• 地毯房间增添了一点

    The rug adds a dash of colour to the room.


  • 总是戴着玫瑰眼镜世界

    He tends to view the world through rose-coloured spectacles.


  • 这个显示屏系统设定值256

    On this screen, 256 colours is the default.


  • 丙烯颜料可用创作单一大幅块。

    Acrylic paints can be used to create large, flat blocks of colour.


  • 这个新的操作系统容纳320x320像素高清晰

    The new OS can accommodate high-resolution colour screens of 320 by 320 pixels.


  • 有人所有黑白照片都上

    Someone had colored in all the black and white pictures.


  • 点了点有着铁锈卷曲头发

    He nodded his curly, rust-colored head.


  • 我们肉眼看到彩虹属于可见光

    The light that we see with our human eyes as a band of rainbow color falls in the range of what's called visible light.


  • 听录音图形

    Listen and colour the shapes.


  • 这些手提包五颜六

    The handbags are colorful.


  • 房间鲜艳的绿装饰

    The room was decorated in vibrant blues and greens.


  • 片海寻常的淡绿松石

    The sea is an improbably pale turquoise.


  • 房间由鲜艳黄两装饰的。

    The room was decorated in vibrant reds and yellows.


  • 上届冠军表现十分卫冕成功

    The champion turned in a superb performance to retain her title.


  • 上铺灰白两大理石方砖

    The floor was tiled in squares of grey and white marble.


  • 傧相们穿着透明硬纱

    The bridesmaids wore apricot and white organza.


  • 仍是阿肯广受喜爱的政治家

    He remained the most popular politician in Arkansas.


  • 墙壁一种退了

    The walls were a washed-out blue colour.


  • 穿着一条卡其裤子

    He was dressed in khaki trousers.


  • 成了的女骑手。

    She developed into an excellent horsewoman.


  • 伊丽莎白凯特•布兰切特扮演

    The part of Elizabeth was played by Cate Blanchett.


  • 沿堵墙摆放着清一绿金属档案柜

    Along each wall stretched uniform green metal filing cabinets.


  • 玫瑰超细扑粉皮肤显得温暖有光泽。

    Ultrafine powder with a rosy tinge gives the skin warmth and luminosity.


  • 我们挑选余地大四位职位候选人可供选择

    We had the luxury of being able to choose from four good candidates for the job.


  • 天际玉米草绿只是域中3种鲜亮

    Horizon blue, corn yellow and pistachio green are just three of the vibrant colours in this range.


  • 尽管农村长大的,他始终城市的五光十情有独钟。

    Although he grew up in the country, he's always had a taste for the bright lights.


  • 蜥蜴对自己石头相同的保护自信,即便感觉危险不动。

    Confident in its camouflage, being the same colour as the rocks, the lizard stands still when it feels danger.


  • 艾伯特·琼斯风格无疑使接触更多形形或许更年轻观众

    Albert Jones' new style will inevitably put him in touch with a much more diverse and perhaps younger audience.


  • 碰到了一形形,其中一些我合得来,而其他的则和我根本合不来。

    I found a very mixed group of individuals, some of whom I could relate to and others with whom I had very little in common.


  • 科学家这些明亮的为警告

    Scientists call these bright colors warning colors.


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