During his rule, international trade through the British East India Company increased dramatically.
Thee chief mercenary for the British East India Company being double crossed by his former employer has made his way to the American Colonies.
The chief mercenary for the British East India Company, being double crossed by his former employer, has made his way to the American Colonies.
Thee chief mercenary for the British East India Company, being double crossed by his former employer, has made his way to the American Colonies.
The English East India Company, founded in 1600, two years before the Dutch one, would later do much the same in India.
The sparsely populated island of Singapore was ceded to the British East India Company in 1819, and the city was founded the same year by Sir Thomas Raffles.
尼泊尔与东印度公司于尼泊尔边界小州的竞争导致了英国―尼泊尔战争(1815C16) 。 尼泊尔战败。
Rivalry between Nepal and the British East India Company over the annexation of minor states bordering Nepal led to the Anglo-Nepalese War (1815C16), in which Nepal suffered a complete rout.
AROUND four centuries ago, British capital started flowing into India, creating the East India Company, and laying the foundations of the empire.
Many can date that ancestry to the 18th - and early 19th-centuries, when British employees of the East India Company tended to come to India without wives, and found local women to fill the gap.
In 1768 the East India Company imported 10 million pounds of tea to Britain.
He looked at prices of three English stocks (the East India Company, the Bank of England and the South Sea Company) on a secondary market in Amsterdam from 1771 to 1777.
As India lies not, er the end of dynasty, the British direct dominion and this power that has gotten India completely are exercised through eastern Indian company.
As India lies not, er the end of dynasty, the British direct dominion and this power that has gotten India completely are exercised through eastern Indian company.