• 德黑兰自由广场另外几个看起来受了重伤

    Several other people appeared to have been seriously wounded in Tehran's Azadi Square.


  • 但是1月28日主麻日聚礼后后,看到无穷无尽人流自由广场

    Then, on January 28, leaving the Friday prayer, I saw an endless stream of humanity, heading to Liberation Square.


  • 现场直播:“很多枪……清楚他们他们开始人群开枪造成自由广场一片混乱。”

    Speaking live on the air, he said: "A number of people who are armed ... I don't know exactly who they are, but they have started to fire on people, causing havoc in Azadi Square."


  • 凯斯通集团斯科特华莱士开发自由广场以及正在建设鹌鹑橡树公司正在运输部行动鼓舞着

    Scott Wallace of Keystone Group, the company that developed Liberty Square and is building homes in Quail Oaks, said he is encouraged by DOT's actions.


  • 今天到达吉隆坡下午游览吉隆坡,包括国家博物馆、回教寺、唐人街、英雄纪念碑国会大厦自由广场双子大厦等。

    Arrive Kuala Lumpur today. In the afternoon, enjoy a city tour of Kuala Lumpur including National Museum, the Parliament House, Kings Palace, the National Monument and the Twin Tower.


  • 重新设计自由广场旁边增加了一个宽敞的挡土墙解决排水问题最初要求交通部拆除几个两个单元的楼房米尔斯

    The redesign adds an extensive retaining wall beside Liberty Square to solve the drainage problem initially requiring DOT to demolish several two-unit buildings in the complex, Mills said.


  • 这些交易里包括布鲁克林大桥自由女神像、格兰特麦迪逊花园广场大都会艺术博物馆

    Among his offerings were the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, Grant's Tomb, Madison Square Garden and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


  • 各个中庭广场入口广场可以自由链接弹性组合满足未来功能转化需要

    And each atrium links for free entrance square square and flexible combination, meet the needs of the future function transformation.


  • 纽约:若去时代广场参观自由女神,请时刻保持警惕,晚上不要黑人住宅区布朗中央公园

    New York: be wary in Times Square and at the Statue of Liberty, and don't go to Harlem, the Bronx or Central Park at night.


  • 纽约文化参观活动自由女神世界金融中心---华尔街、世贸大厦遗址联合国总部、洛克非勒中心、繁华第五大道、时代广场

    New York culture activity: Colombia university, New York University, status of liberty island, Wall Street, World Trade Mall site, U. N mansion, Rockefeller Center, Times Plaza.


  • 钟鼓楼广场自由活动,尝遍西安小吃一条街然后火车站离开

    Have your free time in the Bell&Drum Tower Square of the and the Islamic street, then send off to the train station.


  • 通过这个玻璃顶,避免了广场建造建筑物,使密集城市保持空间自由

    The vitrail avoids a construction over the surface of the square and keeps the space free for the dense city.


  • 教皇当局为了朝圣者炫耀教皇国的富有罗马城修筑宽阔大道宏伟的广场巴洛克自由奔放风格开辟新的途径

    Pope to pilgrims in order to show off the country's wealthy Pope in Rome, the city built wide boulevards and grand squares, which is free and unconstrained style of Baroque opened a new way.


  • 第一纽约的话就游览一番——每个人都应该参观自由女神像大都会艺术博物馆、时报广场等等

    The first time you go to New York, go ahead and be a sight-seer-everyone should visit the Statue of Liberty, the Met, Times Square, etc.


  • 接待员纽约是个非常漂亮地方比如时代广场百老汇华尔街,爆心投影点还有自由女神像。 。

    Desk clerk: New York is really of place of interest, such as Times Square. Broadway, WaIl street and Ground Zero and Statue of Liberty.


  • 自由之地是一个巨大凹陷地面的盆地,承载着穿梭记忆广场中的人们。

    The Freedom Field, a large indentation in the ground, "cradles" those walking in the memorial area.


  • 促进田川广场连续性无障碍开发每一个人都自由享受水边地区

    Continuity and barrier-free development of the sumidagawa river esplanade will be promoted to allow everyone and anyone to enjoy the waterfront area.


  • 两边都种上了植物,中心广场致力于草地以及草地自由布置。

    The central space is dedicated to the lawn and the meadow is left free. The gardens are located along the axis that links the boulevard to the point of view.


  • 参观市场广场石砌成岩石教堂雄伟建筑游客们可能也一探赫尔辛基自由奔放艺术景观

    After seeing the Market Square and great architecture, including the Church in the Rock, which was cut from solid stone, tourists may want to check out Helsinki's Bohemian art scene.


  • 参观市场广场石砌成岩石教堂雄伟建筑游客们可能也一探赫尔辛基自由奔放艺术景观

    After seeing the Market Square and great architecture, including the Church in the Rock, which was cut from solid stone, tourists may want to check out Helsinki's Bohemian art scene.


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