• 乘着翱翔白鸽,展翅高飞。

    May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.


  • 蓝天翱翔摇篮,寄托了多少情思追求

    Blue sky, flying the cradle of the hands of how many people's mind sees and the pursuit!


  • 他们掌握单独翱翔技巧,飞到了人生潜能最高处

    Those who are mastering the art of flying solo and soaring to their highest human potential.


  • 很想很想在蔚蓝海面乘风破浪自由翱翔海鸥

    Would like to wish the blue sea winds and waves, like that of the seagull flying free.


  • 释放心灵展开翱翔双翅歌颂华美盛世乐章

    The release of the soul miscellaneous threads, started flying wings, extolling the flourishing of the movement of China and the United States.


  • 英语认为永远不放弃因为,你翱翔春风

    English, I think I can never give up you! Because, like you to fly at the spring breeze.


  • 分钟匆匆抬头看,发现了一只在空中翱翔鱼鹰

    A few minutes later I glanced up and noticed soaring high above was an Osprey.


  • 翱翔的天际飞,透过你家窗台,瞧里面的你。

    I was late getting here, I soared down from above to your windowsill to have a look in.


  • 但是那里纯白光辉,统治着伸展着的灵魂翱翔无际的天空

    But there, where spreads the infinite sky for the soul to take her flight in, reigns the stainless white radiance.


  • 还是小孩的时候,我成为自由自在天空翱翔小鸟

    When I was a kid, I wanted to be a bird, flying in the sky freely.


  • 爱情我们所属地方我们举起。(低下!)在山鹰翱翔的山上

    Love lifts us up where we belong. (Get down!) where eagles fly, on a mountain high.


  • 因为我们才有汽车存在; 因为它, 我们才有了翱翔可能

    To it we owe the existence of the motor-car. To it we owe the possibility of flying.


  • 睫毛嘴唇头发的感官都看看高高翱翔的鸟儿准备好超越顶端。

    Take your look to soaring heights by turning up the volume on your lashes, lips, and hair. Get ready to go over the top.


  • 歌唱着当初他快乐到处日子,歌唱着田野里绿谷粒,歌唱着他云朵翱翔时候

    It sang of the happy days when it could merrily fly about, of fresh green corn in the fields, and of the time when it could soar almost up to the clouds.


  • 也是Mila的一重要旅程因为老师业力已经终结,是让她自己翱翔时候了。

    This was also an important journey for Mila, as the karma with her teacher was complete, and it was time for her to fly on her own.


  • 海浪磅礴力量自由激荡,海岸展翅翱翔的海鸟一切都给予聂鲁达无尽的创作灵感。

    He found inspiration in the power and freedom of the waves and the seabirds on the coast.


  • ”只有当初勇敢离开海洋挑战苍穹,“才能跃上九,“鲲鹏”才有展翅翱翔一天。

    Originally only kun was brave enough to leave the ocean and challenge the sky, Peng was able to spread the wings so wide and fly in the sky.


  • 作为一位自由翱翔少年漂泊者”,年轻萧乾风雨飘摇,看尽人间悲欢离合、炎凉世态

    As a "free flying juvenile rover", in the process of the wind and rain drifting, young Xiao Qian had went through the vicissitudes of life and inconstancy of human relationships.


  • 本特利轿车标志是以公司第一字母B主体生出一对翅膀凌空翱翔雄鹰标志一直沿用至今

    Bentley car company name sign is the first letter "b" as the main, give birth to a pair of wings, like volley soaring eagle, the logo still in use.


  • 或许是个天真女孩拥有个天真的梦,自由幻想翱翔感觉犹如棉花甜蜜薄荷的清香

    Probably, I am an innocent girl, owning an innocent dream, in the imagination of my freedom the felling of the hover as if candy floss of sweet and the subtle fragrance of the mint.


  • 经历了这么知道只要工作失去自由,就笼子里的永远的失去了在天空翱翔机会

    Experienced so much, I know that as long as they have lost the freedom to work, as is the bird in a cage, forever lost the chance of flying in the sky.


  • 冬天景致则全然不同,光秃树木蔚蓝长空以及几只乘着气流翱翔的秃鹫共同组成了幅独具特色苍凉画卷。

    Not so in winter, yet the bare trees against the backdrop of a cloudless blue sky, punctuated by vultures riding the thermals, provided a stark beauty all of its own.


  • 看见远处美丽的海港富裕市区,还有延绵几千树林,他甚至还设法看见一只在灌木丛上空翱翔的

    He saw beautiful harbours in the distance, wealthy urban areas and maple forest that covered thousands of acres. He even managed to catch sight of an eagle flying upward over bushes.


  • 勇敢小鸟,翱翔时候,能高飞直云霄,忍受长途的辛劳;但是在中的时候,却只能垂头丧气地在笼门上拍无力翅膀了。

    That noble bird, soaring the highest above the clouds and enduring the longest flights, sinks into despair when in a cage where it is forced to beat its helpless wings against its prison bars.


  • 拥有强壮翅膀,威猛的双,以及非凡眼力,还有毫不费力高空翱翔的能力就是鱼鹰,只有他才能代表人类潜力而不是田鼠

    The strength in his wings, the power in his talons , the amazing capacity of his vision, the effortless capacity to soar, it is the osprey, not the field mouse that models our human potential.


  • 拥有强壮翅膀,威猛的双,以及非凡眼力,还有毫不费力高空翱翔的能力就是鱼鹰,只有他才能代表人类潜力而不是田鼠

    The strength in his wings, the power in his talons , the amazing capacity of his vision, the effortless capacity to soar, it is the osprey, not the field mouse that models our human potential.


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