• 生态环境人类心目中最美好的理想居住形态实。

    The ecosystem environment was considered by human as an ideal place that they can reside in.


  • 然而今天中国现实浪漫美好的理想之间的差距却越来越大。

    In China today, however, the practical reality seems to have a hard time living up to this romanticized ideal.


  • 只要目标专一三心二意持之以恒半途而废一定能够实现我们美好的理想

    And, as long as the target specificity and not half-hearted, perseverance and don't give up, will be able to realize our beautiful ideal.


  • 一方面接受了人文主义的影响,心中充满美好理想希望生活中的一切理想一样完美

    In college life, Hamlet is influenced by humanism. He is full of good ambitions and hopes that life is as wonderful as his thought.


  • 我们一份虔诚执着,带着“不要颜色只留乾坤高洁追求美好理想

    Let us take a devout with persist, take the high of "not the important person color good, stay pure annoy full universe" to pursue fine ideal.


  • 这个例子提示我们这种粗犷建筑也可以用来实现美好理想承认那些经常被忽略的人群尊严

    It reminds us that bold architecture can serve a good cause, acknowledging the dignity of people who are often treated as invisible.


  • 朝霞美好的理想我们召唤同窗分手在即不必何日相会,我们——一滴一滴的活跃祖国的大海!

    Good ideal calls us like rosy down. Dear classmates, we are about to depart and don't ask when we will meet again. We will be active all around the country-like a drop of water.


  • 平等效率统一人类理应追求目标二者的完美统一却永远只能是美好的理想,强实现的结果必然是效率的消解。

    The unity of equality and efficiency is the target that human beings should pursue, but their perfect unity will always be the glorious ideal. To realize the unity will inevitably reduce efficiency.


  • 其它翻译(见过张璐的翻译前做的翻译)) “亦余心之所善,虽九其犹未” [释义]只要合乎我心中好的理想纵然死掉九回也不会后悔。

    So long as my cherished ideal can be realized, I wouldn't regret even if I had to die a dozen times .


  • 唯心主义并非我们尝试建立美好世界或者范围内来说,建立一个长期可行的关系理想状态。

    Now, this idealism doesn't refer to us being idealistic in that we try to build a better world, or, on a lower scale, a working long-term love relationship.


  • 他们之后重新获得自由那一代人身上,可以清楚看到那种特有美国式理想主意的烙印-未来美好畅想以及全力追赶梦想的驱动力

    But in the freedom generation who benefited from the fall of the Communist empire you see a very distinct breed of American idealism a hope for the future and the drive to get there.


  • 但是治疗师们的断语存在一个问题假定不够理想的父母已经培养另外两个有教养的男孩

    But there was one small problem with these explanations: this supposedly suboptimal couple had managed to raise two other well-adjusted and perfectly nice boys.


  • 绊倒我们判断力的直觉,导致我们忽略其他人的存在,同等重要性格特质也可以促成一份美好的关系,当然,也会导致选择并不太理想伴侣

    It's a feeling that can trip us up, cause us to overlook other, equally important traits that make for a great relationship, and to make poor choices in mates.


  • 为了从事这种工作——邂逅理想陌生人他身上发现美好事物——必须乐观人充满信任

    To make the kind of work I do - which hopes for a beautiful thing out of an encounter with a perfect stranger - I have to be an optimist, I have to be trusting in humankind.


  • 如果粗鲁的对待他们,他同样可以赞赏他们理想这些理想有些时候看起来美好进步。

    If he could berude about them, he could also commend their ideas, which were sometimesadmirably progressive.


  • 小额信贷就是穷人小额贷款,让他们些小本生意这种理想状态下的贷款模式,四分之三人均消费不足美元印度人而言,已经成为他们的美好的生活愿景之一

    Microcredit—small loans to the poor, ideally to start a tiny business—has until recently been seen as one of best hopes for the three-quarters of Indians who still live on less than $2 a day.


  • 你的心纯洁动机美好的可以看到那里麻烦理想主义幻想现实开始停止

    Your heart is pure and your motives are wonderful, but you can have trouble seeing where fantasy and idealism stops and reality begins.


  • 这些过去也许是一极为美好快乐时光或者忆记已失去朋友,又或者是未能实现理想

    Those who live much in the past, perhaps a time of great happiness, or memories of a lost friend, or ambitions which have not come true.


  • 职业服务可以帮助他人好的人生、更美好生活、更美好的世界。这是实现我们“超我服务”座右铭一个多么理想方法

    Vocational Service can help others gain a better life, a better standard, a better world. What a wonderful way to fulfill our motto of Service Above Self!


  • 容纳一切杂质期望值降低适当坐标极为理想极为纯情极为美好的生活,原本难以得到,此时得到的正是真实极为现实的生活。

    For all the impurities, put your expectations of an appropriate to coordinate, extremely ideal extremely tragic life is hard to get, you get it, a true very realistic life.


  • 品牌理想品牌表达社会抱负一种方式使品牌明确有力表达出把世界上事物变得更加美好使命感

    The big ideaL is a way of articulating the brand's ambition as a mission to change something in 'the world' to somehow make things better.


  • 水浒传英雄一样理想努力,所不同追求理想是恬静的美好生活

    Such as "Water Margin" heroic efforts like the ideal, the difference is, my ideal is the pursuit of a peaceful life.


  • 正是因为寄予美好理想湘西女性身上,读者看到了世代妇女身影她们依然生活传统樊篱中

    Just because of this, readers can see the shadow of traditional females form the Xiangxi females, who express his fine dreams and they still exist in traditional moral cage.


  • 贝多芬通过个人艰苦奋斗实现美好理想音乐理念钢琴奏鸣曲独特艺术个性形成思想基础

    Beethoven through individual is it realize bright ideal music idea to live plainly and struggle hard since, his piano unique artistic thought foundation that individual character form in the sonata.


  • 贝多芬通过个人艰苦奋斗实现美好理想音乐理念钢琴奏鸣曲独特艺术个性形成思想基础

    Beethoven through individual is it realize bright ideal music idea to live plainly and struggle hard since, his piano unique artistic thought foundation that individual character form in the sonata.


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