The auto-focusing system for camera module production line has been set up and it can focus fast as well as accurately.
In this paper, we researched an Auto-focus system which is based on FPGA and CCD image sensor.
Currently, Micro-Auto Focus system has three main solutions- Stepping Motor, VCM and Piezo .
D 80的改进过11对焦点自动对焦系统在不同拍摄条件下持续地保证快速和准确的焦点锁定。
Ensuring consistently fast and precise focus lock under varying shooting conditions is the D80's refined 11-area AF system.
It has a wide-aperture lens to capture as much light as possible, and the technology requires no clunky auto-focus mechanism. It adjusts exposure time automatically.
The velocity and precision are two important aspects of the auto-focus system. They can decide whether the system can quickly locate the focusing point to obtain clear image.
Serious enthusiasts will also prize the camera's fast, high-accuracy autofocus system that provides excellent framing freedom while making it easier to achieve optimum focus with moving subjects.
The cutting head equips with automatic tracking system, focusing automatically, responding quickly and accurately.
As a key technology in digital imaging system, autofocus plays an important role in terms of improving performance of digital imaging products.
The feedback control hi auto-focus and the hardware and software architecture are also discussed.
A new pinhole-focusing scheme using referenced defocus signal is applied to an automatic subsystem for laser direct writing.
Effective autofocus and image stabilization systems, plus full weather sealing, round off a compelling package.
As a necessary and key technique in modem imaging system, auto-focus is used more and more in many areas, such as daily life, science research, and military affairs.
This paper summarizes the author's research accomplishments on the project of "Auto-focusing Algorithm in Digital Imaging Systems" in the last two years.
Auto-focusing technology is a key technology in the robot vision and imaging system and various optical precision instruments.
This paper has designed and optimized an integrated digital microscope system, which can realize both auto-focusing and real time fusion.
After optimization, the system can focus automatically more quickly and more accurately, and this system become more suit to produce.
In March 1987, Canon launched the EOS650, the world's first AF (autofocus) SLR camera to realize electronic control for the entire system.
In March 1987, Canon launched the EOS650, the world's first AF (autofocus) SLR camera to realize electronic control for the entire system.