• 老友是指那个父母他们工作那天起就开始和他结交,那些他们无法人。

    A person whom your parents know, from that job they had back in the day, whom they've never quite been able to shake off.


  • 现在男孩缺少锻炼他们削肩以及几年应该脱掉婴儿肥胖可以看得出来

    Our modern boy doesn't get much exercise which you can tell from his rounded shoulders and the baby fat which he should have been shed years earlier.


  • 人生在世只是粒微尘有些不是人为就能驾驭了的,有些失意浮躁内心很难掉的

    Living life, I'm just a dust, and some things are not of a man can control, some frustrated is impulsive heart is difficult to get rid of!


  • 我们脱掉湿透衣服

    We stripped off our sodden clothes.


  • 脱掉袜子

    I'm going to take off my socks.


  • 亚洲旅行时如果有人邀请他家忘了到达脱掉鞋子

    When you're traveling in Asia, if someone invites you to his or her home, don' t forget to take off your shoes when you arrive.


  • 法国大革命之后男人脱掉他们高跟鞋丝质长袜假发开始穿裤子

    After the French Revolution, men took off their high heels, silk stockings, and wigs and began wearing trousers.


  • 脱掉棕色无带鞋。

    He removed his brown slip-ons.


  • 他们可以解释为什么女性可以穿着高跟鞋小时,脱掉它们时只会经受脚部疼痛

    They said it could explain why women could wear high heels for hours but experiencing feet ache after removing them.


  • 如果公寓楼里,出于楼下邻居考虑礼貌的做法脱掉产生噪音鞋子

    If you live in an apartment building, removing your noisy shoes is the polite thing to do out of consideration for your downstairs neighbors.


  • 对于护士警察理发师服务生来说还有什么脱掉制服容易使人们看不出其职业身份方法呢?

    What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identity than to step out of uniform?


  • 通过回复电子邮件所谓研究为名浏览网页可以很容易地暂时脱掉不适感

    I could easily escape discomfort, temporarily, by answering email or browsing the web under the pretense of so-called "research".


  • 非常喜欢自己忍者的饲养员表示每次他们靠近艾莉森脱掉忍者服时,她都尽力

    She enjoys her ninja suit so much that her handlers say she tries to swim away any time they approach her to remove it.


  • 在家的时候,我们上床时要脱掉衣服在这儿,睡觉穿得更多——包括毛线帽子手套

    Back home, we undress at bedtime; here, we put on more clothesincluding woolly hats and glovesbefore going to sleep.


  • 所想到第一件事情就是机组人员究竟如何决定脱掉衣服的?

    The first thing I thought was how in the world did the crew decide who would help her undress?


  • 最好不要脱掉你的外套。

    You'd better not take off your coat.


  • 交往使能够那缺乏自信的敏感。

    His companionship made it possible for me to shake off my shrinking sensitiveness.


  • 艾哈迈德·瓦利喀布尔兄弟那里享受着强有力的支持,而美国似乎已经失去了胃口可能是因为就是他们所知道那个恶魔。

    But Ahmed Wali enjoys strong support from his brother in Kabul and the Americans seem to have lost their appetite for getting rid of him, perhaps on the grounds that this is the devil they know.


  • 除非是患急性短时疼痛,否则一定要远离这些药品。如果已经开始使用依赖性,一定要设法摆脱掉

    Stay away from them except in cases of acute, time-limited pain - and if you're on them already, work hard to get off them.


  • 突然变防守他球员,自己创造出空间一个逼真假动作,仅仅向后提起左脚,就惊人速度足球抽射出去

    He used a body swerve to shake off a marker and create space for himself. Then, with marvelous disguise, with the merest of back lift from his left foot, he propelled the ball at startling velocity.


  • 周三路上时,积雪开始变薄了意味着汤姆终于可以脱掉笨重鞋。

    On the road Wednesday morning, the snow began to thin, which meant Tom could abandon his clumsy snowshoes.


  • 所以通过海外扩展业务,亚尔先生希望能够国内的混乱和竞争对手。

    So by expanding abroad, Mr Goyal hopes to escape his troubles-and his competitors-at home.


  • 成功意味着要牺牲童年的美好时光,但是回报是——累人生活

    Success would mean a childhood sacrifice but the rewardan escape from this that backbreaking life.


  • 部分原因似乎母亲希望能在节日那天诸如煮饭衣服这样俗套家务杂事,她们很少达成愿望

    Part of the reason seems to be that moms expect to be relieved of stereotypical chores such as cooking and cleaning on Mother's Day, but that doesn't always happen.


  • 无聊扇门,它通向更为精彩事情相反的,不无聊将令到事情变得令人憎恶想到立马脱掉

    Boredom is a door to something better, as opposed to something to be hated and escaped immediately.


  • 一旦幼仔出生不能生存,最好方式,它们开始生活。

    These cubs are not going to survive once they are born so the female's best strategy is to get rid of them and start anew.


  • 尽管赖利先生对此否认,但通用汽车欧宝输送越多清偿欠美国纳税人债务不受欢迎GovernmentMotors”的标签需要更长的时间

    Although Mr Reilly denies it, the more GM pumps into Opel, the longer it will surely take to repay the money it owes American taxpayers and thus to cast off the unwelcome tag of "Government Motors".


  • 尽管赖利先生对此否认,但通用汽车欧宝输送越多清偿欠美国纳税人债务不受欢迎GovernmentMotors”的标签需要更长的时间

    Although Mr Reilly denies it, the more GM pumps into Opel, the longer it will surely take to repay the money it owes American taxpayers and thus to cast off the unwelcome tag of "Government Motors".


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