The other four that round out the six major pairs pit the dollar against the British pound, the Swiss franc and the Canadian and Australian dollars.
The dollar fell to an all-time low against Swiss franc while gold touched a record high. Long-dated US Treasury bonds weakened while global stocks remained under pressure.
It also fell heavily against the yen, at one point touching a 10-month trough of Y87.40, and neared parity with the Swiss franc.
The slide in global shares came as oil approached $100 a barrel – though it fell back sharply – and the dollar set a record low of $1.4856 against the euro and $1.1025 against the Swiss franc.
It also hit record lows against the euro and the Swiss franc.
英镑兑1.5629美元,此前兑1.5277美元。 美元兑1.1178瑞士法郎,周一尾盘兑1.1594瑞士法郎。
The U.K. pound was at $1.5629 from $1.5277, and the dollar was at 1.1178 Swiss francs from 1.1594 Swiss francs late Monday.
英镑兑1.5629美元,此前兑1.5277美元。 美元兑1.1178瑞士法郎,周一尾盘兑1.1594瑞士法郎。
The U.K. pound was at $1.5629 from $1.5277, and the dollar was at 1.1178 Swiss francs from 1.1594 Swiss francs late Monday.