• 根据美国消费者报告国家调查中心一项最新调查显示,37%的被访者承认他们并没有如他们预期所想地那样频繁使用家庭健身器械

    According to a recent survey by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, 37 percent of respondents admitted that they use their home equipment less frequently than they expected to.


  • 由于此前位《闲说华尔街读者指责不够了解克莱斯勒的产品昨天晚上仔细地研究了《美国消费者报告》所作的调查,发现情况甚至我想像的还要糟糕

    Last night, after being accused by several Mean Street readers of not knowing enough about Chrysler's line-up, I did more research in Consumer Reports. It was even worse than I thought.


  • 现刊消费者报告”上显示,西南航空美国最受欢迎的航空公司。

    In the current issue of Consumer Reports it was rated America's favourite airline.


  • 美国消费者满意指数——电子商务类》报告通过三个主要的电子商务分类在线旅行社、在线经纪电子零售网站)分析顾客满意度

    The American Customer Satisfaction Index E-Commerce report analyzes customer satisfaction with three major, e-commerce groups: online travel, online brokerage and e-retail.


  • 上个星期,美联储公布最新消费者财务调查报告,这是一美国家庭资产负债三年期报告

    Last week the Federal Reserve released the results of the latest Survey of Consumer Finances, a triennial report on the assets and liabilities of American households.


  • 美国杂志消费者报告拒绝推荐iPhone4呼吁苹果公司消费者进行补偿

    Us magazine Consumer Reports refused to recommend the iPhone 4 and called on Apple to compensate buyers.


  • 12月份到期标准普尔500指数期货下跌0.6%,美国消费者信心报告将在今天公布

    Standard & Poor’s 500 Index futures expiring in December lost 0.6 percent before the release of a report on U.S. consumer confidence.


  • 美国运通消费储蓄追踪首个年度报告四分之一消费者圣诞节当周进行大采购包括圣诞前夕这一天。

    One-fourth of consumers will be shopping the week leading into Christmas,including Christmas Eve, according to the first annual American ExpressSpending and Saving Tracker research report.


  • 最近美国运通公司研究了消费者购买趋势报告说这种趋势转向本地购买道德公司、共创品牌定位优惠集团购买。

    A recent American Express report looks at consumer buying trends, and finds a shift toward local purchases, ethical companies, co-created brands, location-based offers and group buying.


  • 美国多家银行昨日报告,其信用卡抵押贷款其它类型贷款亏损程度正在减轻,美国消费者正在走出衰退提供了证据

    Leading Banks yesterday provided evidence that the US consumer recession is abating, reporting that losses on credit CARDS, mortgages and other loans are starting to moderate.


  • 人们都喜爱杂志--《消费者报告近期民意调查显示:有43%的美国仍然没有决定是否要注射H1N1型流感疫苗

    A recent poll by Consumer Reports, a citizens’ advocacy publication, found that 43% of Americans were still undecided about getting vaccinated against H1N1.


  • 美国通用福特公司报告6月销量并没有达到分析家预估消费者关心失业问题,不去购买大件的商品。

    In the U.S., GM and Ford Motor Co. reported June sales that fell short of analyst estimates as consumers concerned about unemployment and the economy avoided large purchases.


  • 然而美国整形医师学会(以下简称“学会”)报告显示,2007年美国消费者美容手术花费高达120亿美元。

    Yet the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported in 2007 that American consumers spent more than $12 billion on cosmetic surgery.


  • 消费者前沿调查在2011年5月9日的一份报告解释到,“亚马逊早已美国第二大印刷销售商最大电子书销售商。”

    A May 9, 2011 report from Consumer Edge Research explains: "Amazon is already the second-biggest player in physical books in the U."S. and the biggest player in e-books.


  • 美国超过707过热根据官方声明加拿大消费者安全机构,加拿大卫生部报告

    In the United States alone, there were over 70 reports of the Note 7 overheating, according to an official statement from the Canadian consumer safety authority, Health Canada.


  • 总部设在纽约的经济研究机构会议委员会报告美国消费者信心在11月份出人意料地有所提高,主要由于能源价格下降不过消费者信心指数仍然处于低的水平

    In other economic news, a private research firm says U.S. consumer confidence has rebounded somewhat this month, aided by falling energy prices, but that the index remains at a low level.


  • 这份报告根据美国消费者面临日益增长经济压力包括能源价格物价抵押贷款居高不下来统计的。

    The report comes as U. s. consumers face rising financial pressures, including higher energy costs, food bills and mortgage payments.


  • 虽然美国部分地区遭遇冬季暴风雪影响消费者圣诞节购物活动,可是初步报告显示零售商的业绩几年来最好

    A winter snowstorm in parts of the United States appears to have put a damper on after-Christmas shopping, but preliminary reports suggest retailers are enjoying the best holiday season in years.


  • 美国发布耐用品订单民营部门消费者信心报告

    The U. S. is to release data on durable goods orders and a private sector report on consumer confidence.


  • 美国消费者产品安全委员会网站上的信息,到目前为止,三星公司已经收到了92份来自美国电池过热报告其中26报告涉及起火、55报告涉及财产损失

    So far, Samsung has received 92 reports of the batteries overheating in the US, including 26 reports of burns and 55 of property damage, according to the commission's website.


  • 近年来,美国消费者连珠炮似报告食物污染花生酱菠菜沙门氏饼干面团牛肉的大肠杆菌。

    U. S. consumers have been bombarded with reports of contaminated food in recent years, from salmonella in peanut butter and spinach to E. coli in cookie dough and ground beef.


  • 摩根·斯坦利报告显示过去十年中国质优价廉产品使美国消费者节省了6000多亿美元,2004就节省近1000亿美元。

    A report from Morgan Stanley shows that in the past decade, the high-quality and low-cost Chinese products have helped US consumers save over 600 billion USD, 100 billion USD in the year 2004 alone.


  • 两份经济报告显示美国消费者信心至有纪录以来的最低点美国房屋价格正在以创纪录速度下跌

    The reports show U. S. consumer confidence dropping to the lowest level ever recorded and U. S. home prices falling at the fastest rate on record.


  • 美国消费者三月份失业率延续住宅丧失抵押赎回权之中购物非常谨慎但是在星期四零售报告出现一些稳定的迹象。

    Consumers continued to shop cautiously in March amid high unemployment and continued home foreclosures, but there were some glimmers of stabilition in retailer"s sales reports on Thursday."


  • 报告显示美国首次申请失业就业人数下滑消费者信心好转美国资产需求走高,市场预期美国经济进一步复苏将使美元恢复实力

    Expectations for further US economic recovery brought back strength to the Dollar as reports could show jobless claims declined and consumer confidence improved, boosting demand for assets in US.


  • 美国消费者产品安全委员会美国热水器公司没有接到这些热水器有关伤害事故报告

    CPSC and the American water heater Co. have not received any reports of injuries or incidents relating to these water heaters.


  • 美国消费者产品安全委员会美国热水器公司没有接到这些热水器有关伤害事故报告

    CPSC and the American water heater Co. have not received any reports of injuries or incidents relating to these water heaters.


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