• 目的观察长期健身锻炼老年综合征及其危险因素影响

    Objective To observe the effects of chronic exercise with mild or moderate intensities on the risk factors of metabolic syndrome (MS) in the elderly.


  • 目的探讨老年综合征(MS)患者认知功能血压昼夜节律关系

    Objective To explore the relationship between blood pressure circadian rhythm and cognition function in the elderly patients with metabolic syndrome (MS).


  • 目前相关法规老年步车挂牌没有明确规定不是这种挂牌上路

    Relevant laws and regulations currently listed on the old scooter and not clearly defined, but not be able to say that this car is not listed on the road.


  • 记者走访了几家老年销售店铺发现大多数商家也都销售这种极了汽车摩托车

    Reporters also visited several elderly mobility scooter sales shop, found that most businesses are also selling this great car like a motorcycle.


  • 年代人们认为天鹅生命尽头,上天会给予特殊天赋——临死,让天鹅一首动听的歌曲

    In ancient times, however, people believed that the swan was given a special gift of song at the end of its life. They believed a swan sings a most beautiful song... just before it dies.


  • 20世纪80年代美国无家可归主要男性组成。

    Until the 1980s, the American homeless population comprised mainly older males.


  • 90年代肯塔基州大学组织修女进行了一系列长期研究现在研究向人们揭示了痴呆症惊人线索

    Back in the late 90s a team at the University of Kentucky performed a series of long-term studies on nuns. And these studies have uncovered some surprising clues for possible Alzheimer's risk.


  • 发行一张针对成长上世纪50年代希望重温少时流行音乐年群体CD,效果如何?

    How about a CD for people who grew up in the 1950s and wanted to revisit the pop music of their youth?


  • 上个世纪七十年代起,中国出生率显著下降需要抚养孩子数量随之急剧减少,同时人口增长却十分缓慢

    Since the 1970s China's birth rate, and therefore the number of dependent children, has been plummeting, whereas the number of elderly people has been rising only gradually.


  • 记得七十年代,偶然听到饭馆一个喝醉商人告诉他女伴,“美国工人的工资太高没有前途。”

    I remember overhearing an inebriated elderly businessman in a restaurant back in the 1970s telling a lady companion, "the American worker is too expensive and has no future."


  • 20世纪30年代芝加哥一位邻居告诉通俗读物小说

    In the 1930's an elderly neighbor in Chicago told me that he wrote fiction for the pulps.


  • 20世纪70年代以来,中国人口出生率直线下降尽管只有年人的人口数量逐渐增加

    SINCE the 1970s China's birth rate has plummeted while the number of elderly people has risen only gradually.


  • 乡村地区年龄在70-74岁年人自杀率1990年代相比有所下降但是城市

    In rural areas, the rate of suicides among the same age group fell compared with the 1990s, Mr. Jing said, but still remains far higher than the rate in urban areas.


  • 二十世纪八、九十年代的一部美国喜剧讲述四个佛罗里达州迈阿密妇女

    In the nineteen eighties and nineties, an American television comedy series told about four older women living in Miami, Florida.


  • 现在蒋德季顾客通常经历过物质普遍缺乏年代年人节俭的习惯已经他们身上根深蒂固了。

    Nowadays, Jiang Deji's customers are usually older people who went through the resource-scarce periods and have thrifty habits ingrained into them.


  • 医生可能70、80年代他们每隔几个会有一例肾结石患者

    "The older doctors would say in the '70s and '80s, they'd see a kid with a stone once every few months, " said Dr.


  • 事实上90年代起,这种迷恋和崇拜给原本顾客为主的卡迪拉克蒙上了一层潮流光环促使这个品牌焕发新生。

    In fact, rap's fetishizing of the Cadillac may have helped bring the brand back from the brink in the 1990s. It put a halo of coolness on a car associated with elderly buyers.


  • 事实上90年代起,这种迷恋和崇拜给原本顾客为主的卡迪拉克蒙上了一层潮流光环促使这个品牌焕发新生。

    In fact, rap's fetishizing of the Cadillac may have helped bring the brand back from the brink in the 1990s. It put a halo of coolness on a car associated with elderly buyers.


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