• 听到哭声,他高兴地跳上桌子说:“你将是我美味的午餐!”

    When the cat heard the cry, he jumped onto the table so happily and said, "You'll be my nice lunch!"


  • 享受家常美味的午餐以及各种各样的软饮料果汁

    Enjoy a home cooked delicious Lunch with selection for soft drinks and juices.


  • 这儿你可以现代旅游胜地后面尽情享受美味的午餐

    It's easy to do. The trips launch from the docks just behind the contemporary resort.


  • 尽管午餐只有蔬菜米饭我们仍然认为非常美味的午餐地上

    Although the lunch is only have vegetables and rice, but we still think it is very delicious lunch in the earth.


  • 这个项目需要的提供一切帮助工作申请教育帮助理发美味的午餐

    It offered needy people everything from job applications and educational assistance to haircuts and a hot lunch.


  • 不是问题因为过境鳟鱼美味午餐我们选择较少没有张贴标志走过道路,我们能看到真正的景点

    Not a problem as it was one less border crossing, the trout lunch was delicious and we had chosen to take the roads less travelled with no sign Posting so we could see the real sights.


  • 宁愿酒店早餐午餐然后很多美味晚餐

    I'd rather eat breakfast and lunch at the hotel and then spend much money on a delicious supper.


  • 早餐美味的原味奶昔中午自己可口有利健康的午餐还能节约点钱

    I get to eat a wonderful raw breakfast smoothie and I can make the most delicious lunch which is both good for me and saves money.


  • 比起买来午餐它们可能更健康更实惠而且美味

    They tend to be healthier, cheaper and more delicious than buying your lunch.


  • 虽然许多美国仍然汉堡包摊前匆匆打发自己的午餐,但是在晚餐时,美国人同其他国家的许多人一样,会静下心从容不迫地品尝菜肴美味

    Like so many people in other cultures, many Americans are taking time to relax and enjoy the finer tastes at dinner, even if they still rush through lunch at a hamburger stand.


  • 放在一个书架上距离正在享受美味午餐的克鲁利亚茨拉菲尔大约四十英里地方。它刚刚开始倒计时

    It was on a bookshelf about forty miles away from where Crowley and Aziraphale were enjoying a rather good lunch and, metaphorically, it had just begun to tick.


  • 要求企业通过一个国家职业介绍所雇佣工资低廉的职工限制任何形式的津贴——即使员工餐厅里有“过分美味”的午餐也不被允许。

    It also required firms to hire workers through a state employment agency that paid meagre salaries, and to restrict any perks-even extra-tasty lunches in staff canteens.


  • 谈话之后,我们尽情享用了残雪丈夫烹制美味午餐

    Following our conversation, we all feasted on a delectable lunch prepared by Can Xue's husband.


  • 我们三个正在附近小餐馆享受美味午餐(羊肉这里主食),我们完后,一个食物袋将剩下的菜打包。

    The three of us were eating a delicious lunch at a nearby restaurant (lamb is the staple here), and when we were finished, Ding made sure to ask for a doggie bag.


  • 午餐过后不到小时下午车厢了——茶、蛋糕我尝到完美的咖喱泡芙美味馅料充足的薄饼,令人回味无穷。

    Barely an hour later, afternoon tea was served in my cabin - a pot of tea, cakes, and possibly the most perfect curry puff I have ever tasted, with its spicy, rich filling and flaky, moreish pastry.


  • 早餐美味原味奶昔,中午自己可口有利健康午餐还能节约点钱

    I get to eat wonderful raw breakfast smoothie.I can make the most delicious lunch which is both good for me and saves money.


  • 这间公司网站上写着:“富含维生素现在可以孩子们学校午餐中享受如此美味小吃不用担心他们把它拿回来!”

    The company's website says: "Fortified with vitamins, iron and calcium, now you can give your kids a great tasting snack that you can be sure won't come back from school in the lunchbox!"


  • 餐厅德伊·卡科斯花园一个覆盖露天牛排包围酒店花园享受午餐晚餐美味烧烤比萨饼

    Restaurant Punta DE Icacos garden is a covered, open-air steakhouse surrounded by the hotel's gardens. Enjoy delicious BBQ and pizzas for lunch and dinner.


  • 还说反思事不一定与工作有关顿自带的美味午餐可以一天中的成就。

    The reflections don't have to be work-related, she adds, a tasty lunch brought from home can be a workday accomplishment.


  • 新鲜沙拉所有你可以吃螃蟹美味的甜点调色板餐饮工作室一个午餐午餐晚餐人群,微风餐厅。

    From fresh salads to all-you-can-eat crab legs and decadent desserts, Palette Dining Studio is a crowd pleaser for brunch, lunch, or dinner.


  • 港区美味国际美食早餐午餐晚餐

    Docklands serves scrumptious international cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


  • 选择一个愉快的星期日午餐早晨星星同时享受浪漫晚餐美味的饮料完全放纵

    Opt for a delightful brunch on Sunday mornings or look out at the stars while enjoying a romantic dinner complete with indulgent meals and delectable drinks.


  • 餐厅亨里克斯提供早餐午餐晚餐日常拥有一个国际范围主食菜单特色以及独特的美味佳肴

    Restaurant Henricus offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily, and boasts an international menu featuring a range of staples as well as unique delicacies.


  • 这家餐馆的午餐晚餐提供正宗美味川菜

    This restaurant serves authentic gourmet Sichuan-style cuisine for lunch and dinner.


  • 还说反思事不一定与工作有关顿自带美味午餐可以一天中的成就。

    Thee reflections don't have to be work-related, she adds, a tasty lunch brought from home can be a workday accomplishment.


  • 小酒馆卡诺阿休闲池畔咖啡馆提供早餐午餐美味的点心专业离开泳池

    Bistro La Canoa is a casual poolside cafe that offers light breakfast, lunch specialties, and delectable refreshments without leaving the pool area.


  • 小酒馆卡诺阿休闲池畔咖啡馆提供早餐午餐美味的点心专业离开泳池

    Bistro La Canoa is a casual poolside cafe that offers light breakfast, lunch specialties, and delectable refreshments without leaving the pool area.


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