• 索菲娅舒适有形的座位上

    Sophia settled into her comfortably contoured seat.


  • 所有房间配置舒适的家具。

    All the rooms were comfortably furnished.


  • 旅行期间想念家里舒适

    While travelling she missed the comforts of home.


  • 我们搬进舒适住处

    We were moved to more comfortable living quarters.


  • 这些椅子舒适实用而且看上去不花哨

    The chairs were comfortable, functional, and free of ornamentation.


  • 潮汐旅舍舒适朴实

    The Tides Inn is both comfortable and unpretentious.


  • 那些漂亮舒适房间俯瞰一个花团锦簇花园

    Pretty and comfortable rooms overlook a flower-filled garden.


  • 积蓄好比一个舒适垫子,可以缓解拮据之苦。

    His savings were a comfortable cushion against financial problems.


  • 我们汤姆那里不是巴克宫足够舒适了。

    We stayed at Tom's place. It isn't exactly Buck House, but it's comfortable enough.


  • 这里舒适便宜最好是,大部分租金两个美国朋友付了

    It was comfortable and cheap: best of all, most of the rent was being paid by two American friends.


  • 一定会办法我们繁忙生活安排舒适能找到内心平静

    Surely there is some way of ordering our busy lives so that we can live in comfort and find spiritual harmony too.


  • 生物医学研究使许多感染艾滋病病毒人们能够活得时间更长舒适

    Biomedical research will enable many individuals infected with HIV to live longer, more comfortable lives.


  • 穿衣服严格地追求舒适经济但是在佩戴时装首饰方面则想像力肆意发挥。

    She dressed strictly for comfort and economy, but let her imagination run riot with costume jewellery.


  • 它们通常便服舒适、更耐穿

    They are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes.


  • 乘客结伴旅行时会感到舒适吗?

    Would passengers feel comfortable travelling in companion?


  • 早上只是舒适坐着报纸了解新闻

    In the morning, I just sit in comfort and read the papers to catch up with the news.


  • 壁炉一样它们能带来舒适温暖感觉

    Like fireplaces, they induce sense of comfort and warmth.


  • 这个房间整体氛围舒适

    The overall ambience of the room is cosy.


  • 打着呵欠舒适转身侧向一边

    She turned luxuriantly on her side, yawning.


  • 舒适地靠着椅背坐下

    Ellie settled back in her seat.


  • 昨日星辰客栈总是觉得非常舒适安逸。

    I always feel at home at Ye Olde Starre Inn.


  • 分给他们房子舒适宽敞,员工也配备良好。

    The house allocated to them was pleasant and spacious, and well staffed.


  • 开车穿过了建有游泳池网球场舒适城郊

    He drove through the gracious suburbs with the swimming pools and tennis courts.


  • 自己家中舒适温暖色彩变化取代了极度的简约

    In her own home, she replaced austere minimalism with cosy warmth and colour.


  • 世界上其他地方人们比起来,他们舒适的生活。

    They were living well, in comparison with people elsewhere in the world.


  • 卡尔顿洲际酒店豪华舒适背包徒步旅行者绝对住不起的。

    The Carlton-intercontinental hotel is lush, plush, and very non- backpacker.


  • 舒适的椅子上。

    Sit in a comfortable chair.


  • 推动我们走出舒适区。

    It pushes us past our comfort zones.


  • 着穿舒适柔软的袜子。

    Try wearing comfortable and soft socks.


  • 们可以把世界变得干净舒适

    They can make the world a clean and comfortable place.


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