They presented their research at a meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics.
Perhaps the fur makes a difference, they say in a video intended for the 2010 aps Gallery of Fluid Motion.
The technique has “a fidelity of 85 to 95 percent, ” Awschalom said March 22 in Dallas at a meeting for the American Physical Society.
The technique has "a fidelity of 85 to 95 percent," Awschalom said March 22 in Dallas at a meeting for the American Physical Society.
Some audience members at the American Physical Society event protested that Kirk, Spock and the "Star Trek" crew would all still live because of the starship Enterprise having shields.
就读于美国密歇根州立大学时,凯特学习了两个专业:专业写作和物理学。 毕业后,她进入美国物理学会进行科学写作的实习。
She graduated from Michigan State University with a dual degree in professional writing and physics. After that, she worked as an intern for the American Physics Society.
This week, at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics in Baltimore, Maryland, the group reported a mathematical formula explaining how wine sloshes.
本周,研究人员向美国物理学会(American Institute of physics)在旧金山举办的工业物理学大会(industrial physicsforum)上汇报了他们的研究成果。
They reported their work to the industrial physics forum held by the American Institute of physics in San Francisco this week.
Even as the temperature was climbing, a new survey by the American Geophysical Union found that Americans are less concerned than ever about combatting global warming.
Three studies, presented at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society's solar physics division, all point towards declining sunspot activity into the next decade.
The research has been presented at the Meeting of the Americas in Cancun, Mexico, co-sponsored by the American Geophysical Union.
Thefindings have been presented at the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco from where our science correspondent Rebecca Morale reports.
Thefindings have been presented at the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco from where our science correspondent Rebecca Morale reports.