• 燕麦可以帮助缓解急躁胡思乱想情绪

    Oatmeal may help if you find yourself feeling irritable and cranky.


  • 正在她胡思乱想时候,听见树叶中又出现了奇怪的声音

    In the midst of these whimsical fancies she heard a new strange sound among the leaves.


  • 因为胡思乱想房屋贷款代理一起使用是一个重要技巧

    Because no one wants to thinking with a housing loan agent used is a good person and is an important skill!


  • 许多老一辈摩梭女性比较喜欢过去的日子,那些在奇装异服胡思乱想的外地人到访的日子。

    Many of the older Mosuo women prefer the old days, before the outsiders came with their strange clothing and stranger ideas.


  • 告诫错误所有反对接种疫苗的描述看成胡思乱想或是反科学的,因为接种遇到某些问题。”

    She cautions that "it would be wrong to characterise all opposition to vaccines as cranky or anti-science," because there can be problems with vaccines.


  • 几乎什么也不想,他使这种胡思乱想成为一个好习惯快乐源泉

    He thinks of almost nothing and he makes this deficiency into a virtue and a source of pleasure.


  • 千万不要胡思乱想:事实证明我两个孩子伦敦家里时还要健康

    But don't be paranoid: our children have both been healthier than they ever were in London.


  • 想到既然这本书反映的是我的思想,那么只是一家之言别人说好说都不管我而且平时喜欢胡思乱想,那名字叫“妄想者”吧。

    My idea was since it would reflect my thoughts which from single person criticism from others ain;t nothing also as I liked to think boundlessly why not name it “The Lunatic”.


  • 1866年,巴黎语言学会这些漫无边际胡思乱想忍无可忍,因此全面禁止了有关语言起源的学术交流

    In 1866 the Linguistic Society of Paris got so exasperated by these unmoored musings that it banned all communication on the origin of language.


  • 凯瑟琳想到要欢迎父亲回来,就欣喜若狂而且胡思乱想极为乐观地猜想她那“真正”表弟无数优点

    Catherine ran wild with joy at the idea of welcoming her father back; and indulged most sanguine anticipations of the innumerable excellences of her 'real' cousin.


  • 多少年来平平静静,现在却出了事;天空陆地海洋数千千万万,出事时候出头上……马那张叫人难以容忍的马脸在我眼前浮现,驱散了我的胡思乱想

    There are countless men in the air, on land and at sea, and all that really happens happens to me…The almost unbearable memory of Maddens long horseface put an end to these wandering thoughts.


  • 比赛第3盘打到4-3时,当时开始即将到手的冠军胡思乱想:“拿冠军后感觉怎么样

    And I think at 4?3 I started to think, "How will it be with the trophy?


  • 周刊媒体高调报道婚事犯了刘德华大忌,加上始终顾忌婚事会让歌迷胡思乱想,故朱丽倩加倍低调,安排她住别处,变相分居。

    The weekly said Lau asked Chu to move to another place because he was displeased with the media exposure of his personal affairs and worried that many of his fans might get hurt by his marriage.


  • 我们不可预知尚未发生未来如果胡思乱想现实逐渐显现峥嵘面容将令我么措手不及。

    We can't know the future before it happens, but if we don't ask the question, we may be surprised when reality unfolds.


  • 白先生女儿不再卢森堡公园出现。 马吕斯无精打采地胡思乱想,他不敢白天张望那扇大门,只好晚上仰望窗口玻璃片上带点红色灯光满足自己。

    Marius indulged in melancholy conjectures; he dared not watch the porte cochere during the day; he contented himself with going at night to gaze upon the red light of the windows.


  • 许多烦恼都是胡思乱想引起的。多么渴望心里轻松心情宁静

    Many troubles were caused by my own random thoughts, How I longed to have a light heart and be in a serene mood.


  • 白天又不出门,”,“整天穿着深灰色的皮袄,拖着长长的尾巴,坐在家里胡思乱想,当然弄明白啦!”

    You sit at home, said the cat, in your dark-gray fur coat and long tail, and are filled with fancies, that's because you do not go out in the daytime.


  • 许多方面来讲盖茨互联网模糊的预测等于是胡思乱想

    In many ways, Gates's cloudy crystal ball regarding the Internet amounted to wishful thinking.


  • 好在接受道歉向她保证我们分离,再也胡思乱想了。

    Later I have known she's been ill. Fortunately for me, she accepted my apology and I promised her not to think anything stupid when were not together.


  • 胡思乱想时,想到的总是已经进入生活那个男人。

    When you fantasize3 -, it's always about the man who's already in your life.


  • 20分钟沉思能帮助避免无聊的胡思乱想、无建设性的高谈阔论无谋的孤舟独桨。

    20 minutes of meditation helps me avoid hours of time lost in unproductive thought, unconstructive comments, and unstrategic actions.


  • 为什么密闭房间或者一个时候就会害怕胡思乱想帮帮我?

    Why be airtight room when me or a person when am I met very fear to meet cranky who can help me?


  • 受害孕妇说,整日自己家里,尽胡思乱想些恐怖的事:比如自己的孩子是否出生成长没有父亲或母亲。

    A pregnant victim says she barricades herself in her home and has "morbid thoughts" every day: whether her child will be born or grow up without one of its parents.


  • 知道这样胡思乱想危险

    I know the danger of indulging such speculations.


  • 带着这种感觉觉得很不安全无力去做一个称职的妻子妈妈,我知道一定自己的胡思乱想我就是禁不住这么想。

    I do not feel safe or in any way able to function as a wife and mother with this feeling, and I know that it must be a misperception on my part, but I cannot help but feel this way.


  • 现在已经学着管住了自己脑子里还是一刻不停地胡思乱想着。

    Now he had learned to control his mouth, but not his brain, and so he let it run on in silence.


  • 海王星胡思乱想造成混乱情况不清楚水星裁定协议消息有关可以关注问题

    With Neptune cranky and causing unclear or confusing situations, in hard Angle to Mercury, ruling news and agreements, problems related to water could concern you.


  • 就那样一个人傻傻的坐在电脑发着胡思乱想着!

    I so an individual is silly to sit sillyly hair before computer foolish, entertain foolish ideas!


  • 就那样一个人傻傻的坐在电脑发着胡思乱想着!

    I so an individual is silly to sit sillyly hair before computer foolish, entertain foolish ideas!


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