All I'm saying is, the moon did not have a rotational cycle of 14 hours.
The relation between stellar chromospheric activity and rotation of evolution stars have a good relativity.
And its flattened shape implies that Iapetus once spun very quickly, completing a rotation in 16 hours.
Venus rotates very slowly with the result that its cycle of rotation reaches as long as 243 days of the Earth.
Furthermore, a new index is defined to discuss relative seasonal change of wind at different rotation rates compared to the Earth rotation rate.
从这条曲线,记住这条曲线,So, from, that, curve—,因为接下来它会,很重要,从中你们推导出3样:,半径,自转周期,已经我旋转的,物体的速度。
And keep that with you, because it's going to be important in what follows we can derive three things: the radius, the period of rotation and the speed of the object as I twirl it around.
The twisting had previously been blamed for a 60-year cycle in day length, but the rate of rotation found in this study suggests it is not the culprit, says Jon Mound at the University of Leeds, UK.
Further analyses show the variation of earth rotation rate and sunspot cycle length have important role on the climate abrupt change in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.
Because of rotation and revolution of the earth, solar ultraviolet radiation intensity varies in diurnal and annual periodic.
The magnitude of the effect on the rate of change of pulsar period depends on the declination of the pulsar and the latitude of the observing station.
We have also analyses the relation between short cycle of earth rotation and earthquakes, according to the an…
The annual change of the Earth's rotation iS excited about 60% by the annual change of zonal wind velocity, and the semi-annual term as well as other periodic terms are about 15%.
该波霎每33毫秒自转一周,其 周期目前正以每世纪1.3毫秒的速率变慢。
The pulsar rotates once every 33 milliseconds and is currently slowing at a rate of about 1.3 millisecond every century.
The test scheme and identification method were given which solved the problem of periodic error caused by the earth rotation angular velocity.
You will note the inner circles and price and time periods begin with one at zero and end at 24 at 360, making a complete cycle or equal to one revolution of the earth upon its axis.
You will note the inner circles and price and time periods begin with one at zero and end at 24 at 360, making a complete cycle or equal to one revolution of the earth upon its axis.