The effect of variable properties on natural convection heat transfer in horizontal concentric circular annulus was studied.
The authors of this article have done some research work on natural con - vection heat transfer of a radiator of round steel series of slice.
This paper offers the measured distribution of the surface temperature of horizontal finned tube along the circumference in natural convection heat transfer.
The results of visualization experiment show that temperature and flow fields are un-steady and three dimensional in space for this natural convection of horizontal air layer heated from below.
As a result, heat dissipating capacity, metal thermal intensity and free convection heat transfer coefficient of the longitudinal closed finned tube are higher than those of the open finned tube.
For the natural convection in enclosure under permanent magnetic gradient field, the way to generate different magnetic accelerations by different magnetic field arrangements is developed.
The alternative direction illegible method is used in solving two-dimensional convection-diffusion equation for natural convection in cavity, and the convergence is improved.
This paper presents a numerical prediction of natural convection heat-transfer from inclined channels formed by slates of shutter with variable fluid-property in refrigerating engineering.
Numerical analysis is made for the unsteady and steady, two-dimensional laminar natural convection in an enclosure caused simultaneously by the external heating and a local internal heat source.
Some useful formulas for convection calculation of vertical and horizontal duct are given. So temperature decrease at the surface of discs and temperature rise of oil flow can be obtained.
Using numerical method, natural convection in enclosure combined with conduction ana radiation is analyzed in this paper.
Using numerical method, natural convection in enclosure combined with conduction ana radiation is analyzed in this paper.