• 中国力求20年内收入翻两番

    China seeks to quadruple its income in twenty years.


  • 工农业总产值预计翻两番

    It is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled.


  • 我们雄心壮志,本世纪使工农业生产总值翻两番

    We have hope to quadruple the total industrial and agricultural output by the end of the century, which is a lofty aim.


  • 预计未来十年,水回收业务翻两番

    He expects his recycling business to quadruple in the next decade.


  • 售货员言辞得体的话可以使商场销售额翻两番

    The proper phrases in the mouths of clerks have quadrupled the sales of a department store.


  • 明年拥有可上网手机订户百分比将会翻两番

    The percentage of subscribers with Internet-ready handsets will quadruple over the next year.


  • 中国达到国民生产总值翻两番目标。

    China will have quadrupled its gross national product and reached a level of comparative prosperity.


  • 翻两番还有重要意义,就是一个新的起点。

    Quadrupling the GNP will be a significant achievement in another way too.


  • 只是翻两番可能实现,但是花很大的力气。

    We used to say only that with strenuous efforts we might be able to do it.


  • 上周国会预算办公室表示国家债务年内翻两番

    Last week the Congressional Budget Office said that the national debt is on course to triple in ten years.


  • 总之经济不能避免滑坡翻两番能不能实现,是个问题

    In short, it is still a big question whether we can prevent the economy from going downhill and quadruple the GNP by the end of this century.


  • 2020年,中国市场规模需求比2000年翻两番

    By 2020, the scale and total demand of the Chinese market will quadruple that in 2000.


  • 根据市场研究机构Gartner预测,未来平板电脑销售额翻两番

    According to research firm Gartner, sales of tablet PCs are likely to quadruple in the next four years to almost 294m units.


  • 本世纪20可能实现经济增长翻两番能源需求翻一番。

    In the first 20 years of this century, it is possible economy grows 4 times, but energy demand grows only 2 time.


  • 大众汽车公司计划销售额翻两番现今的20万2018增加到80万。

    Volkswagen plans to quadruple the number of cars it sells in the U.S. to 800, 000 units a year by 2018, up from the 200, 000 units a year it sells now.


  • 2000年,我国国民生产总值1980年的基础上翻两番

    By 2000, our GNP in 1980 will have been quadrupled.


  • 在同外国人谈话时,讲一句大胆的话,现在翻两番肯定能够实现。

    In my talk with foreign guests, I was bold enough to say that we would BE able to quadruple our GNP by the year 2000.


  • 研究人员认为2040年全球痴呆症患者数量可能翻两番,因此必须引起重视

    Researchers believe the number of people with dementia may quadruple by 2040, underlining the importance of better understanding the condition.


  • 许多这些稀土矿产品世界价格去年翻两番之后,2011年翻了一倍

    World prices for many of these minerals have doubled in 2011, on top of a fourfold increase last year.


  • 农村政策见效很快,增加了我们信心,对我们确定翻两番目标是一个鼓励

    The quick success of our rural policies has heightened our confidence and encouraged us to decide on the target of quadrupling the GNP.


  • 党的十二大提出,到二〇〇〇,我国工农业总产值,要比一九八〇年翻两番

    The Party's Twelfth National Congress set a goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output between 1980 and the year 2000.


  • 因为中国很多政策违法例如公务员工资翻两番拆除回旋交通信号灯

    Because there are a lot of Chinese policy is illegal, for example: the wage of civil services double and redouble; removal of large roundabout traffic change to the signal lamps, etc.


  • 2011年,娱乐休闲科技中的机械智能比重将翻两番集中机器人电脑和家庭娱乐上。

    A fourfold increase in robots for entertainment and leisure technology is foreseen for 2011, through a convergence of robotics, computers and home entertainment.


  • 根据阿尔茨海默病研究中心的报告,美国超过5百万患有老年痴呆症,到2050年人数将会翻两番

    More than 5 million people in the U.S. have Alzheimer's disease, and this number will quadruple by 2050, according to the Alzheimer's Association.


  • 根据阿尔茨海默病研究中心的报告,美国超过5百万患有老年痴呆症2050年人数将会翻两番

    More than 5 million people in the U. S. have Alzheimer's disease, and this number will quadruple by 2050, according to the Alzheimer's Association.


  • 通过合作,两家公司认为能够针对电信运营商开发综合类产品,力争在固定线路、宽带网络无线电视业务等方面将销售翻两番

    By joining forces, the companies believe they can develop integrated products for telecoms operators vying to sell a "quadruple play" of fixed-line, broadband Internet, wireless and television.


  • 看,本世纪末我们肯定超过翻两番目标,到那个时候我们经济力量了,可以拿出比较多更新装备

    I am certain that by the end of the century we can surpass the goal of quadrupling the GNP. At that time, when we are strong economically, we shall be able to spend more money on updating equipment.


  • 2000年1980年国民生产总值的基础翻两番,按1990年价格计算达到31100亿平均增长率为6%。

    To quadruple 1980's GNP by 2000 to reach 3110 billion yuan calculated by 1990 prices, averaging an annual growth rate of about 6 per cent.


  • 2000年1980年国民生产总值的基础翻两番,按1990年价格计算达到31100亿平均增长率为6%。

    To quadruple 1980's GNP by 2000 to reach 3110 billion yuan calculated by 1990 prices, averaging an annual growth rate of about 6 per cent.


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