• 苹果丝们坐住我们重磅好消息要发布!

    Get your high-fives ready, Apple fans, because we've got some nice hardware news for you today.


  • 估计那些狂热地苹果很难松开自己钱包

    I guess it's really hard to ask excited Apple fans not to untie their pocket strings!


  • 果蔬植物纤维玉米苹果果糖柑橘果胶果寡糖芦荟

    Fruit and Vegetable Fiber, Corn Powder, Apple Power, Fructose, Citrus Pectin, Fructooligosaccharides, Aloe Vera.


  • 朋友以及苹果周三夜里沉痛地悼念着这位科技巨人的辞世。

    His friends and Apple fans aboard Wednesday night mourned the passing of a tech titan.


  • 他们苹果商店只不过迎合盲目忠诚公司苹果粉需求的俱乐部会所。

    They say the stores are merely clubhouses catering to Apple fans' blind loyalty to the company.


  • 第二可能随着用户乃至苹果苹果广告新奇性的逐渐消失儿改变

    The latter factor is likely to change as the novelty of an ad from Apple wears off, even among Apple fans.


  • 中国苹果丝们抱怨称,在该公司在中国的应用商店里,专门针对中国的应用太少

    Chinese Apple fans complain that the company's local app store has too few China-specific apps on offer.


  • 不仅可以解决天线问题能立刻赋予那些前卫敢于冒险的苹果一丝迈克尔杰克逊调调

    Not only is the antenna problem solved, it bestows upon those bleeding-edge Apple fans an immediate Michael Jackson swagger.


  • 105苹果联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯去世引发中国万千苹果摧心剖肝、呼天抢地。

    The Oct. 5 death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs elicited a rare outpouring of grief among Chinese fans.


  • 苹果肖梦贵(音译),不管这些产品真品还是赝品都会不假思索地来购买留作纪念

    Xiao Menggui, a fan of Apple products, said that she would buy such products for commemoration purposes without considering if they are fakes or not.


  • 苹果对此满怀期待,自从Newton终止后,几乎每年这样或者那样传言使得他们的希望升温。

    Apple fans are an expectant bunch, and one thing or another has gotten their hopes up nearly every year since the death of the Newton.


  • 苹果质化程度衡量内部品质一个重要因素,采用了高光谱散射图像技术进行苹果粉质化的无损检测

    Apple mealiness degree is an important factor for its internal quality. hyperspectral scattering, as a promising technique, was investigated for noninvasive measurement of apple mealiness.


  • 全世界苹果苹果创始人之一史蒂夫·乔布斯(于10月5逝世)而哀悼时,山寨迅速从中获得商机。

    The copycat industry has quickly discovered how to turn a profit from Steve Jobs' death as Apple fans all over the world mourn the company's co-founder, who died on October 5.


  • 世界成百上千万苹果集体抱怨声他们做好了迎接iphone5准备,结果等来的却是iphone4s

    That's the collective whine of millions of Apple fans around the world who had been primed for an iPhone 5 only to receive... an iPhone 4s?


  • 世界成百上千万苹果集体抱怨声他们做好了迎接iphone5准备,结果等的却是iphone4s

    That's the collective whine of millions of Apple fans around the world who had been primed for an iPhone 5, only to receive... an iPhone 4s?


  • 有人认为一个高科技变形车牌或者是经过特制的,其他人坚持说是狂热的苹果每次碰到帮主座驾都将车牌走了。

    Some think it's a high-tech vehicle code distortion field or custom-built mechanized plate retractor. Others insist that overzealous fans swipe the roadster's tags every time they're mounted.


  • 如果真的摄像头更加快速处理器而且并不在乎拥有相同屏幕的话,你就可以明天下午5点,其他苹果丝一起排队等候

    If you are really in need of cameras, faster processing, and don't care that the screen is exactly the same then you may be standing in line tomorrow at 5pm with the rest of the Apple fans.


  • 全世界苹果商店以及公司总部临时悼念牌位迅速建立起来,大量的苹果聚集到了一起悼念这位他们心中的英雄平凡一生

    At Apple stores across the world and the company's headquarters, makeshift shrines quickly sprang up as Apple's legions of fans gathered together to remember the life of a man they revered as a hero.


  • 三星摩托罗拉手机设计性能方面苹果十分接近以至于一些狂热的果最终叛离倒安卓

    Samsung and Motorola phones have now come very close to the iPhone in terms of design and performance, so much so that even some former Apple fanatics are defecting to Android.


  • 因为正是这种高度神秘感,使忠实苹果公司一举一动都热情追捧,丝毫不亚于执着的影迷对奥斯卡颁奖典礼的狂热。 消费者对苹果这份钟情,其他科技公司只有羡慕的份儿。

    That same high level of secrecy encourages the Apple faithful to treat each Apple event like it's the Oscars, speculating with a fervor other tech companies can only hope for.


  • 明显苹果通过许多巴菲特的标准:护城河非常宽广,iPad2进一步巩固苹果平板电脑市场地位,忠实的果愿意产品支付任何价格苹果的商业模式清晰明了,利润丰厚。

    The iPad 2 has pretty much solidified the tablet market for Apple moving forward. It has a hugely loyal fan base that is willing to pay any price to own its products.


  • 昨晚苹果技术网站专家MarkChubb表示看来有些错过iPhone 4s的这个经典功能了。

    Last night Mark Chubb, gadget expert for technology site Phones Review, said some users appear to be missing out on the impressive feature.


  • 第一份相关调查数据已经出炉,可能苹果公司预期的那样口味各异

    The first survey data is in and Apple fans may not be thinking as differently as the company expected.


  • 功能介绍每日苹果技巧保修查询激活时间苹果序列号查询服务苹果翻新验证苹果手机使用攻略。

    The apple daily tips, powder warranty query activation time, apple serial number query service, apple refurbished machine verification, apple mobile phone use.


  • 功能介绍每日苹果技巧保修查询激活时间苹果序列号查询服务苹果翻新验证苹果手机使用攻略。

    The apple daily tips, powder warranty query activation time, apple serial number query service, apple refurbished machine verification, apple mobile phone use.


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