The Americans with Disabilities Act doesn't just give disabled people physical access to buildings, restaurants and restrooms, Talbot said.
In a recent telephone survey, 91 percent of the subjects claimed they always washed their hands after using public restrooms.
一项针对美国各类餐馆的研究发现,平均每个高脚椅座位每平方厘米就有147个细菌。 相比之下,普通的公用卫生间马桶座圈上所含细菌是每平方厘米8个。
Research on different restaurants across the US found that on average the number of bacteria on a high chair was 147 per sq cm, while the average public toilet seat has just 8 per sq cm.
So was the Company: Bobrick's catalog jumped to 24 pages that year and included 250 washroom equipment products.
The bathrooms were fully-stocked and cleaner than any I've experienced at sporting stadiums in the U. S.
The bathrooms were fully-stocked and cleaner than any I've experienced at sporting stadiums in the U. S.