• 维珍航空美国护照签证服务商CIBT合作,推广此项业务。

    The airline has tied up with visa and passport service provider, CIBT, for this new offering.


  • 新版美国护照采用第一流的标准内置附加功能使得伪造特别

    The new American passport sets the gold standard. It has additional features built into it that make it especially hard to counterfeit.


  • 此外他们也希望孩子出生便成为美国公民,持美国护照

    Moreover, they wanted the baby to be born an American citizen, with a United States passport.


  • 骄傲自己美国护照一心梦想着上之后返回美国

    But he was proud of his American passport and dreamt of coming back after completing medical school.


  • 为了避税已经放弃美国护照约翰逊实际上纽约市出生的。

    Although he gave up his American passport to avoid paying taxes, Mr. Johnson was actually born in New York City.


  • 美国护照持有者需要一个肯尼亚签证到达肯尼亚的时候可以机场或者边境获得

    US passport holders need a visa to enter Kenya, but they can get it at the airport or border crossing when they arrive in Kenya.


  • 一项年度调查显示德国公民护照世界上强大的,接下来是英国美国护照

    German citizens possess the world's most powerful passport, according to an annual study, with Britain and the us falling just short of the top spot.


  • 一些家长皮埃尔.理查德.米尔福特,:“如果CCF关闭了,可能会拿着美国护照离开海地

    Some parents, like Pierre Richard Milfort, said that if C.C.F. did shut down, he might take advantage of his American visa and abandon Haiti.


  • 护照证明美国公民提交文书照片通常等待周后才能领到第一个美国护照

    Passport: : you have to prove you're a citizen, submit paperwork and a photo and usually wait about six weeks to get your hands on your first U. S. passport.


  • 位不愿透露姓名警方人士表示其中一男子携带美国护照认定帕特里克·艾伦·威尔。

    Speaking on condition of anonymity, the police source said one of the men was carrying a U. S. passport that identified him as Patrick Alan Lawwill.


  • 太平洋地区的官员们只是检查检查美国护照他们并不关心他们国家之前究竟去过那些国家。

    Pacific Rim officials just check my U. S. passport, they're not concerned about which countries I previously visited before I came to theirs.


  • 需要提供能够证明配偶取得美国国籍3的材料,配偶的出生证,申请美国国籍成功的证明,或者美国护照

    You will also need to provide copies of evidence that your spouse has been a U.S. citizen for at least 3 years, such as his or her birth certificate, certificate of Naturalization, or U.S. passport.


  • “环太平洋地区的官员们只是检查检查美国护照,”格瑞,“他们并不关心他们国家之前究竟去过那些国家。”

    "Pacific Rim officials just check my U. s. passport," says Greg. "They're not concerned about which countries I previously visited before I came to theirs."


  • 在全球约218个国家中,持有德国护照的居民可以免签前往177个国家,英国护照免签前往175个国家,美国护照则是174个。

    German passport holders can travel to 177, out of a possible 218, while Britons can visit 175 and US citizens 174.


  • 证明一点,一家名叫Flexilis公司个假人的口袋里了一本半开合的美国护照通过一个装有少量炸药垃圾箱时,引发了爆炸

    To demonstrate the point, a firm called Flexilis used a partially opened American e-passport tucked in the pocket of a dummy to trigger an explosion as it passed a dustbin containing a small charge.


  • 拉克和他的妻子努力工作,攒够了钱,为全家人办理了护照,乘坐新船前往美国

    Clark and his wife worked hard and saved enough money and got passports for the whole family on a new ship to the United States.


  • 非你在九月三日前更换护照,否则你将不得不放弃去美国的旅行。

    You'll have to give up the trip to America unless you have your passport changed before September 3.


  • 但是起步较晚支持者主要经济条件较好的人,他的对手则利用其同时持有秘鲁美国两国护照事实进行攻击。

    But he started late, his support is concentrated among the better-off, and his opponents have made much of the fact that he holds an American passport as well as a Peruvian one.


  • 他们找的是任何拿着美国英国护照要求所有人电话地上

    They were asking for any US and UK passport holders and got everyone to drop their phones on the ground.


  • 美国英国官员认为德诺·索尼护照容易伪造了

    American and British officials said the Haudenosaunee passports are too easy to forge.


  • 补充道美国英国其他许多国家过去承认德诺·索尼护照合法。

    America, Britain and many other countries have honoured the Haudenosaunee passports in the past, he adds.


  • 根据项目回到美国时,项目注册旅客可以绕过护照控制

    Under the program, travelers who are registered in the program may bypass passport control when returning to the United States.


  • 那些欧盟国家生活工作或者学习以色列美国犹太人发现,拥有波兰背景去欧盟更容易:申请波兰护照的人迅速增长

    Israeli and American Jews wanting to live, work or study in the European Union are finding that a Polish background can be just the ticket: applications for Polish passports are soaring.


  • 那些欧盟国家生活工作或者学习以色列美国犹太人发现,拥有波兰背景去欧盟更容易:申请波兰护照的人迅速增长

    Israeli and American Jews wanting to live, work or study in the European Union are finding that a Polish background can be just the ticket: applications for Polish passports are soaring.


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