has risen into its 24-hour circuit around the skies of Antarctica, the Ross Sea bursts with life.


  • 个别来看,只有罗斯显著的活动趋势而在别林斯高晋海阿蒙森,海冰层实际上已经减少了。

    Considered individually, only the Ross sea sector had a significant positive trend, while sea ice extent has actually decreased in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen seas.


  • 研究人员本月登上了正在罗斯海巡航美国破冰船纳撒尼尔·b·尔默号,寻找这类洋流系统特征。

    This month, researchers aboard the U.S. icebreaking ship Nathaniel B. Palmer are cruising in the Ross sea in search of the signatures of this current system.


  • 研究人员本月登上了正在罗斯海巡航美国破冰船纳撒尼尔·B·尔默号,寻找这类洋流系统特征。

    This month, researchers aboard the U. S. icebreaking ship Nathaniel B. Palmer are cruising in the Ross Sea in search of the signatures of this current system.


  • 真彩图像所摄正是从美国宇航局“阿卡”卫星分辨率成像光谱仪观察到的2011年1月22日出现在罗斯海次水华。

    This true-color image captures such a bloom in the Ross Sea on January 22, 2011, as viewed by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite.


  • 罗伊兹岬(Cape Royds)南极洲罗斯海(RossSea)罗斯(Ross Island)上的一部分。这里生活着位于世界南端的企鹅群落

    Cape Royds, which is part of Ross Island in Antarctica's Ross Sea, is home to the southernmost penguin colony in the world.


  • 尼塞河发源于蒙古,流经俄罗斯,汇入北冰洋的喀拉海。全长3445英里。

    The Yenisei River starts in Mongolia and flows through Russia to the Kara Sea in the Arctic Ocean. It's 3,445 miles long.


  • 俄罗斯最近开始将伯近岸码头开采的石油运往摩尔曼斯克

    Russiahas recently started shipping oil from an offshore terminal in the Pechora Sea to Murmansk.


  • 老年痴呆症,又名阿尔茨海,是以这种病症的发现者爱罗斯·阿兹·海默医生的名字命名。这一种缓慢破坏记忆力思维能力大脑疾病,不可逆转且是递增的。

    Alzheimer's disease, named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, is a brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking capability.


  • 埃及短暂休息返回利比亚的途中,接受一次电话采访期间他谈到了海瑟林顿洪德罗斯的悲剧性死亡以及为什么战地记者要那样冒着危险报道。

    In a phone interview while driving back into Libya from Egypt after a brief break, he discussed the tragic deaths of Hetherington and Hondros and why war reporters do what they do.


  • 俄罗斯一切嗤之以鼻担心立陶宛及其波罗的海邻国电网融入欧洲其他地区的电网,会使加里宁格勒成为能源孤岛

    Russia pooh-poohs all this. It worries that Kaliningrad may be left an energy island as Lithuania and its Baltic neighbours integrate their power grids with the rest of Europe's.


  • 俄罗斯穿越波罗的海德国输气管线开始运作,尽管本身具有争议。

    Gas began to flow through the controversial Nord Stream gas pipeline, which connects Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea.


  • 巴斯为了保障原料供应,正和俄罗斯国家天然气工业公司合作,共同铺设横跨波罗的海天然气管道同时西西伯利亚油田也购买一定的股份

    BASF is now trying to secure its lines of supply from Russia by a joint project with Gazprom to build a gas pipeline across the Baltic. It also has a share in a west Siberian oilfield.


  • 波罗的海诸国、斯堪的维亚半岛和和俄罗斯即将不过一些保暖衣物就足够应付了。

    The Baltic states, Scandinavia and Russia will be cooling down, but it’s nothing a few warm layers can’t handle.


  • 冷战结束的年后,北约国家普遍认为俄罗斯并未对其造成危险,所以需要制定应变计划保护成员例如波罗的海沿岸国家。

    For years after the cold war, the orthodoxy was that Russia did not pose a threat, so NATO did not need to draw up contingency plans to protect newer members, such as the Baltic states.


  • 直到最近俄罗斯承认,英国石油俄罗斯石油打算钻探地方一个主要的冰垃圾场

    Until recently Russia regarded the Kara Sea, where BP and Rosneft intend to drill, as primarily an icy dump.


  • 这个残酷条约下了俄国四分之一的人口工业,以及俄国统治广大疆域波兰波罗的海诸国,白俄罗斯乌克兰克里米亚比萨拉比亚和芬兰。

    The draconian treaty tore away a quarter of Russia’s population and industry, and vast swathes of Russian-ruled territory: Poland, the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, Crimea, Bessarabia and Finland.


  • 纽约市立图书馆比利·罗斯电影陈列柜可以找到许多当年凯瑟琳那·海普的影迷们发给电报

    At the Billy Rose Theater Division of the New York Public Library, would-be Cyranos can peruse notes and telegrams Katharine Hepburn received from her many admirers.


  • 可有趣的是第二次世界大战胜利70周年纪念日,却重新揭开了俄罗斯邻居们- - -乌克兰波兰以及波罗的海诸国之间伤疤恶语相加

    Interestingly, the 70th anniversary of World War II has reopened old wounds and ignited an ugly battle of words between Russia and its unloving neighbors, Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltic states.


  • 第二项的双边接触十月俄罗斯在阿塔瑞坎邦的赖尼海特举行军演

    The second bilateral engagement will be with Russia during October to be held near Ranikhet, Uttarakhand.


  • 北约对于去年秋季俄罗斯波罗的海各国波兰边境上大规模军事演习进一步加深人们的担忧

    A muted NATO response to extensive Russian military exercises on the Baltic and Polish borders last autumn sharpened the worries further.


  • 周前英国电影制片人蒂姆·海瑟林顿美国摄影记者克里斯·洪德罗斯利比亚遇难凸显记录冲突本身所固有的危险

    The deaths in Libya a week ago of British filmmaker Tim Hetherington and American photographer Chris Hondros highlighted the peril inseparable from recording conflict.


  • 周前英国电影制片人蒂姆·海瑟林顿美国摄影记者克里斯·洪德罗斯利比亚遇难凸显记录冲突本身所固有的危险

    The deaths in Libya a week ago of British filmmaker Tim Hetherington and American photographer Chris Hondros highlighted the peril inseparable from recording conflict.


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