• 自己护照但没找着

    She searched in vain for her passport.


  • 更深以后,科林继续泥土一遍松。

    When Dickon had deepened the hole, Colin went on turning the soft earth over and over.


  • 他们就这样遍了一个碗柜遍了每一个抽屉

    They went and foraged accordingly, hunting through every cupboard and turning out every drawer.


  • 速度滑冰场建造形状艘侧在选址时注意避开鸟类保护区

    The speed-skating rink was built to look like an overturned ship, and placed so as not to disturb a bird sanctuary.


  • 杰克一个起来抓住,双手交替着将自己迅速到对岸。

    Jack ran to do a side turn, jumped up and grabbed the monkey rod, and pulled himself across rapidly alternating his hands.


  • 箱子遍了找到我要

    I rummaged through the contents of the box until I found the book I wanted.


  • 稍许一下就找到手套

    A brief rummage will provide several pairs of gloves.


  • 为了那些文件,四处遍了。

    I've searched high and low for those files.


  • 打开抽屉钥匙

    She opened the drawer and ferreted around for her keys.


  • 发现丈夫档案柜里匆忙地

    I discovered my husband rifling through the filing cabinet.


  • 孩子正在后院玩跳背游戏筋头。

    The kids were playing leapfrog and doing somersaults in the backyard.


  • 包里去找眼镜

    She scrabbled around in her bag for her glasses.


  • 壁橱上面他留那瓶威士忌

    He poked around the top of his cabinet for the bottle of whisky that he kept in reserve.


  • 排水管爬,从而躲过警察

    He evaded police by climbing through a window and shinning down a drainpipe.


  • 他们成堆二手衣服找合身的衣服。

    They rummage through piles of secondhand clothes for something that fits.


  • 手提包里钢笔

    She delved in her handbag for a pen.


  • 打开冰箱到处

    I opened the fridge and rummaged around.


  • 信件匆匆忙忙不管不地扔得满都是

    She was rummaging through the letters, scattering them about the table in her heedless haste.


  • 他正有条不紊地在高脚五斗橱抽屉里东西。

    She saw him methodically searching the drawers of a highboy.


  • 遍了抽屉终于发现阿曼达的活页。“找到了。”

    I rummaged through the drawers and came up with Amanda's folder. "Here we are."


  • 当时正在钢笔支笔在纸堆某个地方找到了

    He was scrabbling for his pen, which had got lost somewhere under the sheets of paper.


  • 眼睛向上,戴着口罩,体温也升高了,因为我感染了新冠病毒。

    My eyes rolled to the back of my head, a mask covered my mouth, my temperature raised and I have the coronavirus.


  • 些乐曲可能长达40分钟,需要多达50次页,其中包括为演奏重复乐章时的回

    Some pieces of music can go for 40 minutes and require up to 50 page turns, including back turns for repeat passages.


  • 不会因为任何人决定周末聚会而责骂他,同样,我也不想要任何人因为关注我的健康而冇我。

    I wouldn't scold anyone for deciding to party on weekends and in turn I wouldn't expect anyone to give offence to me for focusing on my health.【2015·福建卷】


  • 你必须确保你不会一次两页并且必要的时候确保你回到前面找到音乐重复的部分。”蒂特顿先生解释说。

    "You have to make sure you don't turn two pages at once and make sure you find the repeats in the music when you have to go back to the right spot. " Mr. Titterton explained.


  • 过了一会儿打开橱柜在里面找。

    After a while he opened the cupboard and rummaged around in it.


  • 行李箱还是找不到任何可以穿的衣服。

    I looked through my suitcase but couldn't find anything to wear.


  • 现在到2050年,非洲城市人口可能会三倍

    Between now and 2050, the urban population of Africa could triple.


  • 那天晚上,父亲看到年前烹饪书

    That night, I looked through my father's books and saw the cookbook that he had given me a year before.


  • 卡伦男朋友迈克尔一些箱子,偶然发现了一些旧剪报。

    Karen and her boyfriend Michael were looking through some old boxes when they came across some old newspaper clippings.


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